There was a debate, a great debate (I forgot the topic of the debate). It's something like: Doctors are more important than engineers in the.... Whatever whatever whatever.
Why should doctors win the debate when all those equipment and whatever are engineers'?
The building belongs to an engineer!
The syringe belongs to an engineer!
Almost Everything in a hospital belongs to an engineer. Even humans are electrical devices, kind of. We have currents, lenses, mechanical joints, sorta - and other things that exist in engineering.
We all survived even when no doctors existed....and we survived till today.
Why should doctors win the debate when all those equipment and whatever are engineers'?
The building belongs to an engineer!
The syringe belongs to an engineer!
Almost Everything in a hospital belongs to an engineer. Even humans are electrical devices, kind of. We have currents, lenses, mechanical joints, sorta - and other things that exist in engineering.
We all survived even when no doctors existed....and we survived till today.