I agree with you. Cultural marxism encompassed more than one offensive against the social order. However, this thread is about feminism and feminism is one component of that destructive ideology. Feminism is the single greatest contributing factor.
Jesus said we are to love our neighbours as ourselves. Well, that includes men
and women. If I follow what Jesus taught, I'm practicing equality. I'm also following Christ's example:
"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: <SUP class=crossreference value='(
<SUP class=versenum>6 </SUP>Who, being in very nature<SUP class=footnote value='[
a]</SUP> God, <SUP class=crossreference value='(
did not consider equality with God <SUP class=crossreference value='(
K)'></SUP>something to be used to his own advantage;
<SUP class=versenum>7 </SUP>rather, he made himself nothing <SUP class=crossreference value='(
by taking the very nature<SUP class=footnote value='[
b]</SUP> of a servant, <SUP class=crossreference value='(
being made in human likeness. <SUP class=crossreference value='(
<SUP class=versenum>8 </SUP>And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death <SUP class=crossreference value='(
even death on a cross!" (Phil. 2:5-8, NIV)
As far as this relates to men and women, husbands are instructed to have this mindset towards their wives in Ephesians 5:25-26,
"Husbands, love your wives, <SUP class=crossreference value='(
AN)'></SUP>just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her <SUP class=crossreference value='(
AO)'></SUP><SUP class=versenum>26 </SUP>to make her holy, <SUP class=crossreference value='(
AP)'></SUP>cleansing<SUP class=footnote value='[
b]</SUP> her by the washing <SUP class=crossreference value='(
AQ)'></SUP>with water through the word" (NIV). Women are then instructed to follow this example. It's a beautiful picture of love and reciprocal service. Ephesians 5:21 summarizes this picture well:
"Submit to one another <SUP class=crossreference value='(
AI)'></SUP>out of reverence for Christ." (NIV)
If this is a threat to the social order, then I expect the order in question is not worth preserving.