And who has observed human beings coming from apes? :o
First of all humans did not come from apes. Are you still in school? What part of that don't you understand? Man is a specied unto himself and has evolved just like other animals have evolved. Horses used to have one hoof , elephants used to be a lot bigger, etc etc. Lastly no one ever claimed to witness humans coming from apes.
And if we're still evolving, as evolutionists claim, why haven't we evolved into a species as different from us as we are from apes?
Why should we? Do you see a need for evolution in mans make up that God overlooked? HMMMM! Why should man evolve into something so different that what he is today?
To say that we will some day is not evidence.
No one ever said that we will evolve into something else or what changes will become evident in the future. It probably won't happen unless there is a need. A good example is the crocodile. It has remained unchanged for thousands and perhaps millions of years. The reason being is that its environment has not forced it too. It has little competition and the environment in which it finds itself has not changed.At the other extreme are bacteria and flu virus which shows hands down that evolution is a fact of life as they change every couple of months in reaction to the different vacines that are developed. You have to have your head in the sand not to admit that one.
It's as speculative as saying that the aliens from which we came will come back some day and prove they are our ancestors.
Actually this is a different topic but there is far more evidence to this theory and evidence backing it up than the one you keep relying on and that is the bible.
And what are primates evolving into? All one has to do is go to the zoo to see what tye're breeding! ;-)
WHy should they be evolving into anything? Why should they be doing it so fast as we should have to observe it. WHere do you get your ideas?
And how has the survival of the fittest been proved if we're still producing defective offspring?
Since when was it written that their was a cut off line that said OK we are now perfect? Who said that the absense of defects was the goal and purpose of evolution? As we change other factors change as well. As we become immune to some diseases those diseases change as well as they need to survive too. You are also discounting the other things in nature may cause defects. Everything "natural" is not necessarily safe and has incorrectly been used by just about everyone who has something to sell.
In addition, how are we any better today than we were umpteen years ago? There is more disease, famine, STD's, wars, & we are closer to extinguishing ourselves than ever before!!
No we are not. There is not more disease, there is not more STD's and most of the wars on the planet are religious based. I have posted this info before. We were closer to extinguishing ourselves about 40 years ago than we are today.
So the scientists who say we are in a state of decay have proven their point much more effectively than evolutionists.
WHo says we are in a state of decay? Evolutionists have no opinion on the matter as they only observe what was. You really need to enlarge your reading material.
Scientists do abandon what they can see! They can see that humans breed humans & apes breed apes but they say that didn't happen before there were any witnesses to disprove it.
Again humans breed humans and apes breed apes. THere is no big mystery. The only mystery is why is it so hard for you to grasp that man is an animal with very similar characteristics to apes and gorillas but is not one of them. Really the only thing that separates man from other animals is his intelligence. This could be the one overiding evidence of evolution that man has as compared to the other animals. Man cannot run faster , than other predators, he does not have claws, or sharp teeth, is not stronger, etc etc etc. It was intelligence that separated man and the need to bond with others that made survival possible. Yes and monkeys and apes do the same thing.
Sorry, but what we can see is the complete opposite of what evolutionists claim. ;-)
Only in your imagination and your insistance on covering your ears.
And how does the theory that we came out of the womb of an animal conform to present reality? :o
The fact that I am here is proof of reality. My mother was an animal and your mother was an animal. We both were in the womb of an animal. I don't know where you were going on that statement.
Sorry, but you don't have a leg to stand on. Your beliefs come from the imagination, not reality, my friend.
Sorry but it's you that has no leg to stand on. You make claims but have no evidence to back it. Remember when you complain about the lack of evidence for evolution the bible has none at all. First of all you have to prove a God exists which has not been done then if you do you have to prove that this God did what you accuse him of doing. You have a long way to go other than saying something did this and that while providing no evidence.