I believe that a part of the "strong delusion" seen coming on all men is going to be so strong because we have already accepted it as fact. Paul says that God sends the delusion as a result of them not wanting the truth to begin with.
I think that the delusion has a great deal to do with the "church" itself. All area's of it. From preaching, to teaching, to witnessing, and even loving. When a person steps back, everyone does what is right in his own eyes.
The "church" as a whole has been very well at providing 'sensual' or "fantasy" visual representations of what the "end times" will be like. Everyone has a picture of it in their head. But does it line up with the Bible? Does it even make sense?
People love to 'sit and soak', and the "church" is more than happy to let them. And every now and again you find "pastors" pouring in some 'salted water' just to sting the sitters enough to make them feel alive.
End times? No doubt. Look around us. I had wondered sometimes if I would live to see the day He returns, and I still may die before then. But to say that it is not just around the corner would take someone saying; "Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation."
I think we are in for a rude awakening. I think things will start to happen that we have never heard about. Why? Because, there is no more study going on. People think its a waste of time. We have filled our lives with such worldliness, and even have the audacity to say its in the name of 'reaching out'. So then, when things start to happen, we will "depend" on those who we have blindly put into positions of authority over us.
I am amazed at some of the "church" gatherings today. The "pastor" has total sway over the people. Each have their own methods and ways, but the outcome is the same. Its somewhat frightening to think that those around you could turn on you so quickly, but thats what will happen. It will be a sad, sad period of time.
Mar 13:12 And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.