Desert Theology – Leading God's Faithful Back Into The Desert
The current fad in Christian theology is the notion of 'economic justice' where everyone is expected to receive the same economic subsistence which is equivalent to a communist economic system. This 'desert theology' was practiced long ago by all the newly liberated Hebrew slaves after God brought them out of Egypt.
When the Israelites were being led in the desert by Jesus Christ, who was the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud, they only lived on a few basic staples that were replenished daily. In this march across the desert Jesus Christ, who again was the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud, was leading all of them to the 'Promised Land' which would eventually become Christ's body, God incarnate.
Notice that everyone during this march in the desert to the 'Promised Land' had complete economic and social justice where everyone received the same subsistence existence. This economic and social justice in the desert, that I call today's 'Desert Theology', was NOT the Promised Land but an economic system to lead all of the unsaved to the “Promised Land”!
Every people and/or nation that is not Christian (hint: today's Islamic and/or Communist nations) is forced to live as the Israelites did in the desert and wander in the desert of economic and social justice, where scarcity is forced upon everyone, aimlessly searching for the promised land which is actually the person of Jesus Christ.
Why would any Christian want to lead anyone back into the desert away from the “Promised Land” only to satisfy the wicked and their lust for economic and social justice. Remember that it was in the desert that all of man's greatest sins were committed (hint: Noah's Ark and the Great Flood – Sodom and Gomorrah) and God's judgment of those sins were initiated.
Eventually all the Israelites were led to the “promised Land' where God would use this land to become a man in the person of Jesus Christ who is God's Son become man. For God first made man from the dust of the ground. The promised land became Jesus Christ, a sinless man, who would then be crucified and died and then resurrected up to heaven where the promised land is now the person of Jesus Christ up in heaven.
Whenever a person believes in Jesus Christ they have finally arrived at the promised land for Jesus and his believers become one by the indwelling Holy Spirit. I rebuke all those Christians who want to lead everyone back into the desert were scarcity and suffering were the norm by living a life of 'economic and social justice and instead implore Christians to enjoy the fruits of God's Promised Land which is a belief in Jesus Christ and enjoy a land flowing with 'Milk and Honey'.
Believe in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and you will have found God's Promised Land and one day you'll be with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, forever in heaven!
God Bless
The current fad in Christian theology is the notion of 'economic justice' where everyone is expected to receive the same economic subsistence which is equivalent to a communist economic system. This 'desert theology' was practiced long ago by all the newly liberated Hebrew slaves after God brought them out of Egypt.
When the Israelites were being led in the desert by Jesus Christ, who was the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud, they only lived on a few basic staples that were replenished daily. In this march across the desert Jesus Christ, who again was the Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud, was leading all of them to the 'Promised Land' which would eventually become Christ's body, God incarnate.
Notice that everyone during this march in the desert to the 'Promised Land' had complete economic and social justice where everyone received the same subsistence existence. This economic and social justice in the desert, that I call today's 'Desert Theology', was NOT the Promised Land but an economic system to lead all of the unsaved to the “Promised Land”!
Every people and/or nation that is not Christian (hint: today's Islamic and/or Communist nations) is forced to live as the Israelites did in the desert and wander in the desert of economic and social justice, where scarcity is forced upon everyone, aimlessly searching for the promised land which is actually the person of Jesus Christ.
Why would any Christian want to lead anyone back into the desert away from the “Promised Land” only to satisfy the wicked and their lust for economic and social justice. Remember that it was in the desert that all of man's greatest sins were committed (hint: Noah's Ark and the Great Flood – Sodom and Gomorrah) and God's judgment of those sins were initiated.
Eventually all the Israelites were led to the “promised Land' where God would use this land to become a man in the person of Jesus Christ who is God's Son become man. For God first made man from the dust of the ground. The promised land became Jesus Christ, a sinless man, who would then be crucified and died and then resurrected up to heaven where the promised land is now the person of Jesus Christ up in heaven.
Whenever a person believes in Jesus Christ they have finally arrived at the promised land for Jesus and his believers become one by the indwelling Holy Spirit. I rebuke all those Christians who want to lead everyone back into the desert were scarcity and suffering were the norm by living a life of 'economic and social justice and instead implore Christians to enjoy the fruits of God's Promised Land which is a belief in Jesus Christ and enjoy a land flowing with 'Milk and Honey'.
Believe in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and you will have found God's Promised Land and one day you'll be with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit, forever in heaven!
God Bless