A friend and brother Christian of mine from childhood once suggested once that part of the UFO "phenomenon" (if we may term it that) could be due to seducing spirits and deception efforts. He went on to speculate that our impressions about "Lunacy" and the sayings such as, "
Is there a full moon out there maybe," sometimes heard in emergency rooms, could also, at least in part, be due to seducing spirits and their efforts toward deception.
If angels are messengers (and my friend thought of them as curious like kittens but powerful) what might fallen angels be except scheming agents of varying degrees of power. His thought continued and a certain hierarchy of demonic powers was developed. There could be the "Prince of Darkness" and other "Principalities and Powers" who were said to be rulers of the air. This, according to his speculation, might explain how various regions on the globe have different feelings associated with them. Consider a repressed country with authoritarian dictatorship as a ruler and imagine the feelings one sensitive to such things may have.
Compare to the feeling of intellectual liberties that others, also sensitive to such things, might have as they strolled in park like settings on campus at higher education facilities. Libertarian? Authoritarian? His suggestion was the there were various "influences" that ruled over differing territories, not man's boundaries, but theirs.
I don't know about all that but sometimes when we listen to certain music (regardless of the genre) or when I watch popular movies, or even while attending schools and looking at cliques, one can not help but wonder. The same might be said about angels but if that is the case there could be different orders of magnitude and differing methods of dominion. Angels seek to serve, fallen angels seek to dominate and/or seduce. We are told that we can't serve two masters. Why do we deny?
Where does God dwell? We know that He is Spirit, that He is greater than all heaven and all earth. We've heard Him describe certain places we think of as very large as his footstool. God has promised that for those whom love him, they shall be his people, He shall be their God. What shall He do? We have clues. Jesus tabernacled amongst us in flesh. We are told that we are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We are told that we may consider ourselves tent-dwellers, not citizens of this flesh, but nomads whose place, whose home is in the Kingdom of God, that we are "Children of the Promise," that it has not even so much as entered into our minds what God has planned for them that love Him. We are told that Jesus has gone to prepare a mansion for us and that in His Fathers' Kingdom there are many mansions.
What does this mean? I suspect that there are a few here that may know, that have been given the earnest of this inheritance we speak of; Delivered to Jesus, witnessed by others, gifted to men. There are many things to ponder here.
Philippians 4:8 Link --->
Whatsoever things are pure....
God is on His throne and nothing may happen to us that is not allowed. We shall not be tested beyond our endurance but when in trial we learn to lift our eyes toward Heaven in our petitions and to stand on the rock that is our faith and trust and love of Him who makes a way for us, that we too may escape corruption and remain steadfast. That sounds to my romantic and visual image system (sometimes called my mind) remarkably like an act of response as we are offered and given a white robe while considering attendance of a certain feast. Let us adorn ourselves with His uprightness in spirit and in truth.