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[ Young Earth ] Evidence for a YOUNG earth...


Greeting Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Here are some more examples of what I believe is God giving us brief glimpses into his truth and existence. He has not forgotten us and is providing " snap shots of proof " that His Word can trusted. If you look, the answers are there...

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."Matt 7:7

If you watch all of these videos you will be amazed and will come out with confidence that the Bible is true truth and all this evolutionary nonsense is utter rubbish, and is indeed only in the minds of men.. Evolution is gutting generations and taking untold numbers to hell.

The "millions of years" anti-God-worldview has essentially taken over the entire globe and scientific world despite the amazing evidence that the world is young! The good news is that thousand of real scientists do not believe these lies and have worked out great models in favour of Special Creation.

If you have not seen this info before you should be aware of it. As a Christian, this info gives incredible proof that scripture is true and gives the correct version of our existence.

"Always being ready to make a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."1 Peter 3:15

This series of videos is a but a drop in the bucket to the available information out there. I give but a teaser...

Again, God gives more than enough evidence that his Word is TRUTH.



Start here: This amazing short doc (1 hr) shows compelling evidence that man has clearly lived with the so called "dinosaurs" from the beginning. And yes, the Bible talks about "dinosaurs", but they never considered them anything different or special like we do...Early man did not consider them any different than today's rhinoceros or crocodiles... They were just more creatures that roamed the earth, nothing special to them as they saw them every day. Because we don't see them like they did, we have built a mythology around them and gave them fancy names...but man walked with "dinosaurs" and so do you!

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Next up......"I walk with dinosaurs", you say? How? Here's an amazing video of what we call living fossils.( 4 Min) These creatures are unchanged from "dinosaur days". Why? The simple answer is that the earth is in fact not old, some creatures could not survive after the flood ( a drasticly changed environment) so they've been dying off since the days of Noah... These ones however survived until today...There are many many more than this quick clip shows, as this thread progresses, I will posting more Living Fossils!

Next up...Here is the most amazing Living fossil for me as I am an avid fisherman ( of men and fish!)...she is so beautiful! (3 min) This little girl will make your hair stand on end...

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Next up...Here's an amazing video (8 min.) Showing how they found soft tissue in a t-Rex long bone. Yes, you read that right, soft tissue!
But how can this be? T-rex's are millions of years old right? Soft tissue can't possibly last that long can it? The last minute of her talk is mind blowing. But she stops short of acknowledging the actual implications of this discovery because a young earth just can't be truth right? The earth has to be millions of years old right? They say so, so it must! (Its all lies!)

Next up...Here's my video on proof for a global flood. It's everywhere and its real and powerful. You can rest assured that a global flood DID occur just a scripture asserts. (Now, Since making this video I have learned some other facts about oil, which I will post at a later date...)

Next up...And for the icing on the cake, here's what I believe to be the real resting place of Noah's ark. Amazing doc and well worth watching. (1hr+) Many years ago I told a friend of mine that if they found the ARKS resting place, people would have to believe. I now see how hard some hearts are and even seeing the ARK will not change some. This may not be the actual resting place, but there's enough evidence here that tells me it is, and at the very least deserves more attention and investigation! Why is this not on the nightly news?

And lastly for tonight... every so often, God I feel, gives us a glimpse into His Truths, for those willing to see.

There are many examples, but this one is very nice. Watch the short video below and be amazed.

A glimpse of Heaven? It just might be...

The Sixth Day: Creatures on Land
29Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

How does the Mount St. Helens explosion on May 18, 1980 show us that millions of years are not necessary to create some of the geologic features we see today?

How powerful is a just a little water?

Imagine the whole planet covered in water; acting like a giant washing machine- burying everything in sight. Mud, sand, dirt all swirling and being hydraulically sorted into layers filled with dinosaurs, trees, plants, insects - everything.

This is how we have most of the fossils we see today. This is where most of the geologic column comes from.

This is what Noah's Flood did to sin.

Some evidences for a young earth...a little dry but excellent info.

Dr Marc Surtees investigates

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My personal favourite...the Coelacanth
Here is the story...

** At the 8 min mark, the
evolutionary bias becomes clear. Despite the more obvious and simple explanation, (that the Bible is true and earth is young,) they hold that this fish actually proves evolution, when nothing could be further form the truth. This shows the utter power of assumptions and presuppositions.

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Stegosaurus roamed the earth in the Late Jurassic Period of 150 million years ago. A flintstone version of this dinosaur can be found carved in Ta Phrom Temple's courtyard, which was built 800 years ago. Stegasauruses were only named and identified in 1877 by a Othniel Charles Marsh after uncovering their remains in Colorado.
