Exactly, Man is a species unto himself. Man has been the same since the beginning of recorded history.
So close yet you missed the mark. Man has evolved from as ape like creature as a separate species.
The notion that before there were any witnesses, he looked like a primate or an ape is simply from the imagination and nothing else.
Sorry but the evidence uncovered points to a different explanation.
It is a very simplistic and obvious observation that animals reproduce their own kind...that is, to all but evolutionists. Since it isn't obvious to them, they say that man came from an ape-like being that conveniently died out. It's called the "missing link", and there's a reason why it's still missing.
Animals do reproduce after their own kind . However over time they change. Only those that refuse to accept the evidence of evolution deny the reality. All you have to do is look at different strains of influenza and how they change every year to confirm that evolution takes place.
The genetic make-up of which animal? Apes again are still found in jungles or zoos where man put them and men are found in society. The differences in genetic make-up between the 2 is obvious to anyone with eyes.
Of course there are apes still found. However this ape (man] has reached a higher plateau than the others. There are apes, gorillas, monkeys, orangatangs and man. THey all belong to the same family and share many traits physically and biologically and genetically.You may not like that but that is the way it is.
There are as many different combinations of horse genes as there are differences between human genes. Some people have blue eyes, some brown. Some are taller, some are shorter. But a horse has never changed into a dog or a man and neither has a man ever changed into another animal. So what is your point? :o
No one ever said that another animal changed into another. WHat you fail to understand is that man is man. He evolved as a species unto himself as he is today.
And how will science find the truth through a fallible mind? :o That by definition, is an oxymoron because the truth is infallible, my friend.
If the truth were infallable why isn't it so obvious. How was it that before evolution just about every Christian accepted the biblical storiess as true. What was it that changed that ? Could it be the evidence and logic of what could be see rather than accepting the stories of unknown authors with fantastic claims missing evidence?
And that's why scientists change their minds every generation because what they once thought was not true is no longer true.
For the most part scientists do not change their minds every generation and where ever you heard this was not accurate. They may build upon what was known and tweak some process or understanding but for the most part your statement is patently wrong.
So which science do you believe? Today's science, or tomorrow's science that corrects today's science?
Its a bogus claim and all you have to do is take a science book from 20 years ago and compare it to today and you will see that if anything the majority of what is taught is built on the knowledge of yesterday.
Then when tomorrow comes, which science will you believe then? Tomorrow's science or the science that corrects tomorrow's science? Sorry, but putting your faith in sience is putting your faith in shifting sand. But the bible is as true today as when it was written.
Sorry but believing without evidence is called gullible where I come from.
And when have Christ's words come crashing down? Which words of his have ever been proven a lie? :-?
UH? When he said some standing here would not taste death before he returns.