Jayls5 said:Heidi said:Obviously it's you who doesn't understand the word "omnipotent", but I guarantee you will when you die. ;-) Omnipotent means that God can do anything he wants. And he does do whatever he wants to do for which he always has reasons, which you will learn one day, hopefully before you die. ;-)
And since you have evaded my 3 questions again, then obviously you can't answer them or won't answer them. So why not, if you know what your theory advocates? Are you ashamed of your theory? :o
If God can do anything, can he grant the prayers of two opposing football teams want to win against the other team? If so, how can both win and have more points than the other side? If not, then God cannot do anything.
If God can do anything, can he create a stone he cannot lift? If he can create it, would he be able to lift the stone he cannot lift? If so, he wouldn't be able to lift the stone, and he wouldn't be able to do 'anything.' If he cannot make it, then he wouldn't be able to do 'anything.'
Assuming God can do anything, can he make his own unbreakable rules? If so, then he couldn't break them, and he wouldn't be able to do 'anything.' If he couldn't make unbreakable rules, he wouldn't be able to do 'anything' either.
Omnipotence is logically impossible.
:o God only grants the prayers of people who follow and know him. And since most true Christians don't pray to win a football game so they can look good in the community, your comment is so moot that it really is worth concerning yourself about. :
Your illogical concept of omnipotence and God is impossible. :o