So , you would separate the gifts of the Holy Spirit into categories ? Sign gifts and just what is the other categorie(s) ?
Cessation always seems to make up it's own rules , oddly enough .
I don't see the bible making a distinction , it just says gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1Cor12 . I don't see the word sign .
Hi Hawk. I did post scripture with the word 'sign' speaking of specific gifts. Quite a few actually. You'll have to refer to my previous posts. And as I stated already in the OP, the Apostles were listed as part of the Church in that day also (1 Cor. 12 below). There are no longer apostles. Remember, the sign of the apostles, right? The reason for the sign had passed long ago.
Remember, the Jews always wanted a sign, so God gave them signs, these were signs of Judgment. These signs ushered in many things. One was that the Gentiles were grafted in. That was the jews judgment, and our blessing. It was official at the birth of the Church. Remember Peters reaction in Acts? Salvation has come to the Gentiles also (also see Romans 11:11-12). Tongues, or languages were also a sign of Judgement on many layers. Undoing the confusion set by God that was the judgment from the tower of Babel when He confused their languages. At the birth of the Church, the stage was being set for the gospel to go everywhere. A lot of things were happening. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit was an answer to Jesus' prayer that we would all be one. We are all placed into the body through that baptism. Lots of stuff happening there.
Just because there were benefits beyond the primary purpose, doesn't mean that the extras stay when the sign is no longer needed. A person can pray for it, even asking other to do the same, but ultimately, it's God's will be done. There is no promise or guarantee of heath in exchange for a "pure faith". This is the faith healers redefining it as was stated in the OP.
The non sign gifts that are still operational today is this. Anything good that come from us is an undeserved gift from God. Teaching, praying sweeping the church front step, it's from the Holy Spirit, a gift from God, as this scripture below that you posted states. It's not a magic list. If it's from God, it's a gift.
1 Cor. 12:28-29 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles?