veteran said:
Well, the Rev.13 Scripture said power over ALL nations, didn't it?
And that's what the "one world government" system is going to be about, the joining of ALL nations under its power. And the signs for its near completion are plentiful today.
Shilohsfoal said:
The word ethnos which was translated to the word nations doesnt mean the world nor does it mean lands.It means people.
If there is going to be a one world goverment then you are going to have to rewrite the entire bible.
The Hebrew word 'gowy' is used for the Gentile nations in the OT to exclude Israel (Num.23:9). Yet much of the prophecies to Israel directly involved and affected the Gentiles nations, now didn't it? In the NT sense, ethnos is ESPECIALLY about the Gentile nations! You picked a wrong point to try and push your doctrine.
The "one world government" plan, a plan that's been going on before you or I were born, aligns with the first beast given in Rev.13:1-2 about a beast kingdom covering the whole earth. If you can't see it's progress and working, it's only because you've closed your eyes, or you're helping to work in it by trying to rewrite the Book of Daniel.
Shilohsfoal said:
Rev 16;14
For they are the spirits of devils,working miracles,which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world,to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty.
Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with graeat fury to destroy,and to utterly make away many.
If there was only one goverment then there would be no kings of the earth to go to war with.There could be no kings of the east (Rev 16;12)to destroy Babylon the great and PO this king of the north.
There would be no king of the south to push at him in Daniel 11;40.There couldnt be a time of great trouble and kingdom can not rise against kingdom.
You have a huge problem ahead of you rewriting the scriptures .
You're jumping too far ahead in the prophecies of the end. You think the antichrist has been revealed to you when he has not even appeared on earth yet. Nor has the first beast system over all nations been completed yet today, but you should see it working with the joining of nations together. Even those alive back when the League of Nations began should have noticed that.
Rev 13:4
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
You've obviously missed that who can make war with the beast clause. The one world government is not complete yet today, but it's in progress. That's what you SHOULD be seeing with the United Nations plan to use Jerusalem as "the International City of Peace" (not my words, but theirs). When their false king of the world is finally setup in Jerusalem, I'm sure you won't miss that, if you're still here. And when that false king sets himself up in a temple in Jerusalem, and claims himself as God, and sets up idol worship for ALL the world to bow to, I don't think you'll miss that either.
Shilohsfoal said:
PS The only signs that are plentiful today are the signs that Iran is going to wipe the Israeli regime off the face of the earth.
How is it you've not considered how that is all part of the one world government strategy to create a believable strife and trouble on earth so they can present their solution to the deceived, their one-world pseudo messiah king?