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Bible Study Demonology


A few days ago, I tried to start a topic on the Ark of the Covenant:

That did not go over very well as I think people are more interested in how spirituality relates to themselves as opposed to such objects in the bible, in spite of the fact that they have importance with the Lord, so I will now ask the question about demonology.

What do you think about it? Possessions? Hauntings? etc.
Possessions are possible in my opinion. It just depends how far you want to stretch the term "possession" or how "possessed" can someone be or what you exactly define Possession as.


Luke 8:26-35

26 So they arrived in the region of the Gerasenes,[a] across the lake from Galilee. 27 As Jesus was climbing out of the boat, a man who was possessed by demons came out to meet him. For a long time he had been homeless and naked, living in a cemetery outside the town.
28 As soon as he saw Jesus, he shrieked and fell down in front of him. Then he screamed, “Why are you interfering with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Please, I beg you, don’t torture me!†29 For Jesus had already commanded the evil spirit to come out of him. This spirit had often taken control of the man. Even when he was placed under guard and put in chains and shackles, he simply broke them and rushed out into the wilderness, completely under the demon’s power.

30 Jesus demanded, “What is your name?â€Â

“Legion,†he replied, for he was filled with many demons. 31 The demons kept begging Jesus not to send them into the bottomless pit.[c]

32 There happened to be a large herd of pigs feeding on the hillside nearby, and the demons begged him to let them enter into the pigs.

So Jesus gave them permission. 33 Then the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, and the entire herd plunged down the steep hillside into the lake and drowned.

34 When the herdsmen saw it, they fled to the nearby town and the surrounding countryside, spreading the news as they ran. 35 People rushed out to see what had happened. A crowd soon gathered around Jesus, and they saw the man who had been freed from the demons. He was sitting at Jesus’ feet, fully clothed and perfectly sane, and they were all afraid.

This speaks about a demon-possessed man that Jesus dealt with ^_^
The History of Demonology is one that is quite unclear before 1160 B.C. But writings from 1170 B.C. states that Magic was first conceived in a city called Persida and that a Nomad named Klingsor traveled there and brought back with him the art of Magically effecting whatever he wished. When Klingsor found the strength of his true powers he began to brag about how sly and cunning he was to get women into bed, but that served him no justice after he got caught sleeping with the kings wife (The Queen). Klingsor was castrated and turned into a Eunuch and never again looked favorably upon man nor woman again, he enjoyed seeing other people suffer and that was the only thing that gave him great joy. This was one of the first recorded examples of the weak becoming empowered by sacrificing themselves to the Devils and Demons in exchange for sweet revenge. We find the word Magic used above simply because any time you entered into the world of conjuring or summoning evil or dark forces that is what it was called, later threw the centuries magic took on many forms like Elemental, White, Dark, Black, Etc and then Demononology was given it's own Category.

In a more specific sense, we should be aware of particular activities carried out by demons. For instance a demon can control and inflict physical maladies like dumbness, muteness, deafness, epilepsy and personal injury. Demons can cause suicide, they can give great physical strength, they can possess animals, cause men to worship demons, promote false doctrine and oppose the spiritual growth of believers. They even attempt to separate believers from the love of God, and to take control of all from within. But not all physical maladies are caused by demons. There is a distinction between physical problems caused by human frailty, illness and those caused by demons. Demonic control, sometimes inaccurately called demonic possession, must be defined. The Greek daimonizomai means "to be demonized" emphasizing control rather than possession, in fact, the Greek word for possession is never used in conjunction with demons. We must realize that the original Greek though commonly translated as possessed by a demon, implying ownership is much more accurately translated to mean controlled by a demon.
In a world that is raising a generation of Harry Potter wannabees, it is something that Christians not only need to be aware of, but they must know how to deal with it.
Gabbylittleangel said:
In a world that is raising a generation of Harry Potter wannabees, it is something that Christians not only need to be aware of, but they must know how to deal with it.

Vampires need to be dealt with also - they can cause a lot of trouble.
Shall I go buy a wooden steak, buy a necklace of garlic? Or I could just call my buddy Blade.. :smt066 :smt071 :smt067 :smt068
Atonement said:
Shall I go buy a wooden steak, buy a necklace of garlic? Or I could just call my buddy Blade.. :smt066 :smt071 :smt067 :smt068

A wooden "steak" may give them mouth splinters but will not cause death.

You will need this kind :smt064
I am hear to tell you that DEMON POSSESION is very real and it happens far more than people would like to believe. I don't often speak about this, but for a season this was a ministry that the Lord had me doing. I have lead in the deliverance of 7 people who were possessed by demons.. and have seen 3 others freed.
I knew I had this gift of the decerning of evil spirits since I was 18 years old and denied it for about 15 years, because quite frankly, I was scared of it. I am here to tell you now that I have never experienced so much blessing than seeing these people come to Christ and be free.. To see ''real miracles' that defy logic and physics is amazing. When you have sen the things I have seen, there is no denying the Power of Jesus Christ and how I am NOTHING with out him.

I have dealt with ''real witches'' not this harry potter stuff, ''Human sacrifice'' ''Santeria'', ''Chanelling'', and a even as I type this, I am getting goose bumbs :) Wow, we serve an awe-some God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Perhaps if it is not to uncomfortable, I can share some of those experiences...

Jgredline, I respect you for wanting to share in your experiences with this issue. It's not my topic, so I can not really say. Use your best judgment. Myself having been a Satanist for 5yrs I also have seen alot. I've not had to deal with sacrifices, but partake in them. I speak little of this because in my personal testamony, the Lord has never told me to use this. But I'm not uncomfortable to listen.. Oh wait though man.... I need popcorn first :popcorn:
I have had to deal with it quite a bit. It is real. It is nasty. Vampires are real also Brad. Not cartoon character types. But real live human beings that eat human blood.

Atone, the buddy that you need to call on is not Blade, but the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many here believe in the power of demons, and that's true.

The apocryphal book of Enoch deals extensively with angelology/demonology. Heck, they even named the characters that came down and taught men and women knowledge. They had sex with some of the people. That is mentioned, of course, in Genesis 6 that I call that the "Genesis 6" incident. When I hear about the Incubus and Succubus stories, it brings to mind these things.

I really believe the plot behind the whole story is Satan's jealousy when Adam was created. Jewish lore tells that after Adam was created, the angels were told to worship him and Satan was not about to worship a clay being! If we allude to Hebrews chapter 1, we find such a passage. Of course it refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, but had Adam taken of that tree of life instead, that would have been in effect been God's son, and the whole body, the church and his people would have come from Adam and Eve.

Instead, Adam sinned, and God had to bring on His plan of redemption. God foreknew what to do had this happened (as if to say, "I've kinda expected this"). Now. Here's an interesting thought. Could some of those demons that mated with human women want to create their own race (perverted, of course) the way man would have been a race of God?

And what are the offspring of this union? Hybrid man/demon. I heard an interesting thing taught at one time. Satan and the angels are already glorious and have their own spiritual bodies and don't really care to possess a person, but what became of the dead hybrids? They once possessed a human body (i.e. they were once incarnate). Are these beings the ones trying to reinhabit a body (hence 'demonic' possession)?

Lots to ponder over here.
While the word demon isn't in the Bible (not the King James anyway), it's as good a word as any. I definitely believe that people are still possessed by them as they were in Jesus' day. Why would satan stop taking control of the unsaved as long as he can do that? "Hauntings", if you mean ghosts, are not real. When people die they go to one of two places, heaven if they know Christ and hell if they don't.

Of course, since the saved are indwelt by God's Holy spirit, we don't have to fear possession, but we do have to guard our thoughts since satan and his army (fallen angels) can put thoughts into our minds if we allow it. Where do you think the temptations to sin come from? Yes, we have a sin nature, but satan still tempts us just as he tried to do with Jesus. Satan is powerless against God and can only do what He allows.
The apocryphal book of Enoch deals extensively with angelology/demonology. Heck, they even named the characters that came down and taught men and women knowledge. They had sex with some of the people. That is mentioned, of course, in Genesis 6 that I call that the "Genesis 6" incident. When I hear about the Incubus and Succubus stories, it brings to mind these things

However, the Book of Enoch also indicates that the giant offspring of these fallen angels were thousands of feet tall, which, I would hope everyone realizes, is nonsense :bday:
Jon-Marc said:
While the word demon isn't in the Bible (not the King James anyway), it's as good a word as any. I definitely believe that people are still possessed by them as they were in Jesus' day. Why would satan stop taking control of the unsaved as long as he can do that? "Hauntings", if you mean ghosts, are not real. When people die they go to one of two places, heaven if they know Christ and hell if they don't.

I agree that possessions can still take place, but the person allows it whether by their lack of faith, ignorance or whatever. Yes, the Christian has nothing to fear because "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world". Likewise, the bible says to resist the devil and he will flee. Those possessed probably disobeyed both principles.

I dont know what to make of the supposed hauntings, but I believe something is there if some people are sensitive to stuff like that. Probably they are more demonic than souls of dead people as I tend to believe as you do that a person either goes "one way or the other" after death.
However, the Book of Enoch also indicates that the giant offspring of these fallen angels were thousands of feet tall, which, I would hope everyone realizes, is nonsense #Bday

Interesting. I knew they were giants such as Goliath, but I missed the part where they were supposedly thousands of feet tall. Could you give me the section in Enoch that says that (chapter and verse if you have it)?

I have a copy of that book, but I realize that depending on the source, there may be variations, so if for instance you got that off a site, maybe you can give me the link to that instead. Thanks.

Never mind. Thanks anyway. I found it. The text says 300 cubits in a brief mention easily overlooked. Depending on the cubit used, that can be anywhere from about 450 feet to 600 feet tall.

Actually, it does state that they ate up mens substance so that it became impossible to feed them. This opens up another interesting topic in and of itself. It makes one wonder where the idea of these gigantic titans came from and theres a few fairy tails involving giants.

Actually, what you stated makes me further believe in a world-wide flood to rid the earth of such creatures. Some believe in a local flood, and giants like Goliath were left over when the flood missed them. I see now that the Genesis 6 giants were a lot taller and Goliath could have been a regular giant like we have a few around today.
tim_from_pa said:
Interesting. I knew they were giants such as Goliath, but I missed the part where they were supposedly thousands of feet tall. Could you give me the section in Enoch that says that (chapter and verse if you have it)?

I have a copy of that book, but I realize that depending on the source, there may be variations, so if for instance you got that off a site, maybe you can give me the link to that instead. Thanks.

Just search on 1 Enoch.7:3...

It says they were "3000 ells" tall and the ancient measure of an ell is anywhere from 45 inches down to about a foot. Then in some Greek translations, for some reason, the height is given at 450-600 ft (in meters). I don't know why the descrepancy in translations but the shortest height given is still hundreds of feet. This is obviously a myth.
tim_from_pa said:

Never mind. Thanks anyway. I found it. The text says 300 cubits in a brief mention easily overlooked. Depending on the cubit used, that can be anywhere from about 450 feet to 600 feet tall.

Actually, it does state that they ate up mens substance so that it became impossible to feed them. This opens up another interesting topic in and of itself. It makes one wonder where the idea of these gigantic titans came from and theres a few fairy tails involving giants.

Actually, what you stated makes me further believe in a world-wide flood to rid the earth of such creatures. Some believe in a local flood, and giants like Goliath were left over when the flood missed them. I see now that the Genesis 6 giants were a lot taller and Goliath could have been a regular giant like we have a few around today.

You honestly believe there were giants who were hundreds of feet tall?