- Apr 2, 2003
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In some ways perhaps but not in others. There has only ever been one creation, if we want to actually consider what the Bible teaches, and there will be one fulfilment of God's purpose for creation. To say more than that is to go beyond Scripture.Well, FREE, the way I came to believe that about creation (i.e. recreation) is by looking to the future prophecied in the bible mirrors what happened in the past, and the past mirrors the future. The bible is a coded book rich with ideas and symbolism regarding the events throughout the ages. There's a repetitious pattern foreshadowing the next age. It is often said (insightfully BTW) that Revelation is Genesis in reverse.
Of course it's all tied together, I haven't suggested otherwise.But if we miss the biblical thought and patterns in prophecy, then subjects like this become 'stand alone' without an apparent relation to the rest of God's plan. This is to say, He just decided to create things this way, sort of forgotten about it and then moved on. No. Instead this 'creation' has everything to do with the end as well.
This is completely unbiblical. There is no support for such beliefs.To be more specific, the reason for the "waste and desolation" and subsequent "recreation" is because Lucifer was originally given authority over this earth, messed up, so then God decided to create a being in his image to take over. This was meant to begin with, but until then Lucifer had control. Likewise, man in his fallen state had dominion, but as with Lucifer it has to be destroyed again and a new heaven and earth. So unless that prophetic pattern is seen, then a person will say (as you did) that "there certainly is no reason to then posit that the Genesis account is some sort of recreation. To do so opens the door to an endless cycle of creation/recreation." No, not endless, but perhaps a few times until things are right. The bible tells us how many times, and why.