I would like to know how many of you experienced intense, long periods of pain in your youth ?
Like, I'm talking about, something that lasted more than 4-5 years, that defined your youth..
And was like thorn in you ?
I know people move on and just forget about their youth, but it's because it was different time, and they want to forget it. Just like, I know how I hadn't fully developed all critical thinking in my 13, and don't think like that. But in that time, I knew, it was my world back then..
So, will this intense pain, just transfer, once I go to higher responsibilities in life, at 30-35, where I get blank state of mind again, and focus shifts on something else, I stop thinking like now, and broaden my view. But pain would be same ? Or different ?
Do you idolize youth like world does ? What youth means to you ? Is youth same as 30-40-50 ? It should be. Because otherwise, you get unrealistic expectations and pressure to perform in few years, some probably have no control over at all (like me), who are just trying to piece life together for future (if politicians don't mess it up with wars, climate change ignorance, class inequality.. ). And all others are discarded as "outdated", "old", by 13 yr whores on tiktok. these are facts.. (it is 13yrs, now standard to indulge in that stuff, and 16-18 yrs is "best" youthful time to indulge in that, up to 25, and then they get married by then and have kid already.. and regret all that in 35, when stuff with kids catch up.. how foolish they are, and end up living exactly like parents)
Like, I'm talking about, something that lasted more than 4-5 years, that defined your youth..
And was like thorn in you ?
I know people move on and just forget about their youth, but it's because it was different time, and they want to forget it. Just like, I know how I hadn't fully developed all critical thinking in my 13, and don't think like that. But in that time, I knew, it was my world back then..
So, will this intense pain, just transfer, once I go to higher responsibilities in life, at 30-35, where I get blank state of mind again, and focus shifts on something else, I stop thinking like now, and broaden my view. But pain would be same ? Or different ?
Do you idolize youth like world does ? What youth means to you ? Is youth same as 30-40-50 ? It should be. Because otherwise, you get unrealistic expectations and pressure to perform in few years, some probably have no control over at all (like me), who are just trying to piece life together for future (if politicians don't mess it up with wars, climate change ignorance, class inequality.. ). And all others are discarded as "outdated", "old", by 13 yr whores on tiktok. these are facts.. (it is 13yrs, now standard to indulge in that stuff, and 16-18 yrs is "best" youthful time to indulge in that, up to 25, and then they get married by then and have kid already.. and regret all that in 35, when stuff with kids catch up.. how foolish they are, and end up living exactly like parents)
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