Bob Carabbio
How do you view excommunication in christian churches today? My church still does it.
If a member sins (fights or commits immoral sins) she/he is publicly rebuked and suspended from all she/he does for the church. He/she is handed over to the devil for torments.
He or she is made to sit behind every other member throughout the period of his/her excommunication. He or she is last to give an offering. Once he or she other person is allowed to give an offering. You don't talk to him/her, You don't visit her/him - only the pastors do. And if you mistaken visit or talk to him/ could be punished or the devil might attack you as well (since he/she has been handed over to the devil)
He or she is given time to turn back to God. And when the church notices true changes in him/her then the church will publicly pray for him or her and restore him/her to her normal church work.
That's not "ExCommunication" in the Catholic sense, of course - more what we'd call a "Shunning", or a "Disciplinary" practice.
In our Constitution and by-laws, (DeSoto Assembly of God) is a similar process outlining the procedures to be followed in for dealing with "Errant Members".
Naturally, in the VAST majority of cases, when somebody falls afoul of the by-laws, then they simply "Disappear" - and find another church to attend which is easy in the Dallas Metroplex.
Members are required to AFFIRM the By-laws as a condition of membership (Which contain a section requiring the acceptance of "Binding arbitration"), since In U.S. Society, litigiousness is rampant, and the last thing the Church would want is the expen$e of a Civil lawsuit.
Rebuking one PUBLICALLY in an open is a very dangerous practice legally in the U.S. today, so we do it in private - with witnesses as covered in the by-laws.