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Defining the Trinity


This word trinity has been a thorn in the side of many Christians. Devised by men to try and describe the God of Heaven it has made it difficult for many of us as it is NOT anywhere in the Bible. Because of that word some may think we worship 3 separate gods. But I for one, a Christian, do not. I worship one God. I would very much like to explain that the trinity simply represents the ONENESS of the God of Heaven and the relationship of the Father and the Word whom He has called His Son.

This was my response a rather off topic question in another thread that may have gotton lost. I would therefore like to bring it up as a new topic for discussion. Particulary for my Muslim friends.

Mujahid Abdullah wrote:

KumiOri wrote:Peace and blessings be upon you Mujahid Abdullah. Would you mind telling me what you converted from and the primary reason why you came to be a Muslim?

I converted form Christianity,I was a devout christian, but I had some issues with the Trinity and other issues I dont wish to go into (so as not to cause a debate).

I studied Judaism for a while, but rejected it after reading the talmud and seeing the depiction of gentiles as sub human.

Finally I studied Islam, and it called to me, made sence to me.

Hello again Mujahid Abdullah.

I understand your concerns about 'debate' sometimes they flare-up around here. I pray this is never the case with you and I. The trinity of God may be a difficult one to answer for some, indeed it is for me at times. Normally people just cast (err I mean 'quote') scripture at one another. That usually is what causes us to end up with heated and often angry people. Let me try another approach then.

If I am not mistaken, the biggest and greatest sin in all Islam. Is a SHIRK! That is the sin of joining other gods with Allah. Forgive me if I am wrong but this is, I think, exactly what Muslims and now you think Christians are doing by elevating Yahushua (a.k.a. The Word (John1:1)) to equality with God and claiming that Yahushua is one of three entities of the Trinity. How then can I explain in such a way to a Muslim that they may see that the Trinity simply represents the ONENESS of God.

Abdullah, I assume you believe in the ONENESS of a living God and that He has 99 names? If so, is not Allah also known as 'Lover', 'Seer', 'Hearer' and ' Speaker'? Visualize if you will, I hold up a fist to represent God in one hand, then motion with my other hand streaming out from the first fist as if it is speaking. One hand represents God (Allah) and the other is Allah's word (since Allah is the "Speaker"), you have Allah in one hand and his word in another. Is not Allah's word alive? But if his words are dead then he too is dead.

Also does not the Noble Qur'an state that Allah breathes his spirit into each person he creates (Surah 32:9)?

If you are from the Middleast then you may know of a saying: "Your words are the daughter of your thoughts and the daughter of your lips." Think about that relationship for a minute. Your words are what define you. They make up your being, your thoughts, your emotions. Your words are who you are!!! As a Christian I too serve ONE GOD!!! I serve a living God, whose Word defines the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of God the Father. And, God breathes His Spirit into us. His Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us...

Now you may have an issue with that last statement Abdullah, But if God could come in the form of a burning bush (as it states in the Qur'an) then why can't God come in the form of a man also? Who are we to put God in a box and tell Him what He can and can not do?

Let me ask. Does Allah change? Do the qualities and characteristics of Allah mentioned in the 99 names of Allah change? Does Allah need man to give him his attributes? I know your answer, it can only be No.

My next question is Allah self-sufficient? As Muslim the answer must be yes. BUT! If Allah doesn't change, and his character doesn't change, then before the creation of the world, before the creation of angels, before anything existed, who did Allah hear? Who did Allah see? Who did Allah speak to? And, who did Allah love?

As for Gentile's being considered as sub-human by the Jew. I know enough of the Hadith to understand too what a swine is in the eyes of Muhammed (PBUH). I also know many so called Christians that can be just as devisive and evil. Ones who have taken that word in title only, they wear it like a badge and do little to follow Christ as the Greek word implies.

History has proven time and time again the evil of this world and of the men who inhabit it. It so declares our need for a Savior. What does God require of us but to do justly, to love mercy and humble ourselves to walk with God. If only we could all FOLLOWED that!

I truly hope I explained well enough so that you could understand what am saying. We should speak more of this.

May the God of Heaven bless you.

Peace be unto you Abdullah


Please elaborate following.

Do Jesus (son) and God (father) refer to one and the same person?


Sorry, but I would like to butt in real quick. Firstly KumiOri, let me say thanks for showing a Christian's true colors. The Holy Spirit is definitely working through you. And Abdullah, let me say thanks for being so civilized.. How much greater communication we can produce when being civilized!

With this said, I would like to just try and clarify a few things for you. To reuse kumiOri's analogy of a hand (although in a different way) I would like you to imagine me holding up a fist. If I were to raise three fingers representing The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit would the not be the same? Another example can be practically anything. For example, if a take an apple and simply cut it into three parts, are they not the same apple?

Now here is where many Muslims will say "why does Jesus pray to God if he is God" or "why does Jesus ask God to forgive the people nailing him to the cross if he is God?"

This is simply because of the love of our God. The Son wishes to glorify the Father, while the Father wishes to glorify the Son. Here is a great passage that explains this..Philippians 2:5-11

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, 11and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Finally, to answer your question about why Jesus ased the Father "why have you foresaken me?" it was to show that it was complete; to show that an exchange took place.. A sinless man became sinful, and sinful people became sinless. Once Jesus realized what he had said, he replied, " It is done."

I'm sorry these are not the greatest answers as I am typing this on my phone. Nevertheless I hope I helped at least a little. Like you I too serve One God, and like you God is my only Savior.


Please reply to my earlier question.

Do Jesus (son) and God (father) refer to one and the same person?


suhaiil said:


Please reply to my earlier question.

Do Jesus (son) and God (father) refer to one and the same person?


#1 The Father is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God.
#2 However Jesus Christ is also the Father and the Father is the Holy Spirit.
#3 In other words there is one God the Father, who came in a body (the Son) and who is the Eternal Spirit (the Holy Spirit). So we teach that the Father came in the flesh as Jesus, and is a Spirit ''The Holy Spirit''.
#4 So it is similar to the Trinity doctrine in that we have 3 who are one, but Oneness doctrine says that the 3 ''persons'' are not separate, but actually the same 1, who is God.

From previous post, it can be inferred that

God (invisible) = Jesus (visible) = Holy Spirit (invisible) >> same person in different forms, just like,

Water (liquid) = steam (vapor) = ice (solid) >> same compound (H2O) in different appearance

If above is correct, then Jesus and God cannot have son - father relationship. Since father and son are always two separate persons. Therefore, Jesus was God himself in human form and was not a begotten child.

Please clarify me if I am wrong. Thanks.

suhaiil said:

From previous post, it can be inferred that

God (invisible) = Jesus (visible) = Holy Spirit (invisible) >> same person in different forms, just like,

Water (liquid) = steam (vapor) = ice (solid) >> same compound (H2O) in different appearance

If above is correct, then Jesus and God cannot have son - father relationship. Since father and son are always two separate persons. Therefore, Jesus was God himself in human form and was not a begotten child.

Please clarify me if I am wrong. Thanks.

Yes you are wrong in many ways especially your water to God analogy. I would suggest you read the 3rd page of ''if one doesn't accept the trinity, then who is Jesus'' thread
suhaiil said:


Please elaborate following.

Do Jesus (son) and God (father) refer to one and the same person?


Only to those who believe in Trinitarianism. Yahshua was a god sent by Yahwah who created a body for him in Mary,s womb, and he was born Yahshua. Yahshua is the only god born in this world. The people in the Kingdom of Heaven are called gods because they have life immortal. Yahwah whom is God Almighty has many name titles, for which one is "Father," because He is the Father of creation; the other name title He has is Holy Spirit, because He is Holy, and He is a Spirit. The oldest text of the bible does not contain the Trinitarian formula of Matthew 28; it only says, "baptise in my name," for which also agrees with other scriptures in the bible.

watchman F

Please give your own analogy of God or at least clarify concept of son – father relationship in Trinity. Thanks.



You wrote:

Only to those who believe in Trinitarianism. Yahshua was a god sent by Yahwah who created a body for him in Mary,s womb, and he was born Yahshua. Yahshua is the only god born in this world. The people in the Kingdom of Heaven are called gods because they have life immortal. Yahwah whom is God Almighty has many name titles, for which one is "Father," because He is the Father of creation; the other name title He has is Holy Spirit, because He is Holy, and He is a Spirit. The oldest text of the bible does not contain the Trinitarian formula of Matthew 28; it only says, "baptise in my name," for which also agrees with other scriptures in the bible.
May I infer from above that

-Yahshua was created and not begotten (?)

- Yahwah = Holy Spirit

-Yahshua and Yahwah are two different gods – one created and other Creator

Please comment

suhaiil said:

watchman F

Please give your own analogy of God or at least clarify concept of son – father relationship in Trinity. Thanks.



You wrote:

Only to those who believe in Trinitarianism. Yahshua was a god sent by Yahwah who created a body for him in Mary,s womb, and he was born Yahshua. Yahshua is the only god born in this world. The people in the Kingdom of Heaven are called gods because they have life immortal. Yahwah whom is God Almighty has many name titles, for which one is "Father," because He is the Father of creation; the other name title He has is Holy Spirit, because He is Holy, and He is a Spirit. The oldest text of the bible does not contain the Trinitarian formula of Matthew 28; it only says, "baptise in my name," for which also agrees with other scriptures in the bible.
May I infer from above that

-Yahshua was created and not begotten (?)

- Yahwah = Holy Spirit

-Yahshua and Yahwah are two different gods – one created and other Creator

Please comment

Yahwah was and is the "Beginning of Life", and that is what His name means; "Life Began" or "Life's Beginning." Nothing or no one lived before Him. Scriptures define Him as a Living Being and not a conception or a perception. Our scriptures say that He is a Spirit and that He is Holy, and that is why He has the name title of Holy Spirit.
All who serve God, "The Father of Creation," are called the Sons of God. Sons of God are created beings, and also those who are born into this world.
It is impossible to explain something to someone who truely wishes no explanation. You have ears, yet you seem not to hear. I have explained much that you chose not to respond to for some reason in an earlier post; please read it and then comment or ask me what you are still confused about.

To mdo and watchman f, if you do not believe in the trinity, i suppose you might be Morman? If so (or even if not) please explain to me John 10:30 where Jesus clearly states "I and the Father are one."

Also, what do you believe John 1:1 means when it states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Thanks for listening guys! God Bless
Faithful4Christ said:
It is impossible to explain something to someone who truely wishes no explanation. You have ears, yet you seem not to hear. I have explained much that you chose not to respond to for some reason in an earlier post; please read it and then comment or ask me what you are still confused about.

To mdo and watchman f, if you do not believe in the trinity, i suppose you might be Morman? If so (or even if not) please explain to me John 10:30 where Jesus clearly states "I and the Father are one."

Also, what do you believe John 1:1 means when it states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Thanks for listening guys! God Bless
hahaha that is hilarious. If I do not understand God as you do that makes me mormon, hahaha, what a joke. Did you even read my post I believe Jesus to be one with the Father as I am an Oneness believer, I also believe Jesus to be God. Go back a re-read my posts, it might help you some, maybe.

Oh man, some people
Faithful4Christ said:
It is impossible to explain something to someone who truely wishes no explanation. You have ears, yet you seem not to hear. I have explained much that you chose not to respond to for some reason in an earlier post; please read it and then comment or ask me what you are still confused about.

To mdo and watchman f, if you do not believe in the trinity, i suppose you might be Morman? If so (or even if not) please explain to me John 10:30 where Jesus clearly states "I and the Father are one."

Also, what do you believe John 1:1 means when it states, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Thanks for listening guys! God Bless
I am a commandment and Sabbath keeping Non-Trinitarian Christian, with no denomination. Although I grew up as a Baptist, I have had a change of heart and mind. Had the Trinity proof scriptures held true, then I would still believe. The Word was a god, he said so himself. See: John 10:33. "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be [God / a god."]

34Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? 35If he called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken— 36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, 'I am God's Son'?
mdo757 said:
I am a commandment and Sabbath keeping Non-Trinitarian Christian, with no denomination. Although I grew up as a Baptist, I have had a change of heart and mind. Had the Trinity proof scriptures held true, then I would still believe.
Amen, I echo this statement.
so god the father died at the same time as christ on the cross?
hmm odd when jesus prayed to the father and the father answered. hard to be the same when that happens?
jasoncran said:
so god the father died at the same time as christ on the cross?
hmm odd when jesus prayed to the father and the father answered. hard to be the same when that happens?
Where in the world would you get that idea?????????
watchman F said:
jasoncran said:
so god the father died at the same time as christ on the cross?
hmm odd when jesus prayed to the father and the father answered. hard to be the same when that happens?
Where in the world would you get that idea?????????
oneness, means that there's no son,father, or the holyspirit.

only one god. that is what i was told.
one sight that says that.
these guys are anti-trinitarian.
jasoncran said:
watchman F said:
jasoncran said:
so god the father died at the same time as christ on the cross?
hmm odd when jesus prayed to the father and the father answered. hard to be the same when that happens?
Where in the world would you get that idea?????????
oneness, means that there's no son,father, or the holyspirit.

only one god. that is what i was told.
I was about to ask again what in the world gave you that idea, but you answered it for me ''That is what you were told''. Well you cannot believe everything you hear apparently.

This is the doctrine of Oneness in a nutshell.
#1 The Father is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God.
#2 However Jesus Christ is also the Father and the Father is the Holy Spirit.
#3 In other words there is one God the Father, who came in a body (the Son) and who is the Eternal Spirit (the Holy Spirit). So we teach that the Father came in the flesh as Jesus, and is a Spirit ''The Holy Spirit''.
#4 So it is similar to the Trinity doctrine in that we have 3 who are one, but Oneness doctrine says that the 3 ''persons'' are not separate, but actually the same 1, who is God.