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Ephesians and Pre-Destination

bleitzel -

I apologize for my lengthy delay in responding.

I finally found the original draft of my response to one who labeled himself a Calvinist.

In my view, how one views predestinaton is NOT essential to one's salvation.

BUT, if on'e's view of predestination is flawed, then most likely, so will one's walk with Christ!

Please feel free to pick my work apart, and examine every line for error, the truth is all that I am interested in!


"As I continue to study John Calvin’s tenet of unconditional election, which is better known as “Predestinationâ€Â, I find that many Calvinists today are not what I would call true, or “orthodoxâ€Â, Calvinists. Most of these “Calvinistsâ€Â, with whom I discuss the Scriptures, know nothing of Calvin. In fact, when informed of the main tenets of Calvinism (T-U-L-I-P) they adamantly disagree with all of them but one. The one tenet that they do believe in is always the same one, perseverance of the saints. Which is, “A child of God once saved, cannot be lostâ€Â, or what most simply call, “Once saved, always saved!†Many often wrongly apply the terms - predestinate, elect, chosen and appointed. If we look for the term “elect†in the Old Testament (OT) we will find it properly defined for us.

Isaiah 45 KJV
(4) For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

It seems safe to say, that the nation of Israel was, and still is, God’s chosen people. However, one has to ignore and misinterpret much scripture to agree with John Calvin that these above terms are referencing those guaranteed eternal salvation from before birth.

In my view, the bulk of the New Testament (NT) is concerned with evangelizing everyone in the world, Hebrew and Gentile alike. Therefore, if the “elect†nation of Israel requires evangelizing, as does the non-elect Gentile world, Calvin’s definition of predestination must be flawed.

Now, let’s look at John 10:27-29, one passage of many that Calvinists use to support the tenets of their doctrine.

John 10 KJV
(27) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
(28) And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
(29) My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

First, in my view, Jesus is not talking about all believers in this passage. The following verses help to illustrate that Christ is talking about only His apostles here.

John 17 KJV
(6) I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.

John 17 KJV
(12) While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

John 18 KJV
(8) Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:
(9) That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

Notice that all of these passages are using the past tense. Furthermore, they clarify the fact that these sheep are only protected from physical harm, not spiritual harm, and only while Jesus Christ was alive. This protection ended upon Christ’s death on the cross.

Second, a few verses prior to John 10:27-29, quoted above, John 10:16, tells us that there is more than one fold in Jesus’ flock.

John 10 KJV
(16)And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Of course, I do see the Gentiles as possibly being a separate fold of sheep in Christ’s flock (church), mentioned above. However, I see nothing here that limits the number of folds in Christ’s flock to only two, the Jews and the Gentiles.

Again, I see the sheep spoken of in John 10:27-29, as being the apostles only. Now, while the apostles ARE all Jews, they are just a handful of individuals, rather than the whole nation of Israel. So, it appears to me that the apostles are, also, a fold of Christ’s sheep, separate and apart from the rest of the flock.

Here we have a specially “chosen†group within the “elected†nation of Israel. Which, if this interpretation is correct, means that there are at least three folds of sheep in Christ’s flock, if not more.

This is a much different example of predestination than John Calvin taught. Yet, I clearly see these passages as illuminating, and more correctly defining, the predestination spoken of in the Scriptures.

The four passages referenced below – Luke 6:13; John 6:70; John 15:16 and John 17:6, among others, further clarify, in my view, that each of the apostles were predestined for their role in life.

And further, if predestined means “eternally saved (or, eternally condemned)†as Calvin teaches, why then did Paul state…

Titus 1 KJV
(1) Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
(2) In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

Here, in verse two, Paul’s, “In hope of eternal life…†means that we have, yet another, major conflict with Calvin’s definition of predestination! If someone who is one of God’s “electâ€Â, a “predestined oneâ€Â, an “appointed oneâ€Â, a “chosen one†is still only in HOPE of eternal life, then John Calvin’s tenet of “Predestination†is a total lie!

Additionally, 2 Peter 1:10 totally refutes CalvinÀ™s concept of anyone being “eternally predestinedâ€Â.

2 Peter 1 KJV
(10) Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:"

I also see Romans as supporting the above teaching, but I don't have anything polished up enough to post at this time.

May God bless us all,

Predestination as a work of God before creation. . . in a nutshell

I suggest that the total number God saves from all of humanity (consisting of both Jews and Gentiles) is the exact number who have been predestined to eternal life when all is said and done by man.

Seen as a work of God before creation - and left there, the doctrine is not difficult to believe nor accept. Men only go back as far as Adam, but those who will ultimately inhabit the new heavens and the new earth can THEN trace their origins to God's predestination. We should not speak presumptuously or prematurely about such things but stand and live in the fear of God because of them.
stranger -

At least we agree on this one small point below...

Posted by stranger -

Predestination as a work of God before creation. . . in a nutshell

Do the Calvinists who have been predestined to hell also believe and teach Calvin's 'predestination'?

Once one has studied the scriptures enough to understand and then accept Calvin's doctrine, why then would one go to the trouble to erect church buildings, and then assemble in them to worship, if it will not impact on their destiny?

I am curious to know what you see YOUR destiny as, and also, how you know 'in this world', what your destiny will be 'in the next world'.

Plus, as a Calvinist, what do you hope to accomplish by posting on Christian discussion forums?

In Christ,

Pogo said:
stranger -

At least we agree on this one small point below...

Posted by stranger -

Predestination as a work of God before creation. . . in a nutshell

Do the Calvinists who have been predestined to hell also believe and teach Calvin's 'predestination'?

Once one has studied the scriptures enough to understand and then accept Calvin's doctrine, why then would one go to the trouble to erect church buildings, and then assemble in them to worship, if it will not impact on their destiny?

I am curious to know what you see YOUR destiny as, and also, how you know 'in this world', what your destiny will be 'in the next world'.

Plus, as a Calvinist, what do you hope to accomplish by posting on Christian discussion forums?

In Christ,


Hi Pogo,

You don't have to be a Calvinist to believe in predestination because it can be found in the scriptures. It just so happens that the doctrine is associated with Calvin because he wrote a sustained thesis on the subject and was one of the first theologians to do so. Having said that I have never really taken to Calvin and have never referred to myself as a Calvinist.

When you use the expression 'predestined to hell' you step outside of what God has revealed. Logic or reason may arrive at that sort of statement about predestination - but men have been known to err in their interpretation in the course of Church history. This eleboration and so called natural consequence often neglects the fact that the whole of humanity was once lost in Adam. That God saves is an act of mercy and a free call on the part of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The alternative thinking is that some are passed by - while some are saved. But Adam did not pass any by in what he did!

I have used this illustration about the Calvinist who thinks he is predestined to eternal life. If a flame shoots up from the bottomless pit and touches his backside he would have cause to reevaluate his own salvation. I have also asked: 'what evidence can a Calvinist furnish to know that he is saved.' From my own expereince - the assurance of salvation can be lost and it can be regained, it is dependent upon what happens to us and how we react and especially how we handle the so called 'aftermath'.

You raise why bother to build churches etc . . . obedience to God's will is called for not fatalism. I don't see predestination as leading to fatalism nor a consequence thereof. Presently I have two things in me - one is the dread of hell and the other is the hope of heaven. I thank God that there has been a time when only the hope of heaven was in me - and I desire to get back to that. The hope of heaven is the 'inward testimony of the Holy Spirit that I am a child of God.' If we do not have that - what is our assurance? If you say it is found in scripture - I will ask you so show me your name from scripture.

So you see I have taken your comments seriously because 'predestination' does raise some touchy issues. I am heartened by that fact that you have raised your concerns.
Hi, stranger,

Thanks for your response.

I do agree that using the term ‘predestined to hell’, or ‘heaven’ for that matter, is outside of God’s teachings.

I used the term ‘predestined to hell’ only because it is used by Calvinists.

Below is a definition of Calvin’s Predestination, sent to me several years ago by a Calvinist.

“Predestination is the doctrine that God alone chooses (elects) who is saved. He makes His choice independent of any quality or condition in sinful man. He does not look into a person and recognize something good nor does He look into the future to see who would choose Him. He elects people to salvation purely on the basis of His good pleasure. Those not elected are not saved. He does this because He is sovereign; that is, He has the absolute authority, right, and ability to do with His creation as He pleases. He has the right to elect some to salvation and let all the rest go their natural way: to hell. This is predestination.â€Â

You are correct, “You don’t have to be a Calvinist to believe in predestination because it can be found in the scriptures.â€Â

Therefore, we must believe in predestination, because the scriptures DO teach predestination. However, as I see things, they just don’t teach Calvin’s version of predestination.

So, if one agrees with Calvin’s definition of predestination, I feel compelled to label them a Calvinist.

You say that you don’t see yourself as a Calvinist, and, indeed, some of your views conflict with the Calvinist’s above definition of Predestination, yet you say that you see the new heavens and the new earth being populated ONLY by those traced to those God predestined to salvation.

I’m sorry, but I fail to see a distinction here.

In Christ,
