I think disney is one part of a great big picture. It was disney who made "magic" an everyday acceptable word in households all over America. Disney's Bedknobs and Broomsticks taught that magic was good and showed Astaroth, an actual Phoenician goddess, responsible for saving the day against a Nazi invasion. That was back in the 60's, we are now facing a full onslaught of occultic influence in Television and Movies. Some you wouldn't even think... Star Wars spread New Age philosophy. Many in the New Age refer to 'god' as the force or universal force. That along with telekinesis/mind powers, and new age accended masters obi wan and yoda who guide Luke from the afterlife... I have not yet seen Avatar but the other day I was told that the god that the blue people worship was called Aiwass. Aiwass was the spirit that occultist Aleister Crowley was in contact with, who he credited the knowledge from one of his books to. Movies like Legion make God out to be evil while a fallen angel is the hero- obvious theosophical/new age truth twisting. Harry Potter and the girls from Charmed are our new superheroes. SciFi's Merlin makes magic out to be good, and those who oppress it evil and unfair. The TV show Castle has his daughter and mother playing with ouiga boards. Doctor Who saves the world from The Master when he unites mankind's will into one spirit under his leadership- New Age Global Conciousness. Oprah, Larry King, Bill Maher, Robert Schuller are all on tv teaching that all ways lead to God. These are just the ones off the top of my head! We are ALL under slow and steady indoctrination into occult mysteries by these media, not just children. Disney is one part of the picture.
Movies, television... they're not just stories, they are philosophies. They present somebody's world-view. Is it all bad? no. If it was we wouldn't watch... and isn't that the point?