I like you Wrg. I'll bet you and your wife get along really well !
BTW, you husbands are kind of nice too.
Thanks for your kind words.
Not sure why you like me, not sure why anyone likes me (not phishing)
Our road to marriage was very stressful due to my emotional issues. I actually broke up with her (and she still brings it up in a jokey way when we come alongside others) funny thing is I knew that I loved her even though my emotions dictated otherwise. In fact we both had dreams about marrying each other. Whenever I got close to a relationship with a girl I broke it off straight away. In fact I would not let anyone get close to me and vice versa.
But do you know what, when God started to break my barriers and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful lady my emotions started to come into line. My beautiful wife stuck with me through this process.
I'm so thankful to God that he has given me a wife, whom he knew I needed and whilst I don't get it my wife says the same, she says she is thankful that God has given me the husband I needed.
We have very different backgrounds. She was bought up in a loving Christian family, me? My upbringing was quite frankly shocking and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
Yes we get on really well because we love each other deeply. God has used our experiences of growing up to release us. My wife tells me that I have helped her so much in understanding loving those that are in the position I was as she had never experienced a rough diamond like me. I tell her that she has helped me so much because she has loved me where I was. Just like God does.
God gave me Tori and God gave Tori Bill. He knew who we both needed. He is good.
I've said before in a previous topic. Husbands love your wife like Christ loves the church, honour your wife, work with her and consider her in every way you work.
When we do that then us husbands can be "kind of nice too"
Ps W, some of your responses to my previous posts have lifted me and assured me. Precious daughter of our Father.