I would like to engage some of your other points JustWondering but this is all I have time for at the moment.
The key point to be made here is that if there is no God, there is no moral law giver and no objective moral standard, no such categories as right and wrong, good and evil.
I don't think this is exactly the case. You have mentioned that most people feel certain things are just wrong to do. This points to the idea of objective morality. But if there were no God, apart from us not even being here, although I will grant it for the sake of discussion, then everyone would be doing what they wanted to do. There would be no moral law, no objective moral standard.
It isn't because "God is watching" that stops Christian's from doing things, just as it isn't that most atheists do not murder because God is watching. The vast majority of people just feel that murder and other certain types of behaviors are inherently wrong.
From your OP:
Neither. Morals exist because they are grounded in the being of God, in his character. Objective morals exist because a holy God exists; He is the standard of goodness.
I would point out that in the public sectors of 'law' the terms applied to the above have been moved to similar principles based on 'ethics.' It is a derivation apart from God, but the motivation does not derive therein.
Personally whenever a religious person picks up Gods Laws and makes certain claims I always disagree. Why? Because most 'christians' are basically dishonest about how they handle this particular subject.
I much prefer the system of 'law via ethics' and established law that is not biblically derived.
Most christian divisions and sects have come about from the divisions that Biblical Law has caused, that being from Divine Intentions of same.
So, for the opening poster, if you want a real time example of the existence and veracity of God, simply look at the results obtained by the adherents.
Jesus delineated these Divine workings primarily in His statements about Pharisees, Lawyers and Hypocrites.
What does this prove? It proves the FACTs of the existence of those things 'in mens hearts.'
And that is basically what the intentions of the Word are..to reveal hearts...which The Word does quite well.
The Word is a Divine and Direct 'revelation' of the facts of mens hearts...a virtual 'reflector' of the facts of what lies therein that neither ethics or science will ever find. You or any as an unbeliever merely reflect that fact that exists therein, as scoffer or denier etc etc when the point of the text is to reveal the fact that lawlessness does exist within 'all' of our hearts as a 'universal' condition of mankind. Anyone as a reasoned logical person can openly observe this well demonstrated fact. The text does go on to describe 'why and how' this is. But nearly everyone who confronts that portion of the text will go blank and not only will not, but can not respond to the facts contained therein regarding 'lawlessness.'
So for me, law, lawlessness and the reflections of the latter via amplifications are a primary fulcrum and evidence of and for not only the text, but of God Himself, actively employed in this present world.
I take the following statement from the writer of Hebrews as thee definitive on this matter:
Hebrews 4:12
the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is
a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The interesting part to me is that
none have an identical reflection, which is also a testimony to the intricacies of our Creator in not having any two 'things' in creation identically the same.
Every 'thing' within creation is totally and individually unique at the particle level.