Yep. Our Heavenly Father is giving us a sign, for those watching. Sadam tried to literally rebuild the city of Babylon (in Iraq). He built lots of new buildings there. Per Bible history, the Medo-Persians under Cyrus the great conquered Babylon. And God called Cyrus His 'anointed' in the Book of Isaiah, meaning God ordained Cyrus to conquer Babylon, and release Judah from the 70 years captivity to Babylon.
Going into Iraq in our time serves as a Biblical blueprint of that. In final though, it is our Lord Jesus Christ in that final role of ending symbolic Babylon's reign in the end of days. That's what the sign today is of modern day Iraq being conquered. It's not Armageddon yet, but only a blueprint for it. Even when Sadam was found in a pit, he had been living in the wild, and that follows the blueprint of God causing Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon to live wild with the animals per the Book of Daniel.