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My husband and I went and LOVED it. We are hoping it sparks something in the church abroad that will make Christians fight to stay together instead of just becoming another painfull statistic. Plus, Kirk Cameron is a really neat guy who made major sacrifices in the movie industry because he wasn't willing to compromise. Did you know at the end when he kissed his wife it was actually his real wife? I thought that was cool too.
BlessedWife said:
Did you know at the end when he kissed his wife it was actually his real wife? I thought that was cool too.

My wife told me during that scene. I think that was great.
We rented it last night. It is such a good movie, especially for couples who are struggling in their marriage. We sure could relate to the godly principles that were used in the movie. It's also a movie for anyone who is thinking of getting married.
I highly recommend it!!
That was a great movie!! Kirk Cameron is doing great things for God.

They are actually showing this movie at local churches here for couples. :)
my girlfriend and i (amber) watched it after we recently broke up after 8 happy years. ive been going to church and speaking with the Lord more freely since then. we still live together until our lease is up, i bought the Love Dare book and am on day 4. she doesnt know. keep us in your prayers. even if we do move out, id still like to do this the right way, marriage. to complicate matters, we have a beautiful 18 month old son! not only am i fighting for her, im fighting for my family!great movie, i could relate to EVERY scene.
I thought the movie was very heartwarming and at the end I felt it was a helpful, worthwhile movie.

At the beginning the scenes felt like church skits and the actors like what you would see in a church skit (apart from Kirk who was good) but when he started doing the journal and the pace of the movie picked up it got a lot better.

I love seeing Christian theme movies and encourage more people to make them and to make them better and better to rival 'normal' movies. I am so glad they brought a study out as then the movie doesn't finish there but want to help marriages and in this day and age, good biblical based marriage help is needed.
Caroline and I watched the movie together this past Saturday. I thought it was a Great movie. It was a nice movie to remind us what Marraige is about, working for obe another to please God. It was pretty cool being able to watch that Movie with Caroline because it helped us both just further commit to work for each other.
Okay, sorry to rain on everybody's parade but. My wife rented Fireproof and we tried to watch it on Valentines day. But it was really bad. The acting was second rate (at best), the character development was non-existent. Almost everything was cheesy and how shall I say overtly Christian (in other words, it would not appeal to a secular audience, thus it would probably not have an impact on their lives.)
Are we not called to a higher standard? Can't we do better than hollywood? Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Personally, I think it was better that Hollywood. I didn't see the first scantily clad woman, didn't hear the first cuss word, there was no blasphemy, and it actually had a moral purpose running through it that was Biblical, not worldy. I didn't think the acting was the same as in a Hollywood production, but it wasn't meant to be. Shoot, sometimes those hollywood movies have such bad acting and poorly formed plots that are much worse than that. In any case, I wasn't looking to be blown away with the coolest acting or newest technology...I was expecting to be touched by the Holy Spirit in watching a floundering couple turn to God for the strength and repair of their marriage. In that, the movie was a success.
My question, is this movie going to have any relevance in a non-believers life. It came off as completely cheesy to me. Hollywood has some crap, like every teen comedy that comes out, no plot etc. But this movie had so little character development. But if a feel good Christiany movie with very little real world relevance, is what you are looking for this is the movie.
Let's count the Real World Relevant details.

1. Marriages are tough, whether or not you are saved.
2. Issues in a marriage can come from anything, from an obsession with possessions to an obsessions for things you do not have.
3. Life makes it easy to mis-judge our priorities
4. My Favorite: The best solution to any problem is to hand it over to Jesus.

There are plenty of relevant points of application to the world. Just because it requires a person to take a step back from the typical "I know what's best for me" attitude, doesn't mean it's not relevant.
I am sure the movie did reach people in the secular world, but we just don't know it. No matter how much we try and not offend non Christians with the Gospel, there will always be people who will be offended no matter what. The Gospel is like salt, it irritates, it chaps our hide. I believe the Holy Spirit can use anything to convict someone they need to repent of their sin and turn to Jesus, including music and movies. Neither Jesus or the Apostles made the Gospel message "less Christian" to reach people. They preached the Gospel straight up. Some got saved, some rejected it. Our purpose in witnessing to non believers isn't to water down the Gospel to make it more appealing. I believe that can actually lead to false conversions because some parts of the Gospel are skipped in the preaching. Anyways, back to the topic at hand. :)

As far as the acting, it wasn't top notch. But most all of the actors were voulnteers from the Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, (except Kirk Cameron). You can't really expect them to put on a hollywood style performance. Personally, I think they did a heck of a job. And in most cases, better than Hollywood. Sony must have thought it was good enough because they are distributing the movie along with Facing the Giants and Flywheel, also produced by Sherwood Baptist Church.

To me, I don't really go for how well a person can act. A person can be the best actor in the world and a bad story line would turn me off. With Fireproof, I enjoyed the movie not because of superb acting abilities but because of the amazing faith based story. I do think the actors did an excellent job, but I was taken by the scenes in the movie, so I didn't have time to think about how well the acting was done. But like I said, these are Church members, you can't expect their acting perfomance to match those of trained professional actors.

I actually pefer movies with less acting. Sometimes, acting can be overdone in my opinion. It creates an overdramatic experience that can often seem fake or unrealistic. With Fireproof, the less acting made it seem much more realistic to me. Sure, some parts did seem more like skits, but that didn't really bother me. I was more focused on the story. :)

I am sure that Sherwood Baptist Church will only get better at making movies. They have gotten better with each movie so far. When God is truly behind something, there will be success. :amen
profreewill said:
Okay, sorry to rain on everybody's parade but. My wife rented Fireproof and we tried to watch it on Valentines day. But it was really bad. The acting was second rate (at best), the character development was non-existent. Almost everything was cheesy and how shall I say overtly Christian (in other words, it would not appeal to a secular audience, thus it would probably not have an impact on their lives.)
Are we not called to a higher standard? Can't we do better than hollywood? Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way.

I thought the technical quality was very good for a low-budget movie.

Okay, sorry to rain on everbody's parade. But, I thought the movie was garbage and queer as a Ray Boltz after-concert sleepover. Seriously, if they had used a same-sex couple, the movie would make more sense. "Hey, that's why they had no kids and didn't even think about it." "Hey, that's why the book's relationship was so effiminate and worked equally well no matter which party used the book" (remember the twist ending). "Hey, that's why the star was a pretty boy, buff firefighter." Etc.
OOOH Man..I loved that movie!! <3

I think I have seen it a million times.. (okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little..but hey, I'm in Afghanistan.. we have ALOT of time to watch movies) :)

Anyway, the scene where Kirk Cameron is kneeling by his bed praying..and the song by John Waller.. I think it's called.. while i'm waiting..or while i wait.. (one of those) is playing..

Man.. he gets me EVERY time.. that movie is so genuine and just so amazing..

I am single, not even married.. but it truly makes me realize the importance of working on my relationship with Him now, and letting Him use me to be the woman that He wants me to be.. so someday when I meet my "great, Christian guy" I will hopefully be that "great, Christian girl" that he deserves! And I'm praying for him.. :) yay