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Delaware Pediatrician Is Accused of Raping Patients


Delaware Pediatrician Is Accused of Raping Patients

December 23, 2009

For more than a decade, Dr. Earl B. Bradley was a trusted fixture of the small coastal town of Lewes, Del., seeing thousands of children at a private practice he called BayBees Pediatrics.

On Wednesday, an official from the state attorney general’s office said that Dr. Bradley might have raped or molested as many as 100 children over the last 11 years, and the police scrambled to identify victims seen on videos that they say the doctor made of the assaults. They also began contacting law enforcement agencies in Florida, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where they believe the doctor may have also seen patients.

Last week, Dr. Bradley, 56, was charged with molesting or raping at least seven patients, including some infants. A court hearing in the case was canceled Wednesday because Dr. Bradley had been placed on suicide watch.

“We are acting as quickly as possible,†the attorney general, Joseph R. Biden III, said Wednesday at a news conference.

Mr. Biden said his office would “use every resource necessary to continue to conduct a methodical and deliberate investigation.â€

Dr. Bradley has been charged with 33 felony counts of first- and second-degree rape, sexual exploitation of a child by photo or film, and endangering the welfare of a child, said Paula T. Ryan, the chief prosecutor in Sussex County.

“The accusations are awful,†said Dr. Bradley’s lawyer, Eugene J. Maurer Jr. “But they are still just accusations.â€

Mr. Maurer added that while he had not had enough time to study the case, he suspected that Dr. Bradley had severe mental health issues.

The police said they had received multiple complaints about the doctor roughly a year ago. “We investigated as far as we could, but there wasn’t enough evidence to go forward with charges,†said Sgt. Walter Newton, a Delaware State Police spokesman.

Though most of the victims remained unidentified, the police said one was a 2-year-old girl who was interviewed after her mother said Dr. Bradley had touched the girl’s genitals.

The police arrested Dr. Bradley on Dec. 16 after the girl’s parents complained. Dr. Bradley was released for one night while the police sought search warrants for his office and home. After obtaining those warrants and conducting the searches, he was arrested again on Friday, Ms. Ryan said.

Court documents say that during those searches, the police seized at least six cameras, 100 DVDs and VHS tapes, dozens of reel-to-reel films and a small computer data storage device that contained videos of multiple forced sexual acts with child patients — including intercourse, oral sex and fondling.

Several of the videos, court documents say, show the doctor, in blue scrubs, yelling orders at the toddlers, some of whom are crying or trying to run away. In one video, Dr. Bradley has a “violently enraged†expression on his face, the court papers say.

Dr. Bradley is being held on $2.9 million bond at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Facility in Smyrna, pending a preliminary hearing scheduled for Jan 14.

The police said that they did not know whether Dr. Bradley had practiced in Florida or New Jersey, where he has held medical licenses, or in Pennsylvania, where he attended medical school and did his residency. But they said they were notifying those states of his arrest.

The improper contact between Dr. Bradley and the 2-year-old girl took place during a Dec. 7 visit to his office, according to court records. Afterward, the child told her mother that when Dr. Bradley took her to a basement with toys and candy, he had “hurt†her private area.

The girl’s father later said the child made a similar complaint after an October office visit. Following the complaint from her parents, the girl was interviewed Dec. 9 at a Children’s Advocacy Center, where medical officials concluded that there was evidence of trauma consistent with sexual contact, according to court papers.

The papers describe one video in which Dr. Bradley abuses a patient who tried twice to run away.

They also describe the reaction of one veteran detective. “Detective describes this as one of the most violent and brutal attacks on a child of any age that he has seencaptured on video,†the court papers said.
Lewis W said:
Now in Biblical times, you all know what they would have done to this man.
And that is part of the problem--the law is far too light with criminals these days, at least in democracies.
Better than flat-out killing people, I'd say. We have a better understanding of mental disease today than they did in ancient Israel.
IS there a law that states all child molesters must have that beard? It seems like every time I see a report on tv about a molester, he has that beard and 9/10 times he has those glasses as well. :shrug

Horrible crime.
On the Philadelphia news, it said that the youngest was 3 months old. So what would Christians say should be his punishment, life in jail, or the electric chair ?
I don't see a connection between his acts and any particular religion.
What's the point posting a crime on a Christian board?
Death upon conviction by .50 cal, one shot to the groin area, if he's still a kickin then one shot to the torso.

He wont survive both of those shots. I'm refering to m2 .50 cal used by the military.
the death penalty has been around for a long time.

ny was the first to use the electric chair in the 1890's

the military has regulation that allows for all deserters to be shot on the spot, or death by firing sqad. ww2 was the last war that we did that. Punishment for treason is death.

i guess it's ok abort and innocent baby in the name of woman's right but not ok to put someone who is actually guilty of a capital offense.

If he's able to stand to before the judge then he should face the death penalty.
Lewis W said:
On the Philadelphia news, it said that the youngest was 3 months old. So what would Christians say should be his punishment, life in jail, or the electric chair ?

I think to truly answer that question we Christians would need to be separate. I'd say banishment would be in order, along with some close scrutiny of other key people who may be involved in a satanic network. And lots of prayer would be in order too. Maybe a whipping I don't know. I'd search the scriptures to find out though.

But we aren't like that. You know? Separate and everything. So I guess just let secular society have at him and they will dole out whatever kind of corrupted justice they see fit.

Who knows if the charges are even true anyway?
Genesis 9
6Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

Romans 13

1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

6For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
Tissue said:
The day we claim to have the right to deal out death for criminal offense is the day we claim to be God.
Lets see if you feel that same way when youre standing there, gun in hand, watching someone tear the flesh from your spouse or child, friend.
Its one thing to play all pious when its not something youve had to endure....its quite another when YOU are the one whos been affected by such a crime.
Lewis W said:
Delaware Pediatrician Is Accused of Raping Patients
I saw this the first day it was up on yahoo news.
These poor kids.
I just cant even imagine the horror those parents must be going thru knowing they unwittingly put their children in so much danger.
What I really don't understand about this is why the parents of over 100 children let their child be examined by a doctor WITHOUT their supervision? No doctor that I know of would ever ask to see the child alone, asking for the parents to wait outside, unless court ordered :shrug I can tell you that I would NEVER let my child see a doctor by him/herself.
caromurp said:
What I really don't understand about this is why the parents of over 100 children let their child be examined by a doctor WITHOUT their supervision? No doctor that I know of would ever ask to see the child alone, asking for the parents to wait outside, unless court ordered :shrug I can tell you that I would NEVER let my child see a doctor by him/herself.
Thats the part thats been driving me nuts since I read this story.
ONE parent, maybe...but how many parents were there ?
Goodness. No way on earth Id let ANY doctor alone with my child. I just cant figure it out.
follower of Christ said:
caromurp said:
What I really don't understand about this is why the parents of over 100 children let their child be examined by a doctor WITHOUT their supervision? No doctor that I know of would ever ask to see the child alone, asking for the parents to wait outside, unless court ordered :shrug I can tell you that I would NEVER let my child see a doctor by him/herself.
Thats the part thats been driving me nuts since I read this story.
ONE parent, maybe...but how many parents were there ?
Goodness. No way on earth Id let ANY doctor alone with my child. I just cant figure it out.

It makes me wonder what line he fed them to make them think it was necessary. Also, what about the people who worked with him...did they not notice that there was a basement in the building full of toys and candy? Did they not notice him taking children down there?? What on earth! If they did, and they didn't say anything, they should be charged with negligence! :o