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Do Your Dreams Mean Something?


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Geeeez. I hope not. Otherwise I'm in trouble.

Nice one :) As for my dreams, they can't signify anything as I can't remember any of them.

Yeah, just this morning I was dreaming I was in my old childhood home, and was waking up, but when I looked outside the sun was setting when it should have been rising. I often have dreams where I seem mentally disoriented, but I knew in the dream that I was a gnomonist and that the sun should not have been in the position it was (what I was doing as a 54-year-old in my childhood home was beyond me). It's just one of those "out of place" type dreams with the feeling something is not right. But overall I would not say it was a bad one, just confusing like I was a little senile.
I have a lot of deja vu, and remember the dream the moment is from. My husband has this a lot too. We have never paid too much attention to it but now I am curious if this happens to everyone!
I get that a lot, except I'm not sure if the things I'm remembering are from a dream or not.
I have a lot of deja vu, and remember the dream the moment is from. My husband has this a lot too. We have never paid too much attention to it but now I am curious if this happens to everyone!
I get that a lot, except I'm not sure if the things I'm remembering are from a dream or not.

It's probably not a memory at all, just an accidential or coincidential parallel or uncoordinated activation of different parts of your brain, causing a certain familiar detail of an experience (like a sound or a person's clothes) to trigger a feeling of recognition or "familarity" for the entire situation, although the situation is in fact new. It could also be an attempt of your brain to access faultily or incompletely stored memories when trying to recognise a situation. All your brain can tell you is "I think I've seen something like that before, but I don't know where and when."
Being tired or under certain drugs can increase déjà-vus.

I really don't think there's much of a spiritual meaning, just like with other neurological phenomena like synesthesia or sleep paralysis. Imagine the weird stuff our computers do sometimes. And our brains are much more complex than computers, so it would be frightening if they didn't do anything weird ever.
I think that your consciousness needs dreams much like your body needs food. There really is a lot of information to process throughout the day, mostly subconscious things and I believe that you dream to make sense of it all. Also if something is bothering you, you dream to find closure. The mind is a mysterious thing. Just my 2c.
just this morning I was dreaming I was in my old childhood home, and was waking up, but when I looked outside the sun was setting when it should have been rising
Hi Tim-from-pa
Dreams don't make sense to our natural mind because they're symbolic and metaphorical. For instance, here's the meaning of your dream:
This is a message from your heavenly father telling you that you are about to embark on a season during which you will be facing something from your childhood and past. During this time in your life it will be hard to see what is going on and it may not feel good to you. Even though you feel you should be 'over it' and well past having to deal with this childhood issue or whatever this is from your younger years, God is about to bring you to it.
Here is how the symbolism is broken down: when we dream of our childhood home it symbolizes something from that era in our lives which needs to be dealt with or is influencing us as an adult. The fact it is almost dark when it should be light tells you that this is going to be a season in your life during which you think it's already dealt with but in reality you are only beginning to enter into this rather dark time. Often God waits for us to be at a certain level of maturity before He brings us back to the hurts and areas of our childhood days before having us deal with certain things.
God bless and I hope that made sense for you!
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Dear fishbreath,

May I ask a question that is based on skepticism? I don't need to and do appreciate what you have said here and elsewhere. Further, the question will not be asked without permission.

Thank you (again),
I dreamed that my dad came back and was talking about how wonderful heaven was a few times.
But I doubt there was really any meaning to it, or most dreams I have. Dreams tend to be about things like desires, or fears, or things we think about
Do you recall any other details to this dream?
In dreams every tiny detail is important to the interpretation. God wastes nothing. Although there are certainly some dreams which are just 'jumble' people would be surprised at how many really are messages from Him. The reason we often don't recognize them is because dreams often seem silly, but the truth is, God uses seemingly silly or foolish things to confound the wise

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are" - 1 Cor 18:27-28

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed' - Job 33:14-15

..the reason we don't perceive His messages to us in dreams is because we often don't understand His symbolisms.. it's fun learning and opening the way for the Lord to talk to us more when He sees we are seeking out what He's saying to us
God bless & lead you
Dear fishbreath,
May I ask a question that is based on skepticism? I don't need to and do appreciate what you have said here and elsewhere. Further, the question will not be asked without permission.
Thank you (again),
Hi Sparrow,
Yes, I saw your pm and you are free to ask your Q.. it's a good question! go ahead
Hi Sparrow,
Yes, I saw your pm and you are free to ask your Q.. it's a good question! go ahead

Thank you,

The Question that is Skeptical now enters the room and speaks:
Sparrowhawke said:
I've asked permission in your Dream Meaning thread, but don't want to surprise you.

Here's the question (pretty sure you've heard it before):

Do you often find that some things in dreams have no meaning? Do most dreams you hear of originate from God (in your opinion) or do what modern Psychologist and other guys with degrees and initials behind their name also have the right of it?

I'm trying to get your feeling for it more than trying to debunk the service you are performing for the Lord here and other places.

With warm regards,
Here's the question (pretty sure you've heard it before): Do you often find that some things in dreams have no meaning? Do most dreams you hear of originate from God (in your opinion) or do what modern Psychologist and other guys with degrees and initials behind their name also have the right of it?
I'm trying to get your feeling for it more than trying to debunk the service you are performing for the Lord here and other places.
With warm regards,
Great question and a wise one at that.. It is good to ask searching questions... that's how Einstein learned so much!

There are certainly some dreams which are just 'jumble' or our minds purging emotions or junk... however, Christians especially would be surprised at how many of our dreams really are messages from God. When we belong to God, the reigning spiritual force in our lives is His Spirit. Unfortunately, in this day & age we have become much too conditioned by the world to brush spiritual things off as being explained by science. God speaks to us in dreams much more frequently than we realize.. The reason we often don't recognize them is because dreams often seem silly, but the truth is, God uses seemingly silly or foolish things to confound the wise (we are the "wise" btw, or so we

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are" - 1 Cor 18:27-28

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed' - Job 33:14-15

..the reason we don't perceive His messages to us in dreams is because we often don't understand His symbolisms.. it's fun learning and it opens the way for the Lord to talk to us more when He sees we are seeking out what He's saying to us. God says in His word that He wants us to seek after Him and His messages in Proverbs 25:2 ... "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter". The bible tells us we are all Kings & Queens in Christ.. He wants us to search things out, seek Him and chase after Him..

If a dream is a message from the Lord, then every detail of the dream means something - God wastes nothing and He's incredibly efficient, lol. So for instance, colours are symbolic and the meanings of colours are saturated in scriptural reference - each colour for the stones in the ephod of the old testament have meaning and characteristics according to the description of the 12 tribes.
Our homes in dreams represent something or a setting in our "life" depending on the room we are in which will also have symbolic meaning.. Animals and other people have meaning. Most often, other people in our dreams symbolize different aspects of our own personality (I can explain that in another post if someone is curious about it).

I hope some of that answered your Q. There is a lot of biblical teaching info regarding dreams in the website in my signature, it's all free if interested. It's not my website but I do go there. I don't mind answering Q's for people here either however

PS.... The world at large has their own system for interpreting dreams -- sadly they interpret from the flesh and do not use biblical symbolisms or the Holy Spirit to guide an interpretation. They mislead people on large scales much like the false prophets whom Jezebel hired to speak what she wanted to hear. It's very unfortunate.
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As a followup question (statement) my thought considers also that angels are messengers. Some angels are known to be of the light and others are pretenders.

I think that each dream or even message that purports itself to be from God must be tested. It must be held up to our more sure word of Prophecy which is the Bible itself. There are other principles that are taught to the zealous student who constantly asks for wisdom, nothing doubting, and stands fast on the rock which is the solid foundation laid and made by our Christ whose mind we are given. It is only the Mind of Christ and the messages that are confirmed to be of Him that will prove efficacious and edifying. That is the reason that I see no problem in offering my support to what is said here.

My voice is joined to yours as we declare the glory of God even in those things mysterious to many (myself included).

Blessings to you, Sister in the Body of Jesus. I see that you have come to us in His Name. You too are being weighed and have not been found lacking and for this I praise the Lord for you who make me smile.

Your brother, known as Sparrow

Lord, be here with us. Declare your word through us. Magnify Your Name, O Might and Holy One, Ancient of Days and holder of all truth. Bless Your daughter and those who listen for I have welcomed her in Your Name.

Anoint her and those who hear, that we may hear Your Word that is engrafted into us and able to save. It is by Your Word alone and by the workings of your Holy Spirit that we are jointly fitted together in our most holy Faith.

I think that each dream or even message that purports itself to be from God must be tested. It must be held up to our more sure word of Prophecy which is the Bible itself. There are other principles that are taught to the zealous student who constantly asks for wisdom, nothing doubting, and stands fast on the rock which is the solid foundation laid and made by our Christ whose mind we are given. It is only the Mind of Christ and the messages that are confirmed to be of Him that will prove efficacious and edifying. That is the reason that I see no problem in offering my support to what is said here.
My voice is joined to yours as we declare the glory of God even in those things mysterious to many (myself included).
Bless your heart Sparrow for your prayer, welcome, & blessing.. this touched me - thankyou for that.

Yes it is so very true we not be led by our noses sort to speak and just accept any message which comes our way, heaven knows the enemy is in the business of deceiving the very elect if he were able. Ensuring a message is in alignment with God's word is crucial. Which reminds me... on another page back, someone mentioned sleep paralysis and science. It's common in regards to things of the sleeping mind to be attributed to the things of scientific explanation, but science only proves the things of the spirit. We can name a thing under the titles and labels of science, but that does not mean they are any less spiritual. I have ministered to a couple people now who have had problems with sleep paralysis and during this experience they have 'felt' an evil or dark presence in the room.. some of these dark presences outright attack (strangle or hold down) the sleeping person or speak dark things to them while in this condition. This is spiritual attack and we need to used the name of Yah'shua/Jesus to defend ourselves and call on His name for freedom. In the course of ministering to these people, I have often found that there has been a door opened and legal right given to the enemy to attack the individual. In many cases all it takes is a renouncing of whatever doorway (sin whether personal or generational) has been opened in order to set the victim free from further attacks.
There are times when I wake up and know a certain part of a dream is of importance. And then when it happens I say "yep, I remember when I dreamed this."

It's definitely not a coincidence.

But I definitely don't know what to make of it, either!
I dreamed that my dad came back and was talking about how wonderful heaven was a few times.
But I doubt there was really any meaning to it, or most dreams I have. Dreams tend to be about things like desires, or fears, or things we think about
Do you recall any other details to this dream?
In dreams every tiny detail is important to the interpretation. God wastes nothing. Although there are certainly some dreams which are just 'jumble' people would be surprised at how many really are messages from Him. The reason we often don't recognize them is because dreams often seem silly, but the truth is, God uses seemingly silly or foolish things to confound the wise

"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are" - 1 Cor 18:27-28

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed' - Job 33:14-15

..the reason we don't perceive His messages to us in dreams is because we often don't understand His symbolisms.. it's fun learning and opening the way for the Lord to talk to us more when He sees we are seeking out what He's saying to us
God bless & lead you
In one of those dreams in particular, I just went into his room and he was there sitting on his office chair. I was like, "Hey, you're back. What was heaven like?" I could also remember past dreams I had had about him coming back, but I thought this one was real at the time. He told me heaven was wonderful and said a little about it, and I think kept talking about it throughout the dream.
He was still sort of partially paralyzed, and later on he was back in his bed. My mom and brother came in and didn't seem surprised to see him. My dad asked my brother to get some water for him. I tried to ask him more about heaven, but he wasn't allowed to give me any details.

Earlier this week I had a dream where I was a wolf running in the woods. I could just barely move. I had to run across a road and just barely got across without getting run over. But I kept on going until I collapsed in front of a fence. I wanted to get up, I had to keep running for some reason. But I couldn't go any farther and had to rest for a while--I've had some variations of this dream a lot lately.
(I might have woken up for a few seconds and gone back to sleep at this point.) Then it turned into this Star Wars thing where I was trying to get help from a Hutt. He stole this giant meatball creature (literal meatball, looked like the meatballs I had had on my spaghetti that night), and I got angry. Then he got angry and C3PO interpretted what he said--he said something about how I had to go on an adventure with him to appease his anger.
And that was the end.

Years ago I kept having dreams about falling--off the top of super-tall skyscrapers, into the ocean, etc. In those dreams, I'd be doing something fun, like dancing on top of the skyscraper or surfing, and then I'd fall and that was the end of the dream.
I never understood those dreams. Wasn't a particularly hard time in my life or anything. I was a nine year old kid whose dad was in the hospital and we were all thousands of miles from home--but none of that really affected me emotionally.
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Earlier this week I had a dream where I was a wolf running in the woods. I could just barely move. I had to run across a road and just barely got across without getting run over. But I kept on going until I collapsed in front of a fence. I wanted to get up, I had to keep running for some reason. But I couldn't go any farther and had to rest for a while--I've had some variations of this dream a lot lately. (I might have woken up for a few seconds and gone back to sleep at this point.)
Then it turned into this Star Wars thing where I was trying to get help from a Hutt. He stole this giant meatball creature (literal meatball, looked like the meatballs I had had on my spaghetti that night), and I got angry. Then he got angry and C3PO interpretted what he said--he said something about how I had to go on an adventure with him to appease his anger. And that was the end.
This is interesting..repetitive dreams are given by the Lord to get your attention..We often think a repetitive dream has to be 'exactly' the same as the last one but the variations of a common dream are still considered repetitive. Usually once we have an interpretation to a repetitive dream, the Lord stops sending it...
Interpretation: Are you a loner by any chance (lone wolf) or are you a person who is focused on justice & fairness? It appears you are coming into a time when you are going to change perspective (symbolized by crossing a road) regarding something in your life journey. During this transition you may feel you're on your own or perhaps even feel segregated from others somehow and there are people who may try to "run you over" as you make this change. A time will come when the Lord will bring you to a boundary (fence) and He will give you a time of rest & reprieve prior to continuing on you way So come back and let me know if this is happening now or whenever it does happen. I'm always interesting in hearing how a dream pans out in the natural, it usually doesn't look the same as how we try to guess it will look. If you recall any other details to this dream let me know and I may be able to give you more on what exactly it's about. Any and every detail counts.

Years ago I kept having dreams about falling--off the top of super-tall skyscrapers, into the ocean, etc. In those dreams, I'd be doing something fun, like dancing on top of the skyscraper or surfing, and then I'd fall and that was the end of the dream.
I never understood those dreams. Wasn't a particularly hard time in my life or anything. I was a nine year old kid whose dad was in the hospital and we were all thousands of miles from home--but none of that really affected me emotionally.
Keep in mind that many of our dreams speak of future events. Currently I have some dreams from 8 years ago which are now coming to pass (I have been keeping a dream journal for many years & I often go thru them to see if I have a new perspective or have learned something new to add to their interpretation). So this dream of yours could have been for any point in your life
Interp: The skyscraper can speak of a "high spiritual perspective" you may have had (or will have) at some point along the way.. and the dancing would seem to indicate a time during your walk with God you are or were enjoying very much. Was there ever a time in your life during which you were very close to God but then fell away into a time of discontent or into the world? The reason I ask is because the ocean in the bible often is referred to as 'restless masses of humanity', so what your dream seems to indicate is a falling away or falling into some sort of upheaval
Hope this helps, feel free to give feedback - Blessing you.
Earlier this week I had a dream where I was a wolf running in the woods. I could just barely move. I had to run across a road and just barely got across without getting run over. But I kept on going until I collapsed in front of a fence. I wanted to get up, I had to keep running for some reason. But I couldn't go any farther and had to rest for a while--I've had some variations of this dream a lot lately. (I might have woken up for a few seconds and gone back to sleep at this point.)
Then it turned into this Star Wars thing where I was trying to get help from a Hutt. He stole this giant meatball creature (literal meatball, looked like the meatballs I had had on my spaghetti that night), and I got angry. Then he got angry and C3PO interpretted what he said--he said something about how I had to go on an adventure with him to appease his anger. And that was the end.
This is interesting..repetitive dreams are given by the Lord to get your attention..We often think a repetitive dream has to be 'exactly' the same as the last one but the variations of a common dream are still considered repetitive. Usually once we have an interpretation to a repetitive dream, the Lord stops sending it...
Interpretation: Are you a loner by any chance (lone wolf) or are you a person who is focused on justice & fairness? It appears you are coming into a time when you are going to change perspective (symbolized by crossing a road) regarding something in your life journey. During this transition you may feel you're on your own or perhaps even feel segregated from others somehow and there are people who may try to "run you over" as you make this change. A time will come when the Lord will bring you to a boundary (fence) and He will give you a time of rest & reprieve prior to continuing on you way So come back and let me know if this is happening now or whenever it does happen. I'm always interesting in hearing how a dream pans out in the natural, it usually doesn't look the same as how we try to guess it will look. If you recall any other details to this dream let me know and I may be able to give you more on what exactly it's about. Any and every detail counts.
That's really interesting, because that does seem to be happening in the past year. A lot of my perspectives are changing, and at least some of this is at odds with my family and somewhat with my relatives. It's caused some conflict with immediate family, and internal conflict when around relatives who I know disagree with me and might disapprove, however gently, of the direction I'm going.

The dreams with the wolf, I think, seem to be continuations of each other, but I'm not completely sure about that.
The last one, which I already mentioned, I think another wolf joined me at the end, when I had to rest. I guess that could be my brother? Some of his perspectives are changing as well and mom doesn't like that.

Are you a loner by any chance (lone wolf) or are you a person who is focused on justice & fairness?
Lone wolf? Not sure. Maybe sometimes. I guess the latter applies to me to some degree.

Years ago I kept having dreams about falling--off the top of super-tall skyscrapers, into the ocean, etc. In those dreams, I'd be doing something fun, like dancing on top of the skyscraper or surfing, and then I'd fall and that was the end of the dream.
I never understood those dreams. Wasn't a particularly hard time in my life or anything. I was a nine year old kid whose dad was in the hospital and we were all thousands of miles from home--but none of that really affected me emotionally.
Keep in mind that many of our dreams speak of future events. Currently I have some dreams from 8 years ago which are now coming to pass (I have been keeping a dream journal for many years & I often go thru them to see if I have a new perspective or have learned something new to add to their interpretation). So this dream of yours could have been for any point in your life
Interp: The skyscraper can speak of a "high spiritual perspective" you may have had (or will have) at some point along the way.. and the dancing would seem to indicate a time during your walk with God you are or were enjoying very much. Was there ever a time in your life during which you were very close to God but then fell away into a time of discontent or into the world? The reason I ask is because the ocean in the bible often is referred to as 'restless masses of humanity', so what your dream seems to indicate is a falling away or falling into some sort of upheaval
Hope this helps, feel free to give feedback - Blessing you.
Yeah, actually, I did. A few years ago I had gotten especially close to God, and then I got distracted and began to obsess over something else. I got into a depression that lasted months and it took a while to get over once it was gone.
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I just had a dream recently that was bizarre to me and I would love to have it interpreted. My mom passed away many years ago, but in my dream suddenly there she was. She was there and it was almost as if she never left, although I remember feeling that it was good to see her. She was at home and everything was very casual and she...was caring for her new baby. I remember looking at the baby and noting how very clean and healthy it looked and it wasn't crying or anything, and she put it down to sleep. I'm not sure if the baby ever made one sound and not sure if it was a boy or a girl, though I seem to think it was probably a boy just from looking at it. I woke up then, it was a short dream. I'm dumbfounded why I would have such a dream. It was very bizarre to me. I sort of get the feeling the dream meant something, but am unsure which was the more important aspect of the dream, my mom or the baby. Of course I miss my mom but I haven't been dwelling on her or anything so this dream was very out of the blue for me.

Hi Edward!
my goodness, I can't recall the last time I came across a Christian forum with so many men on it. This is just an observation, not a complaint. It's refreshing to see so many men of God all in one place. Usually one finds mostly women. God is doing a great work, amen?
Ok... onto your dream. Baby dreams are almost always good! I know it all seems a little weird at first getting used to how the Lord uses symbolism, but this dream is all about symbolism. Hang tight while I try to lay it out for you so it makes sense.
Interp: Deceased people in dreams are only symbolic..we do not communicate with the dead as it's forbidden by the Lord. I believe part of the key to interpreting your dream lies in how you viewed your mother. Assuming your mother belonged to Yahshua/Jesus (and I think she was due to the rest of the symbolism in the dream) she is symbolic of the source or beginning of something new conceived by Love. To take this a bit further, babies symbolize something new, something just beginning, a new idea, or perhaps a young or immature gifting or ministry. There aren't enough details in this dream for me to really get a good grasp on what this new thing is which is being introduced into your life, but I wonder if it might be peace? The reason I wonder this is because it seems the fact the infant in the dream was so calm & well groomed stuck out to you. Is there currently something new coming to pass or being birthed in your life? Male infants often speak of a new mindset or belief. Let me know how this sits with your spirit. blessings!
"Are you a loner by any chance (lone wolf) or are you a person who is focused on justice & fairness?"
--- Lone wolf? Not sure. Maybe sometimes. I guess the latter applies to me to some degree.
= ok the bit about your perspectives being different from the rest would give you the 'lone wolf' status.. one who is moving away from the 'rest of the pack' on a spiritual level versus a physical level. That makes sense. Very interesting, thanks for the feedback.
Let me know if you have more in days ahead. bless you
I don't often remember my dreams, but when I do, I try to remember to jot them down so I can look them up later.
Our subconscious minds are extremely powerful - and I think dreams are a great way to get in touch with that, to understand our psychology/study of the soul.

Take it with the grain of salt...


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