Biblical christianity is an unfalsifiable viewpoint you say? If nothing can prove it wrong how can you know it's right?
You can't prove it wrong thats my point...They have been trying for thousands of years...
As a hypothetical situation, let's say you were living in a universe with no judeo-christian god
This has been aswered over and over again.. Ok lets say hypothetically we live in a world that has no evolutionist in it then this kind of question would not even exist.. Oh by the way someday we will....."faith"
You have to remember that man can be mistaken on anything, and that includes you. Any impression or observation you make could be a delusion, and you have to watch out for this by never cementing a belief in for the long haul. Haven't you ever thought you heard or saw or remembered something but later found out you missaw, misheard, misread, misrecalled?
Yes "man" can and has.. but not God, Jesus said believe in me and also the Father and you will be saved... He did not mention anything about evolution, but did say there is deceivers out in the world to lead you astray..To know the word of God is the best defense against this Satan filled lie.
[quote:6e7d4]Just as in evolution we have drawings of the Nebraska man form a single tooth.
So because one scientist was mistakenly wrong once and later corrected over it, no evidence from any scientist working in the field of evolution can be trusted ever again? That's not how science works[/quote:6e7d4]
well you know what if it was just one scientist that was wrong ok lets overlook that mistake, but when you have scientist over and over again telling you the same things but in a different wrapper, that sounds like somebody is wanting somebody to believe them just at their word.
[quote:6e7d4]We have the Lucy missing link, and on and on it goes jumping to conclusions or making up stories with the hope of finding facts, always saying there's tons of evidence but never showing it and closing the case.
There's plenty of evidence if you'd care to look. Would you like some sources, if you are still able to open your mind to new material for consideration?[/quote:6e7d4]
open my mind, no you mean turn my back on what I believe and have studied, just because you think its true,,, No, open you heart, stop trying to put everything in a nice neat little box. Because God will never fit in there...
Again, human infallibility plus incomplete information, we have not studied in 100% detail everything that has ever happened and never will, ensures that nothing can ever be known for 100% fact. This is why science exists, as a model and a tool to help us decide from incomplete information and possibly erring humans which theory explains a set of phenomenon best.
No one tries to prove evolution 100% without a doubt, only present evidence that fits with the model, showing its predictive capabilities and ability to structure, explain and organize biological phenomena. For example, what is the creationist explanation for the origin of hiccups?
yes thats what science so be, but its not. When science takes a leap of faith to draw a conclusion that is pure speculation, well it just became a religion..... as in "evolution" and a 4.5 billion year earth etc...
[quote:6e7d4]Men who oppose God have been trying to do just that very thing since, well since forever.
What about the theistic evolutionists?[/quote:6e7d4]
well that another can of worms, that I don't want to get into right now...later
[quote:6e7d4]Evolution just like Christianity is based mainly on faith bits and pieces of evidence
So you're now claiming that Christianity has just as shaky a standard as what you've just presented as your view on evolution? Do you really mean to demean your religion like this? Why is it so good to 'show' that evolution is a religion when you follow one too?[/quote:6e7d4]
Never said or ever will say Christianity is shaky ... your words....evolution 100% religion.. sorry but if the fact can't be proven 100% well we have a new religion...
[quote:6e7d4]will only bring us to a point and then we have to make a choice, and rely on faith. Even Jesus said have "faith." Well as for me, I will die a believing Christian, Jesus wont let me go..
You can have your faith, but faith can't decide things. For example, if two bible-believing christians make contradictory claims based on their faith alone, would you use faith or evidence and reason to distinguish which claim is the factual one?[/quote:6e7d4]
thats what faith is all about, believe in something that can't be 100% proven, but if I right "which I am, because God's word says so" then I have everything to gain... nothing to lose..
If your right, I hope I evolve into a tiger... If your wrong and you are,,, there's everything to lose for eternity..... trying reading what Jesus says,
sorry did not proof read if I misspelled words... oops