Creation vs Evolution
Ascribes everything to the living God,
Creating, making, acting, moving and speaking.
There is no room for evolution without a flat denial of Divine revelation.
One must be true, the other false.
Man begins in helplessness, ignorance, and inexperience. All his works, therefore, proceed on the principle of evolution.
This is only in human affairs, from the hut to the palace ,from the canoe to the ocean liner.
Evolution is only one of several theories invented to explain the phenomena of created things.
No one of these theories covers all the ground, and the greatest claim made for Evolution, or Darwinism, covers more ground than any others.
The Word of God claims to cover all the ground, and the only way in which this claim is met, is by a denial of the inspiration of the Scriptures, in order to weaken it.
This is the special work undertaken by the so-called "Higher Criticism" which bases it's conclusions on human assumptions and reasoning, instead of on the documentary evidence of manuscripts, as Textual Criticism does.
As originally conceived by the OP, the thread was really not about the truth or falsity of Biblical creationism or evolution. It was about the way in which the debate is conducted (and specifically the way it is conducted by Christians).
When the Bible makes a claim about the natural world or an event in history, that claim is subject to scientific investigation and verification. This is what science does: investigates and attempts to explain the natural world. We should celebrate the fact that God has created a universe susceptible to scientific investigation and blessed us with the intellectual ability to investigate it.
When science accumulates a massive body of evidence that is inconsistent with a Biblical claim, we have a problem. We can say, "I don't care what the evidence shows. I am going to believe the Bible. If the evidence conflicts with the Bible, then
ipso facto the evidence must be wrong." This is what the Flat Earthers do. (The Flat Earthers not only have no evidence to support their position, they don't even have a clear Biblical claim the earth is flat.)
Or we can say, "Perhaps we have misunderstood the Biblical claim. Perhaps it can be interpreted in a manner consistent with the massive body of scientific evidence."
Or we can say, "Perhaps the Biblical claim was not intended to be factually or historically true. Perhaps it was intended solely to express a spiritual truth."
With something like the Resurrection, which the Bible clearly asserts to have been a bodily resurrection at a specific time in history, I don't see any wiggle room. If science claims to have conclusively identified the bones of Jesus, the Christian response has to be either "No, you haven't, you are simply wrong" or "OK, you've convinced me Christianity isn't true." As Paul recognized, Christianity stands or falls with the literal, historical truth of the Resurrection. There is really no way to say "OK, maybe it never happened and Jesus did decompose like everyone else, but it still expresses a spiritual truth." What would that "spiritual truth" be?
With the description of the creation of Adam, the Bible certainly seems to make a pretty definite factual and historical claim about the creation of the first human. It is difficult to see a way to reinterpret the Genesis account to accommodate evolution. But if evolution were conclusively established, I could certainly see a way to reinterpret the story of Adam and Eve as expressing solely spiritual truths. (I already believe 90% of the importance of the story of Adam and Eve is to be found in the realm of spiritual truth, not historical truth - and this is the case even if the story is historically true.) If evolution were true, the story of Adam and Eve would still express the truths that humans are creatures who have rebelled against God and are estranged from Him. I would not go so far as to say "There is no room for evolution without a flat denial of Divine revelation."
The point I think the OP was making - and the point I would make anyway - is that we need to confront and debate the evidence for evolution on its own terms, as being scientifically true or scientifically false. Whether evolution is true or false is 100% a scientific question. The best evidence from Intelligent Design, consciousness studies and other scientific disciplines suggests evolution may be false, which leaves us with reason to believe the Biblical account may be factually and historically true. Coming at it from the angle that "It can't be true because that would be inconsistent with what [I believe] the Bible teaches" is not going to further the discussion. It's exactly what an atheist does when he says "Intelligent Design can't be true because my Bible of Materialism rules out an intelligent designer."