From the OP (by guyver):
... this should be the story of the century , something that everyone should be talking about , it's not every day that Governments collude together to murder their citizens.
But something strange is happening , if you mention it to a vaccinated person they call you a conspiracy theorist , or they change the subject or just tell you their not interested in talking about.
I have never seen anything like it , why are people refusing to see..?
The "vaccine" is a neuronal implant that amplifies and catalyzes microwave electromagnetic radiation because it contains graphene. This technology was developed to sever the connection to the soul and to mind-control people. Lately, the blood of both the vaxxed and unvaxxed looks similar under the microscope. However, it is the blood of the vaccinated that has been found to be extremely sensitive to a frequency of 4 Hertz (which is the same freq broadcast by HAARP and its worldwide clones). This could explain the denial, disbelief, apathy and personality changes we are observing in interactions with the vaccinated, as their brain waves are literally being changed silently from the inside - a transformation into automatons/cyborgs (as per Hirari and Schwab).
The main reason people have become "walking zombies" is *select* microwave induction of frontal lobe functions and limbic neurology. These behavioral control systems have been deployed for decades. 4G LTE and 5G broadcasts are not the only mechanisms utilized. The primary systems are multi-frequency modulated signals piggy-backed on low frequency pulse. Think multiple HAARP arrays, allegedly retired GWEN installations, PLC broadcast for power line communications, and forced installations of "Smart meters."
Again, from the OP:
Covid 19 virus plus vaccine was meant to kill us.
Yes and no.
The "vaccine" is a spiritually empowered tool, invented by satanically driven men who seek to dominate and ultimately destroy other men. But little do they discern that their leader Satan will also turn on his very own minions in the end game. Ultimately, Satan wants to be able to turn to the Creator and say, "Look! I got 'em all! There's no one left to worship you!"
In the meantime, with this descent into hell transpiring right before our very eyes, Satan wants to be worshipped as God, and thus so do his minions. This is why they do not kill us outright
en masse, but rather draw their wicked game out a bit longer to lord their power over us. They do not have or know love. Imagine the rage, knowing what their end is to be, and yet to be unable to love. This is why they act in ways that are beyond the common man's definition of hate (like eating children and injecting us with nanotech). Deathmaking is their one pseudo-"joy" in their hellbound life.