Reznwerks wrote:
On the contrary most of the top religions DO NOT have a deity that is the creator of everything. Only Islam can claim this and they have their roots with the bible. Evolution is not a religion as it uses evidence as validation for it's views as opposed to faith or rather hope.
You make these statements as if you were all wise and all knowing and we should believe you on faith. Too bad you’re so misinformed and so wrong. I ran out of time or my cut/paste list below would be twice as long: (none of them are from Christian sites that I’m aware of, so you can trust them. ) :wink:
Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism of Christianity all believe in a creator God.
MUSLIM There is but one God, Allah (Arabic term). Allah is indivisible, has no equals, is the creator of all
JEWISH One God (whose name must not be pronounced) has created all things
SIKH believe that God created the whole universe.
DEIST believe a “Creator†formed our universe
HINDU Hinduism is one example; they recognize Brahman as the single deity. Brahma is the creator of the universe who was born from Hiranyagarbha (the golden nucleus). When he took form, Brahma placed the Hiranyagarbha back in the waters and inspired the creation of the universe. Every living being in the universe originates from him and is an aspect of Brahma. Late Vedic literature describes Brahma as creator of Soma and Surya (the Sun and the Moon), he gives them their place in the sky. He brings Agni (fire) into being and sets Vayu (the wind) free to roam the world and Varuna (water) springs to life on earth.
Some Wiccans believe in a single deity about which they know little.
First, at the time of European contact, all but the simplest indigenous cultures in North America had developed coherent religious systems that included cosmologies--creation myths, transmitted orally from one generation to the next, which purported to explain how those societies had come into being. Second, most native peoples worshiped an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator or "Master Spirit" (a being that assumed a variety of forms and both genders). They also venerated or placated a host of lesser supernatural entities, including an evil god who dealt out disaster, suffering, and death. Third and finally, the members of most tribes believed in the immortality of the human soul and an afterlife, the main feature of which was the abundance of every good thing that made earthly life secure and pleasant.
According to traditional American Indian beliefs, the Creator made all the birds of the sky when the World was new. Of all the birds, the Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader... the Master of the Sky.
The Choctaw speak of a great mound, Nanih Wiya, from which the Great Spirit created the first of their people, who then crawled through a cave into the light of day.
Iroquois (northeast U.S.)
In the Iroquois theogony there seem to have been three classes of supernatural phenomena: spirits, ghosts of the dead, and the gods. In addition there was a Great Spirit, together with his satanic counterpart.
The Micmac Indians say that when Manitou, the Great Spirit, was making the Continent of the New World, he found that he had much material left over in the shape of rocks, swamps, and useless trees. So he formed a big rubbish heap by casting it all into the sea to the north-east, and called it Wee-soc-kadao.
Muskogee (southeast U.S.) Each town had a hearth with a fire burning that represented the entire community and the people's connection to their ancestors and the Maker of Breath [the highest god].
Egypt:[These are] the; words which the god Neb-er-tcher spake after he had, come into being:- "I am he who came into being in the form of the god Khepera, and I am the creator of that which came into being, that is to say, I am the creator of everything which came into being: now the things which I created, and which came forth out of my month after that I had come into being myself were exceedingly many. The sky (or heaven) had not come into being, the earth did not (exist, and the children of the earth, and the creeping, things, had not been made at that time. I myself raised them up from out of Nu, from a state of helpless inertness.
Ancient Mexican: Huehueteotl (Old, old God): the Old Man, Old One of the Fire, Eduardo Arias. Also known as Xiuhtecuhtli (Precious Lord), he is the ancient fire god, sometimes identified with the creator-diety Ometeotl (Dual God).
In Africa, the creator has as many names as there are dialects:
Abassi, Creator god of the Efik people in Nigeria.
Adroa, God of the Lugbara people. Adroa has two aspects: one good and one evil. The creator of Heaven and Earth.
Arebati, Sky and moon god of the Pygmies of Zaire. He created the first man from clay and brought him to life. He is referred to as afa or father.
Asa, God of the Akamba people of Kenya. A strong yet merciful lord and god of sustenance and consolation. He helps when humans can't. Asa is also known as Mwatuangi, "distributor", Mulungu, "creator", and Mumbi, "fashioner".
Bumba, Creator god of the Boshongo of Zaire, who vomited up the sun, earth, and all living creatures including man.
Cghene, Supreme god of the Isoko of Nigeria. Considered too remote from people to be worshipped.
Chuku, Supreme god of the Ibo peoples, all good comes from him. The creator god, he also brings the rains which make the plants grow.
Deng, Creator, rain, fertility, and sky god of the Dinka tribe.
Imana, Creator God of the Banyarwanda people.
Jok, Creator god of the Alur tribesmen of Uganda and Zaire. He is also known as Jok Odudu, "god of birth".
Kaang, Creator god of the African Bushmen. He is the maker of all things and is responsible for all natural phenomenon. He is part of all things but especially the mantis and caterpillar.
Kalunga, Originally the ancestral god of the Lunda people of Angola, Zaire and Zambia. Later he became the supreme being, a god of the sky and of creation. He is all-knowing and all-seeing, and a righteous judge of the dead whose decisions are characterized by wisdom and compassion. He is also the god of the sea, where the dead dwell.
Khonvoum, Hunter god of the Pygmies. The creator of mankind and the jungles. He is responsible for assuring that the sun will rise each day. He carries a bow made of two snakes that appears to be a rainbow to men.
Kombu, Creator god.
Leza, The creator god of the Central African people. He is the supreme god and gave the people their customs. He is also a sky god, responsible for rain, thunder, and wind.
Massim-Biambe, Omnipotent creator god of the Mundang people of the Congo.
Mawu, Supreme deity of the Fon people. She created the universe. Her husband is Lisa.
Mbomba, Creator god and ancestral deity of the Mongo people. He is master of life and death. The sun, moon, and man are his children. He is also known as Nzakomba.
Mukuru, The ancestral god and creator god of the Herero bushmen of Namibia. He shows his compassion by providing the rain, caring for the elderly, and healing the sick.
Mulungu, The creator god in eastern Africa, from Kamba people in the north to the Zambesi people in the south. Many peoples, such as the Nyamwezi of Tanzania, worship him as a sky god whose voice is thunder.
Nana Buluku, Supreme god of the Fon tribe. He is the father of the twins Lisa and Mawu.
Nyalitch, Supreme god of the Dinka. God of the sky and rain.
Nzame, Supreme god of the Fan people of the Congo.
Obassi, Supreme deity of the Ekoi and Ibibio of the Niger Delta.
Obatala, One of the major deities of the Yoruba people. With his brother Odudua he forms the primordial pair of gods. He is the creator of the human body in which his father Olorun breathes the soul. He is the sky-god and god of the North, and the first Orisha to be created. He helped to create humans.
Pamba, The creator deity of the Ovambo people.
Quamta, Supreme god of the Xhosa people of South Africa, a people of the Transkei. Quamta is worshipped at stone mounds to which one stone is added by each worshipper.
Raluvumbha, Supreme god of the Baventa of Transvaal in Southern Africa.
Umvelinqangi, Creator god of the Zulu. He manifests as thunder and earthquakes.
Unumbotte, Creator god of the Basari of Togo.
Wele, Supreme god of the Kavirondo (Vugusu) in Kenya. Manifests as two personalities: Omuwanga, the gentle 'white' god and Gumali the 'black' god of misfortune. He first created the heavens, the sun and the moon, and the other celestial bodies. Finally he created the earth and mankind.
Yangombi, African god of creation.
Reznwerks wrote:
If you follow your advice and children follow your advice then religion will be on its deathbed. Only Christianity demands you not question and accept on faith without evidence. If you question you doubt, if you doubt you are not a Christian. You are being hypocritical but I don't know if it is on purpose or you simply don't realize it.
Obviously religion would not be on it‘s death bed or you would be the first to advocate it.. Teaching exclusively the skills to read, write, and do math would equip children to read and evaluate the issues themselves. Why does that worry you?
A Christian is a follower of Christ. A hypocritical Christian is one who claims to follow Christ and does not do what he taught us to do. ( love one another and God, forgive as you were forgiven by God, the golden rule, humility, turn the other cheek, ) Faith is trusting what Christ said will bring you to God, forgiven and possessing eternal life. It is by faith because we will not receive the reward until we die. Since we have the witness of his faithful followers, we know Jesus tested the hypothesis and shown it to be correct.
Reznwerks wrote:
Christianity is an enemy to information. It's Christianity that wants to deny the obvious evidence and ignore the repeatable tests that science provides in exchange for faith and hope of things not seen and not testable and therefor a pig in a poke. Surly if one uses the reasoning abilities and logic that you advocate religion will be on the losing side. The whole world laughs at the idea of ID . The whole world knows the obvious and only a small faction of Christians have deluded themselves into believing what round is square and up is down.
ID is not only reasonable and accepted worldwide but even evolutionists can be believers in ID, so it is a more universal teaching than the ToE. I am an example of one who believes in evolution but only as it can be shown and proven in real life and fossil evidence. One doesn’t have to believe in millions of years to accept evolutionary changes in the creation. In case you haven’t heard, the evolution of man from non human to man has not been proven, btw. The beef I have with the ToE is the way it takes perfectly good information and real evidence and turns it into baloney.
Reznwerks wrote:
Sorry to burst your bubble but what you want already exists in the public school system of which the vast majority of children attend.
I said: “I’m describing a voucher system that would offer elective subjects on a supply and demand basis. The amount of financial support given to each subject would be determined by the number of students actually interested in learning about it. Parents and their children would be in charge of their own education, not the state. The state would only assure that every child learned to read, write and do math correctly, something they can‘t seem to effectively do now.†Does the state give vouchers for children to attend private schools of their choice to learn ID, creation science, and the real history of this world?
Reznwerks wrote:
Parents think they know what their children like but unfortunately children are human beings and only children will determine what their strengths and likes are from experiencing different subjects. I don't know of any children forced into ballet or poodle clipping unless its from the parents perspective first. It certainly doesn't occur in the public school system. Teaching evolution is necessary in order to become a more educated person since just about everyone is interested in where they came from and all the evidence points to the disiplines taught in evolution and is accepted by 98%of all scientists that are involved in its study.
Why shouldn’t a child be able to elect into ballet class or poodle clipping instead of learning about the layers of dirt and dug up bones of the ToE? Just because that is your security blanket god-substitute, doesn’t mean all children should be forced to study it.
Children can be educated about the ToE without it being presented as fact to those who don’t believe it. You want the right to teach my children that what I believe is wrong and you want me to finance it. “98% of all scientists†is another one of your fabrications. Why don’t you just say 100% of evolutionists believe in evolution? That makes as much sense and is just as impressive.