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[__ Prayer __] For a struggeling family.


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Hey everyone, I would just like to ask you if you can pray for my family. My husband recently got laid off of work and we have no source of income coming in now. To top it off, my husband does not have his legal residence in the U.S. yet. We had to put that off since we have no money for a lawyer or the application fees. So with out a SSN it is really hard for him to find work. I am also 7 months pregnant and we have 2 other children. We are going to lose our home and car and everything we have worked so hard for because we cannot make any payments. Please pray that my husband finds work some where. I would very much appreciate it. God Bless you all!
Dear Lord,

Lord we know that you own the cattle on a thousand hills and we just ask that from your great and never-fading wealth that you would provide for this family in their time of need. Lord, we understand that your provisions does not always came in the when and how we expect, but we trust it will come in the time you have ordained. Provide this family comfort through your Holy Spirit and allow them to praise you even in the midst of this storm.


I'll be sure to keep praying for you. :)
God please help this family who is struggling in their life.Please oh My LOrd only your blessings can help them,they are in need of Your Blessings and only You can save them.Send Your Angels to help this family who is in need of a good job.

Help Micaela and her husband in this trying times .Lord please forgive their mistakes and give them One More Chance in life.Please help them my Lord please help them.
lord work out the situation for them, and give the husband a job, and work out a way for him to gain citizenship. amen



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