Here's one for the skeptics.
Now that's what I'm talking about. Did you hear him talking about "the spirits" and getting them to do things for him? He wasn't talking about God, that's for sure. That is literally inviting them into you.
From the audience perspective, one who is merely watching the show, the danger would seem to be less...but how would we know for sure?
Check me on this, Scripture tells us to 'think on these things' Philipians 4:8 and also to cast down and take captive imaginations and evil thoughts, these magic shows give no glory to God, therefore exalteth it against God.
2 Corinthians 10:5
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;/(KJV)
Anyone can have an unrighteous thought, but it's what we do with it that matters. It is not sin to have a thought. If the thought comes to you,
I could take that money and no one would know... or,
I'd like to push that nice looking lady down... this is the important time, what do we do with that thought? Reject it, cast it out of your mind and think about something else. Then there is no sin. If we do not, and we think about doing (what the thought tempted us with) it, then at some point in thinking about it, it does a 'whoosh' and goes down into our heart and spirit man, and affects us, and is sin. This is why Jesus said if one looks upon a woman with lust, he has sinned with adultery.
So I wonder how long one would have to think about something bad for it to do this and become sin? If you're watching the magic show, can you accidentally invite a spirit into you by thinking about it in a positive light? Would it become sin then?
If you're not sure, then it seems to me that you're basically playing russian roulette. This is a spiritual war with real spirits and should be taken seriously.