Is God mean and unloving for making hell?
Would you say that the leaders of our country are mean for constructing prisons?
No, you don’t have to go there. It’s your choice. When the first leaders came to this country, they did not have prisons in mind, but only the great opportunities this land had to offer. In the same manner, when God first made the earth and man, He saw the beauty and was happy to give it to man. He did not have hell in mind. Besides, Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, not for man (Matt.25:41). But if men reject the only way into heaven, there is no other place for the soul to go. The soul of man is eternal, because we are made in God’s image (Gen.1:26). Besides, sin must be punished (Rom.6:23), as God is a just God (Deut.32:4; Ps.96:13). He took out the punishment on Jesus on the cross (1Cor.15:3-4; Gal.1:4), but if we reject God’s provision for our sins, then we must take the punishment. It is our choice. We condemn ourselves to hell by our own words (Matt.12:37; Deut.30:19; Ps.86:5, 145:8-9; John 3:16; Rom.5:8, 18; 2Cor.5:21; Ps.9:17; Pr.11:19, 21; 2 Pet.2:9; Rev.20:13-15).
Bill Weise