[_ Old Earth _] evolution false dawin is false

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No one who believes in the theory of evilution does so because they have come to any conclusions of their own--every argument they give is based on something that someone else has declared!--This is true of all subjects though--we all build on foundations laid by others!

Even the arguments placed on this forum in favour of evolution are all based on someone else's arguments!

We all favour those arguments that back up what we believe. The popular reason why most people axcept and promote evolutionary theories (and there are several different ones concerning the Origin of Species), is that they offer an alternative to specific creation as the origin of all things.

Evilution is touted as the main reason why we should not believe in Specific Creation, and the "definative proof" that God, as the Bible teaches, does not exist!
evanman said:
No one who believes in the theory of evilution does so because they have come to any conclusions of their own--every argument they give is based on something that someone else has declared!--This is true of all subjects though--we all build on foundations laid by others!

Even the arguments placed on this forum in favour of evolution are all based on someone else's arguments!

We all favour those arguments that back up what we believe. The popular reason why most people axcept and promote evolutionary theories (and there are several different ones concerning the Origin of Species), is that they offer an alternative to specific creation as the origin of all things.

Evilution is touted as the main reason why we should not believe in Specific Creation, and the "definative proof" that God, as the Bible teaches, does not exist!

So, what exactly is your point? Evolution was made to replace Creationism for those that don't follow the Bible?
The point is to answer syntaxvorlon's comment: "Now stop copying and pasting and form your own arguments plagerizer."
SyntaxVorlon I will stop doing that when you stop using dawins qoutes..

and quotes from others.

I choose to obay God not you.

Who do you think you are.....!

I have quoted from the bible dose that make it plagerisum also.

lets abandon the bible hey even through it in the bin after puting it through a sheader.

Becouse you will not accept it in its symplest forms its all head knowledge with you evolutionists.

The form of beflief is EVIL.

Remember if you point the finger at me there is 3 pointing back at you.
evanman said:
The point is to answer syntaxvorlon's comment: "Now stop copying and pasting and form your own arguments plagerizer."
If that was your point, then you did miserably. I have looked around these forums and it seems that all Willow Wip does is copy the ideas of others, a sure sign that he is incapable or unwilling to have independent thought.
willow the wip said:
SyntaxVorlon I will stop doing that when you stop using dawins qoutes..

and quotes from others.

I choose to obay God not you.

Who do you think you are.....!

I have quoted from the bible dose that make it plagerisum also.

lets abandon the bible hey even through it in the bin after puting it through a sheader.

Becouse you will not accept it in its symplest forms its all head knowledge with you evolutionists.

The form of beflief is EVIL.

Remember if you point the finger at me there is 3 pointing back at you.

If you can't form your own arguments with backing up by sources, then you have no real use in a debate. I could quite easily just throw out textbook references and say "There you go. I'm right, you're wrong".

Additionally, work on the spelling, I can just about make out what you're saying.
He claims to be dyslexic. Actually, I think that its rather suspicious that the number of dyslexic people on the 'Net greatly outnumber the number of dyslexic people in the real world. :wink:
if you through a text book at me i will through one back at you.

Your arguments are useless eather.

Now look who`s pulling who`s tail!
Rogue 9 said:
He claims to be dyslexic. Actually, I think that its rather suspicious that the number of dyslexic people on the 'Net greatly outnumber the number of dyslexic people in the real world. :wink:

If it's dyslexia then that's a valid excuse, but if it's plain laziness it only hampers his argument.

Even so, that does not excuse him from simply posting pages and pages of text that may be somewhat relevant to the discussion at hand. If I wanted that, I'd go to a library.
it dosent excullse 50 or more people in here so whats your point. there are some posts mutch longer then my own why not pick on them also.
willow the wip said:
if you through a text book at me i will through one back at you.

Your arguments are useless eather.

Now look who`s pulling who`s tail!

And how would this be any different to what you're doing now?

Your posts are about as concise as a stuttering idiot reading out the Encyclopaedia Britannica on a caffeine high. I see no need to read what you post because it's simply too long and not to the point.

This only hampers your credibility. If you cannot form a post with an argument that wasn't written by someone else, then just don't bother. Simple as.
willow the wip said:
it dosent excullse 50 or more people in here so whats your point. there are some posts mutch longer then my own why not pick on them also.

I'm not debating those 50 or so people, so that's a red herring. It's you who is currently the one in the discussion.
willow the wip said:
if you through a text book at me i will through one back at you.

Your arguments are useless eather.

Now look who`s pulling who`s tail!
What you're failing to recognize is that you threw the Book at him first. What he's proposing is only turnabout, which is fair play anywhere.
you could say that about 50 other people esp barberian.
Admiral Valdemar said:
[quote="Rogue 9":7c10d]I would say that the theory of evolution requires that evolution happen so slowly as to be unobservable, and it therefore cannot be conclusively proven either.

And you would be conveniently wrong since microevolution is witnessed all the time with unicellular organisms like bacteria adapting to antibiotics. Evolution has so much going for it that the argument about being unable to see it because it's (usually) a slow process is meaningless now.[/quote:7c10d]

Where the blinkers did you spring from, Valdemar? :wink:
victorhadin said:
Admiral Valdemar said:
[quote="Rogue 9":82073]I would say that the theory of evolution requires that evolution happen so slowly as to be unobservable, and it therefore cannot be conclusively proven either.

And you would be conveniently wrong since microevolution is witnessed all the time with unicellular organisms like bacteria adapting to antibiotics. Evolution has so much going for it that the argument about being unable to see it because it's (usually) a slow process is meaningless now.

Where the blinkers did you spring from, Valdemar? :wink:[/quote:82073]

Where there is science to be discussed, I'll be there.

Actually, I was trying to find where your sig quote came from and this site came up. :P
willow the wip said:
you could say that about 50 other people esp barberian.

Well this is my own point of view, so you are free to ignore it if you will, but:

In my view, arguments placed on a web-forum should, for matters of fairness and courtesy, be made in the poster's own words. The occasional quote is justifiable, certainly, but explanations or arguments in their entirety should not be copied down.

Doing this helps prevent (as you have done several times) mass cut-and-paste shotgunning, which is frankly just rude, since you can hardly expect a person to spend ages answering it in their own words when you spend a few seconds copying it from a likeminded website.

It also helps (by doing it in your own words) ensure that you understand the arguments you are presenting, thus weeding out people who copy arguments in ignorance, not fully understanding them.

Please; I present my own opinions, my own arguments and, if need be, my own calculations in my own words, for the most part. Please do so yourself. It is the polite thing to do.
Admiral Valdemar said:
Where there is science to be discussed, I'll be there.

Actually, I was trying to find where your sig quote came from and this site came up. :P

Family Guy, season 3. Christmas episode. Line by Stewie.

Feel better? ;)
victorhadin said:
Admiral Valdemar said:
Where there is science to be discussed, I'll be there.

Actually, I was trying to find where your sig quote came from and this site came up. :P

Family Guy, season 3. Christmas episode. Line by Stewie.

Feel better? ;)

Somewhat, now you forced another mission on me here, dammit. :)