Does Anybody Still Have or Collect These Items?

I collect, repair/restore audio electronics from the 1970's to early 80's. At one time I was an electronic repair technician working full time in the industry. I had worked for 4 different repair shops over the years not only repairing audio but everything else as well, TV, CB 2 way FM radios, Microwave Ovens, installing alarm systems, you name it, etc, before finally tiring of the industry a few decades ago. I am now in a totally different line of work. But I still collect those old stereos and fix them up on the side. They are like gold to us collectors and there is a market for them out there.
We got a turntable that includes a feature of converting old LPs and 45s to MP3 so you can store old stuff on your PC or wherever for listening without playing old records over and over and wearing them out.
Yep been seeing those on the market lately.