I do feel the topic of the thread is still the issue I am discussing. The question is like asking, does the devil need to ask permission to become vain? Did he need permission to say in his vanity what he believed to be true? If God silenced him, then it could be murmured that God was afraid of what Satan had to say. Doubt in God is vanity. Thinking you know better than God is vanity.Well, we gone beyond the scope of what the thread is about, and removed the ability of your average Christian to give input about their thoughts concerning the matter. "Does the devil need permission to get us?"
Not sure what you mean by this, but I suspect that you may be simply saying that the darkness does not comprehend the Light, and also that it does not mean that the Light does not comprehend darkness.By default of the Spoken Word which upholds all things, we will run into the devil time and time again.
Fear in the dictionary is listed as both a verb and a noun. I simply know it as an emotion that comes from sensing danger either real or only even perceived to be real. Sin, to me, is both a place and a direction in separation from God. To me, sin is caused by believing a lie about God. So then, if I fear God as a danger to me, then I would not trust Him. Hence such a fear is actually unfaith or distrust. That then would be believing a lie about God which would prompt or justify disobedience, which when acted upon will result in sin. Iniquity to me simply means unfair, as in the opposite of equity. So yes, fear as in distrust can cause sin, but fear of God in this manner of distrust is preceded by a lie placed in the unknown, causing uncertainty about God. For God is trustworthy.As for Vanity, it's a Greek female noun, a state of something defined by the following male noun or article. Fear (which causes sin) is a verb or action. Iniquity is a condition without regards to any law. Is this a byproduct of moral corruptness called vanity?
Iniquity to me simply means unfair assessment, as in the opposite of equity, and similar to hypocrisy. Iniquity is a by product of vanity. Satan was made beautiful and full of knowledge in comparison to all others. And His beauty became vanity because he took it for granted, as if he deserved it or earned it. And this became iniquity, because as he looked at those lesser endowed, he showed a despising for them, even though God had made them that way just as God had made him who he was. That is how I believe vanity entered and preceded iniquity. I have already said that Satan didn't esteem God properly.
I simply believe that since God sent a True Image of Himself to believe in and be saved, then there is a false image residing in our subconscious, which is therefore the source of corruption in the creation. You mentioned fear and perfect Love casts out all fear. I see a perfect Love in the Christ and nothing to fear. I also note what the devil said about God in Genesis 3:4-5.If your theory is correct, then the whole creature sacrifices everyone to serve itself (Satan) from the earth to all the expanse in space. That model can not be sustained forever, it will eat itself from the tail end. Could be why there is not only a new earth, but heavens also, if the first is really imploding on itself.
To me, Satan subtly implies that God is a tyrannical liar who keeps us down, by not allowing us to have what would make us His equal through fear of death. Since God defines all of our terms such as good and evil, right and wrong, success and failure, then a creation with this image of god would result in a might makes right struggle for power, which we see in wars and racism, money and influence.
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