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Effects of the love of God.

Who Me

We live in a world that has been changed beyond d recognition by the love of God being practically shown.
Unfortunately due to a society that publicly rejects Christianity and Christian morality the many evil practices that had been done away with are fast returning.

Prior to Christianity, infanticide, slavery, the killing of the old and weak, cannibalism were common among the tribes and people groups.
Recognise them in today?

The challenge is, how are we opposing these things?
Hello Who Me.
Just keep planting the seed. Some will believe it. 🙂

That is one, note, one effect of the Christian showing the love of God, but what of how we love our neighbours?
Yes that does mean politics, asking challenging questions of candidates and of door to door canvassers.
Yes it means being involved with both Christian and non Christian charities.
Of speaking up at work, to the media about things that are wrong or unjust..

Jesus loved the unloved, do we?
That is one, note, one effect of the Christian showing the love of God, but what of how we love our neighbours?
Yes that does mean politics, asking challenging questions of candidates and of door to door canvassers.
Yes it means being involved with both Christian and non Christian charities.
Of speaking up at work, to the media about things that are wrong or unjust..

Jesus loved the unloved, do we?
We should as His students. He loved even people who hated Him.
The challenge is, how are we opposing these things?
HI Who Me

Well, have you found anything in the Scriptures to tell you that we should? Maybe that's why your mind is having a hard time understanding what we are supposed to be doing. Maybe we're not supposed to do the things that you're suggesting as some means to fight against the sinfulness of the world. I honestly can't find any example in the Scriptures where the early church was commissioned to go out and rid the world of sin. I did read somewhere that Jesus asked us to tell them about him.

God bless,
HI Who Me

Well, have you found anything in the Scriptures to tell you that we should? Maybe that's why your mind is having a hard time understanding what we are supposed to be doing. Maybe we're not supposed to do the things that you're suggesting as some means to fight against the sinfulness of the world. I honestly can't find any example in the Scriptures where the early church was commissioned to go out and rid the world of sin. I did read somewhere that Jesus asked us to tell them about him.

God bless,

Why do you evangelise? On.y b3cause it is a command or do you actually ' love ' other people or neighbours ?
If you love them and see a need would you not try to do something about that need?

It is only Christianity that gives you an independent voice, atheism and other believes would have you silently serving the community.
Why do you evangelise? On.y b3cause it is a command or do you actually ' love ' other people or neighbours ?
If you love them and see a need would you not try to do something about that need?

It is only Christianity that gives you an independent voice, atheism and other believes would have you silently serving the community.
Hi Who Me

That's a grand personal opinion. But my question was whether or not you could provide any Scriptural support for your question of 'how are we opposing such things?' If the answer is no, just say so. Then you can go on with, "But I think that's what we should do because it's what I think is the right thing to do."

As a parent who loves his children, the greatest love that we can show others is to tell them about Jesus. That's actually the last command that Jesus gave his followers. While giving that command, he didn't say, "As you go about doing this, or instead of doing this, be sure to feed and clothe everyone and make sure you take care of all their personal needs." Although yes, their are other places where he does tell us that we should care for the least of us. But telling people about Jesus is ultimately the greatest love that you can show someone. My greatest responsibility, as a parent, is to teach my children to know and love God and His Son. By telling them about His Son you will have given them the opportunity to gain the greatest gift that is available to man.

Paul, who Jesus has told us is his representative to the Gentile nations, never says a single word about working to 'fix' government or sinners by beating them over the head about their sinful ways. The only act of charity that the Scriptures record of Paul is that he took up offerings for the Jewish widows in Israel. That was a command given by Jesus. To care for the widows and the fatherless. Only two groups of people that Jesus gave any indication that we should help monetarily or in some way making their lives better in their living conditions.

Now yes, as we do that, we should help to answer their needs for food, clothing and shelter. But that's not the same as fighting the government or other groups over their sinful ways. I've read the Scriptures! That's what's ultimately going to be overrunning the earth as Jesus returns. Yet knowing this is how it's going to be in the last days, he never once says that we need to work somehow to stop that eventuality. But we should show them the love of Jesus and help in providing for the basic needs of life. Not tilting at windmills like some Don Quixote character.

So I asked, "What Scriptural reference can you give that God does want us to be somehow militant or otherwise aggressive about the sin of the world?"

That's what I'm getting at. These supposed 'evangelical groups' that spend so much of their time addressing government wrongs or attacking the sins of others, as I understand the Scriptures, isn't what God asks of us. He asks us to tell everyone we can about the love He has shown all of us through the life and death and resurrection of His Son. Yes, that is what God asks of us. Because the plan that God has instituted is that for those who will believe, then the work of the Holy Spirit will begin in them to 'fix' all these issues of sin in their lives. But somehow, it seems that there's a part of the christian body, that thinks that they have the power to fix all that's wrong with the lost of the earth. Sorry, the Scriptures don't show any evidence that's what God asks of us.

So, I'm all for helping the destitute and the poor in the material necessities of their daily lives, but again, I don't see that God's word ever gives us some example that we 'stand in the gap' against the sin of the world. Just tell them about Jesus. For those who will accept it, baptize them. Then begin teaching them to obey all that he commanded his followers to do. Then the Holy Spirit, who will then indwell them also, will begin to convict of both sin and righteousness.

God bless,
I dunno 🤷‍♂️

Please do realize that I’m writing in as an apparently high functioning mentally ill person who is basically a pariah including the church subculture. Moving on…

God gives the increase. God is also in control. I’ve noticed the increasingly open hostility towards Christianity and Christian morality all over society. I mean…all strata all demographics. It would appear the broad road is united in their contempt for Christ Jesus. Jesus says…for me or against me.

That dividing line seems to be an issue now within the church ⛪️ too. Maybe 🤔 it always has been? Right wing center right progressive…much of the established church is openly anti christ in deeds if not in official doctrine. Ugh 😑

Here in the USA 🇺🇸 churches are becoming older and more right wing 🪽. The seemingly inescapable politicization of everyday life flows in and through the churches too.

Jesus Christ says the love of many will grow cold 🥶. Who will He find truly obedient to Him out of love when He returns?

I’m all about pushing for changes to government policies and laws and regulations and promoting the common good 😊 but…

Speaking as a social non entity I find that prayer 🙏 is my most powerful weapon. I share my faith sometimes with the predictable response of oh at least he’s found something to help him deal with the schizophrenia and make him feel better etc etc etc…,

Which honestly has become so frustrating that it’s hard to not just stay silent 🤫 and only talk about issues not my faith. But I’m reminded that Jesus Christ tells us to spread the good news 📰 so it’s a challenging commandment. Maybe that’s a good thing?

I just don’t see…from where I’m typing anyway…

Any great movements coming out of an established church mostly focused on enriching the rich and enslaving everyone else.
What Scriptural reference can you give that God does want us to be somehow militant or otherwise aggressive about the sin of the world?"
No where have I advocated militancy or aggressive evangelism, but I do advocate imitating Jesus, he acted for the good of those who hated him and he commanded that we sh9w our love for him by obeying his commands.
Jesus's Commands are effectively the whole of the bible with the repeated injunction that the poor, the weak and the alien be looked after.

What does the Lord require of you?
That you love mercy,
That you act justly and
Walk humbly before your God.

If one ignores abortion, intfancide, euthanasia, people trafficking and other injustices how can one claim to love justice?
No where have I advocated militancy or aggressive evangelism, but I do advocate imitating Jesus, he acted for the good of those who hated him and he commanded that we sh9w our love for him by obeying his commands.
Jesus's Commands are effectively the whole of the bible with the repeated injunction that the poor, the weak and the alien be looked after.

What does the Lord require of you?
That you love mercy,
That you act justly and
Walk humbly before your God.

If one ignores abortion, intfancide, euthanasia, people trafficking and other injustices how can one claim to love justice?
Hi Who Me

Yes, I get all that, but none of that addresses my question to you.
"What Scriptural reference can you give that God does want us to be somehow militant or otherwise aggressive about the sin of the world?"
And please don't take it personally. I'm not necessarily condemning you of anything, as you'll see I referenced such people as 'they'. But no. God has never asked us to rid the world of sin or to do anything such as even judging for sin, except within the fellowship. Our job is to preach the gospel and for those who would believe, then allow the Holy Spirit to do his job.

God bless,
The challenge is, how are we opposing these things?
Remain in Christ, pray all the time about everything.
as I read the below op quote starting the thread,
before I got to the last phrase and saw what is posted,
I was expecting "by the love of God being practically UNKNOWN. (in society, the world, our lives, our communities, politics, medicine, banks, financial agencies, hospitals, doctor's offices, schools, military members, even charities (so-called) ) .....
We live in a world that has been changed beyond d recognition by the love of God being practically shown.
The world we live in is so wicked, today, who sees God and Truth? Who even ever strives to know God and Truth ?
(note next quote, below)
Unfortunately due to a society that publicly rejects Christianity and Christian morality the many evil practices that had been done away with are fast returning.

Prior to Christianity, infanticide, slavery, the killing of the old and weak, cannibalism were common among the tribes and people groups.
Recognise them in today?
infanticide is more common , as millions are slaughtered every year for decades. Slavery is more common than ever before. Killing of old and weak very common. and even those not old, not weak, being killed by many means.
As for cannibalism, even worse as Scripture says but calls it "devouring one another" , and other phrases/methods.
Hi Who Me

Here's what I wrote:
That's what I'm getting at. These supposed 'evangelical groups' that spend so much of their time addressing government wrongs or attacking the sins of others, as I understand the Scriptures, isn't what God asks of us. He asks us to tell everyone we can about the love He has shown all of us through the life and death and resurrection of His Son. Yes, that is what God asks of us. Because the plan that God has instituted is that for those who will believe, then the work of the Holy Spirit will begin in them to 'fix' all these issues of sin in their lives. But somehow, it seems that there's a part of the christian body, that thinks that they have the power to fix all that's wrong with the lost of the earth. Sorry, the Scriptures don't show any evidence that's what God asks of us.
It was not a claim that I made against you.

God bless,