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Fig tree 101


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Well not if you are hyper-literal about it. But maybe the author just expected the readers to take into account that the final event wouldn't logically be included.

When the parousia has happened, you don't need a sign for anything else.

The Author would have spoken the parable of the fig tree prior to the parousia if that was the intention of not including "all these things"

Would you go for a trip say clothes, toothbrush, razor, money... i need all these things and not mean you need the razor?
Would you go for a trip say clothes, toothbrush, razor, money... i need all these things and not mean you need the razor?

But in the case of the parable of the fig tree, there is a logical reason to exclude an event.

As I say: When the parousia has happened, you don't need a sign for anything else. I seriously doubt the text would be saying such a thing.
But in the case of the parable of the fig tree, there is a logical reason to exclude an event.

As I say: When the parousia has happened, you don't need a sign for anything else. I seriously doubt the text would be saying such a thing.

"So you also, when you se all these things, know that it is near--at the doors!"

Theres also a scriptural reason not too.

What happens at Christ's return?
But in the case of the parable of the fig tree, there is a logical reason to exclude an event.

As I say: When the parousia has happened, you don't need a sign for anything else. I seriously doubt the text would be saying such a thing.

So what is the meaning of the parable as you see it?
So what is the meaning of the parable as you see it?

As previously quoted:

Contrary to Whisenant's interpretation, the context of Jesus' words in Matthew 24:32-33 gives no warrant to the idea that Jesus was using the figure of the fig tree as anything more than an illustration of how the Jews were able to tell when summer was near. Just as the blooming of the fig tree indicates that summer is approaching, so the previous signs that Jesus had mentioned (e.g., nations rising against nations, famines, earthquakes, and the preaching of the gospel to the entire world) are indications that the end is near.

CRI Journal - CRJ0023A
When the September prediction failed, Whisenant updated the time to October 3. Now that date, too, has fallen through. Whisenant nevertheless remains undaunted: "The evidence is all over the place that it is going to be in a few weeks anyway."[4]

If those so called scholars would check history before looking into the future- they will find that the September prediction did not fail. And he who made it to the 1335th day were "saved" & blessed. (see Dan.12:12 & Heb.9:28)

"After bitter fighting and frightful massacres, in September of 70, after a stubborn and desperate resistance, the city fell and the national existence of the Jews came to an end. The Holy City was taken and burned, and the Tenth Legion encamped in the ruined temple. The temple was leveled to the ground and utterly destroyed. Only the Roman garrison was left. Josephus states that the Romans, having taken the city, brought their standards into the court of the temple, and placed them opposite the east gate, where they offered sacrifices to them. Many who survived were sold into slavery or taken to Rome for the wild beasts. "

The fall feasts were fulfilled in AD 70. "The tabernacle of God is with men."

Praise God!
If those so called scholars would check history before looking into the future- they will find that the September prediction did not fail. And he who made it to the 1335th day were "saved" & blessed. (see Dan.12:12 & Heb.9:28)

"After bitter fighting and frightful massacres, in September of 70, after a stubborn and desperate resistance, the city fell and the national existence of the Jews came to an end. The Holy City was taken and burned, and the Tenth Legion encamped in the ruined temple. The temple was leveled to the ground and utterly destroyed. Only the Roman garrison was left. Josephus states that the Romans, having taken the city, brought their standards into the court of the temple, and placed them opposite the east gate, where they offered sacrifices to them. Many who survived were sold into slavery or taken to Rome for the wild beasts. "
Lehigh, I haven't been following y'alls conversation but I have to disagree with your quote above wherever it came from. Today there is an annual fast day in Judaism called "Tisha B'Av". It is known as the saddest day in Judaism due to the fact of both the 1st and 2nd temples burning on the same day. The book of Jeremiah 52:12 says the first temple was burned on the 10th day of the month of Av. Josephus in his writings says that the second temple was burned on the 10th day of the month of Av. -- War 6.4.5
Today the Jews still mourn. The month of Av is mid-July to mid-August. Not sure if this is relevant to y'alls conversation or not but the temple didn't burn in September. Tisha B'Av is observed on the 9th of Av.

The month of Av is mid-July to mid-August. Not sure if this is relevant to y'alls conversation or not but the temple didn't burn in September. Tisha B'Av is observed on the 9th of Av.
Her source didn't say it did.

"After bitter fighting and frightful massacres, in September of 70, after a stubborn and desperate resistance, the city fell and the national existence of the Jews came to an end. The Holy City was taken and burned, and the Tenth Legion encamped in the ruined temple.
When you read Josephus' account, the Temple was actually burned before the third wall of the city was breached (IIRC), so while the Temple was destroyed when your source said it was (as well as Josephus), the rest of the city fell later.

Both sources are right.


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