
You know ......

birds came before mankind did. Them and sea creatures came before all of the other creatures of the land. But only Adam and Eve are described from how they were created. Who would know except God how He made them come to be?

You raise an interesting point some have speculated on, that fish and birds are made of water that's lighter than dirt and helps them fly, while land creatures are made from heavier stuff.
I don't know that we'll ever discover anything to support that notion; so far we see birds having a lighter structure. Hard to see that as coming from dinosaurs ...
You raise an interesting point some have speculated on, that fish and birds are made of water that's lighter than dirt and helps them fly, while land creatures are made from heavier stuff.
I don't know that we'll ever discover anything to support that notion; so far we see birds having a lighter structure. Hard to see that as coming from dinosaurs ...

It's just not explained though. It still is the authority, even without an explanation, but we don't need to worry about how God did it.

Just my opinion.
so tell me, is the forum peaceful and quiet the way everyone wants it to be without me being around?
Because you can be sure If I come back on a regular basis, I'll wreck havoc!!!
Watch out man, this place is chick friendly