[__ Science __ ] creation

I agree because in part the text was never written to support a modern scientific viewpoint.
Gen 1 is an Elohist, or better known as a priestly text. It's what we may consider an apologetic writing within a culture ripe with a pantheon of gods and various creation accounts. Think Anu and El. Both Supreem gods over their respective geographies.
Gen 2 is considered a Yawist text. It is how the God in Genesis 1 interacts with creation. Again, contrast with other ancient near eastern texts on how those gods interacted with creation and their accounts.

When we try and make the text say things it was never designed to say, let alone demand answers out of the text that were never intended to be represented in the text, we can really make a mess of things...
A very good text on the subject worth having in your library is Before Abraham Was by Isaac Kikawada & Arthur Quinn.
If you believe billions of years before this to occur, do you also believe billions of years fading away since this or will the End of time and physical creation come in one day, one hr at the Word of God when he speaks it ..
English Hebrew
Adam Man
Seth Appointed
Enosh Mortal
Kenan Sorrow ;
Mahalalel The Blessed God
Jared Shall come down
Enoch Teaching ,
Methuselah His death shall bring
Lamech The Despairing
Noah Rest and/or comfort.
If you believe billions of years before this to occur, do you also believe billions of years fading away since this or will the End of time and physical creation come in one day, one hr at the Word of God when he speaks it ..
English Hebrew
Adam Man
Seth Appointed
Enosh Mortal
Kenan Sorrow ;
Mahalalel The Blessed God
Jared Shall come down
Enoch Teaching ,
Methuselah His death shall bring
Lamech The Despairing
Noah Rest and/or comfort.
Even if those translations are correct, it seems like a rather arbitrary list of names. Or does this list appear exactly in that order somewhere? I'm quite certain that a lot of things could be made to be said by picking and choosing names (I've seen it done by Gnostic types to support nonsense about the Bible).
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Lets get on track a few of these post will be deleted ..

Do not reply to this post in this thread..
Even if those translations are correct, it seems like a rather arbitrary list of names. Or does this list appear exactly in that order somewhere? I'm quite certain that a lot of things could be made to be said by picking and choosing names (I've seen it done by Gnostic types to support nonsense about the Bible).
brujaq How about it? Do you have evidence?


Home \ Genealogy From Adam to Noah

The names in the genesis have meanings that when put together from the bloodline from Adam to Noah tells the Gospel.
Adam -Man
Seth -Appointed
Enosh – Mortal
Kenan – Sorrow
Mahalalel – The blessed God
Jared – Shall come down
Enoch – Teaching
Methuselah – His death shall bring
Lamech – Despairing
Noah – Comfort and rest

Put those meanings into a complete sentence and you get: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but)the blessed God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring (the) despairing comfort and rest.
There is no way that this is by accident. Also there is no way Jewish rabbis contrived to hide a summery of the christian gospel in a genealogy within their own venerated Torah. I believe this shows design by the Holy Spirit in the text. This is also found in the names of the 12 tribes if Israel in Revelation 7.
Here are the names of the tribes that make up the 144,000 (in the order listed in Revelation chapter 7), together with the meaning of each name:
1. Judah =”I will praise the Lord”
2. Reuben = “He has looked on me”
3. Gad = “Granted good fortune”
4. Asher = “Happy am I”
5. Naphtali = “My wrestling”
6. Manasseh = “Making me to forget”
7. Simeon = “God hears me”
8. Levi = “Joined to me”
9. Issachar =”Purchased Me”
10.Zebulun = “Dwelling”
11. Joseph = “God will add to me”
12. Benjamin = “Son of His right hand”

Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph:
“I will praise the Lord (for) He has looked on me (and) granted good fortune. Happy am I (because) my wrestling (God is) making me to forget. God hears me (and is) joined to me. He has purchased me (a)dwelling. God will add to me (the) Son of His right hand.”
These names describe the story of the church’s struggle, redemption, victory, and marriage to the Lamb. Also notice how it says “God shall come down” and “God purchased me”.


Home \ Genealogy From Adam to Noah

The names in the genesis have meanings that when put together from the bloodline from Adam to Noah tells the Gospel.
Adam -Man
Seth -Appointed
Enosh – Mortal
Kenan – Sorrow
Mahalalel – The blessed God
Jared – Shall come down
Enoch – Teaching
Methuselah – His death shall bring
Lamech – Despairing
Noah – Comfort and rest

Put those meanings into a complete sentence and you get: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but)the blessed God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring (the) despairing comfort and rest.
There is no way that this is by accident. Also there is no way Jewish rabbis contrived to hide a summery of the christian gospel in a genealogy within their own venerated Torah. I believe this shows design by the Holy Spirit in the text. This is also found in the names of the 12 tribes if Israel in Revelation 7.
Here are the names of the tribes that make up the 144,000 (in the order listed in Revelation chapter 7), together with the meaning of each name:
1. Judah =”I will praise the Lord”
2. Reuben = “He has looked on me”
3. Gad = “Granted good fortune”
4. Asher = “Happy am I”
5. Naphtali = “My wrestling”
6. Manasseh = “Making me to forget”
7. Simeon = “God hears me”
8. Levi = “Joined to me”
9. Issachar =”Purchased Me”
10.Zebulun = “Dwelling”
11. Joseph = “God will add to me”
12. Benjamin = “Son of His right hand”

Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph:
“I will praise the Lord (for) He has looked on me (and) granted good fortune. Happy am I (because) my wrestling (God is) making me to forget. God hears me (and is) joined to me. He has purchased me (a)dwelling. God will add to me (the) Son of His right hand.”
These names describe the story of the church’s struggle, redemption, victory, and marriage to the Lamb. Also notice how it says “God shall come down” and “God purchased me”.
Thanks for posting these.

I knew of the first one but was not aware of the second. I will definitely be copying these down.

Solid proof that God's word is inspired and His people can trust in His words.
The act of creating shows his eternal power. That has nothing to do with creating something new to appear old.

Creating something new to appear as though it is old, is rather deceiving, is it not? How does that declare his glory?

First of all, Scripture doesn't really address any of this, at all. Hermeneutics still matter.

Secondly, what we observe now and our scientific conclusions we draw from it? None of that defines God, nor do we call Him to account.
Even if those translations are correct, it seems like a rather arbitrary list of names. Or does this list appear exactly in that order somewhere? I'm quite certain that a lot of things could be made to be said by picking and choosing names (I've seen it done by Gnostic types to support nonsense about the Bible).

Yikes. You really don't know? This is a very easy read to verify.