I suppose it depends on what you regard as reliable evidence?
There are differeing degrees of evidence and reliability, but in cases such as medical miracles, the more one perceives, the better.
For example, if someone claimed that an amputee was healed and left it at that, that would not be evidence of anything. It is easily fabricated.
If I am shown a story documented in the media of the same case, that would be better. But the media could have been deceived, and with only a news story, I cannot take much from it.
It I were shown before and after photos of an amputee, that would be even better, but could still be fabriacated. I could find an expert on photo altering and try to determine the validity of the pictures.
However, if I saw the natural regeneration of a human limb with my own eyes in person, that would be very convincing. Very difficult to fake, and I would accept that something normally physically impossible happened.
Whether you are a christian or not will effect this.
Agreed. When I was a christian for instance, I would only accept that which was agreeable to my worldview, as I disregarded any evidence not in favor of it.
When a Christian prays that the holy spirit will come and heal someone and it happens, thats quite good evidence for me.
And it would be good evidence for me too! There is a very simple test we can do: I bring a christian an amputee in order for the christian to pray to god to heal him or her. According to the bible, any believer who asks anything in jesus/gods name will receive fulfillment of the prayer. The christian prays that god heals the amputee and that this will show that god does miracles. If the prayer is answered and the amputee is healed, then that would be huge evidence that miracles do happen by some supernatural force.