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- #41
BobRyan said:Jayls5 said:What qualitative/quantitative empirical scientific data would convince you that you are wrong about something you consider an absolute by the bible?
If the subject is atheist darwinism vs the Bible then --
1. The data for change you see would not be found in the junk-science religion that we know of today as atheist darwinism.
2. It would be something like - SHOWING that lower life forms today are in fact evolving in true darwinian saltation fashion into higher life forms. (Showing that Colin Patterson was wrong when he observed that STORIES about one thing changing into another are just STORIES easy enough to tell "but they are NOT science").
3. It would be in SHOWING that life arises "out of rocks" with two forms of proof.
a. That it CAN be ARTIFICIALLY manipulated
b. That it can be SHOWN to happen in nature.
Obviously mixing a very unlikely set of chemicals under unlikely conditions can be done to get a preciptant that is desired (Salt being made in outerspace for example). That is much different than showing that it HAPPENS in nature.
Be that as it may - you still need to artificually acheive what you claim can happen without your help at all.
If the question is "do Christians accept better Bible evidence" -- it is proven in that Catholics became Protesting-Catholics and then Lutherans and then Baptists over time.
Christians do change their views on Bible doctrine - become more correct over time.
proponent said:Neither of those assertatons are correct.
Still waiting for you to prove that assertion of yours.
In the mean time I SHOW the facts in my "Christians DO change" their beliefs by giving examples of Christians changing doctrinal views and changing from denomination A to denomination -- B
I then point to the demonstrated weakness in "actual facts" being provided by the atheist darwinist argument that would provide PROOF of the wild claims they make -- as you point out -- the proof is not showing up for some odd reason.
The question is weather or not you would believe such evidence if it arose, not weather or not such evidence is likely to arise.
As I already proved -- Christians make doctrinal changes as well as denominational changes all the time -- change to an atheist based doctrinal system is much larger -- not sure I would leap off that cliff so quickly -- but I would take "actual evidence" seriously over "the wild story telling" that even atheist darwinists like Colin Patterson admit to being "Stories easy enough to tell but they are not science".
I would accept that my perception of gravity is wrong if I found an orb with a density greater than air floating there with no explanation (propulsion, bernoulli effect (sp?)) Would you believe that the bible has false information if it was ABSOLUTELY proven
Sure -- what kind of "absolute proof" are you thinking of??
In fact it is pricisely BECAUSE the Bible is so often PROVEN to be true that I find it reliable.
I happen to like "proof".
or would you consider to believe based on faith alone?
True faith needs some evidence -- some fact -- some "reason to believe"
The "fulfilled atheist" that "needs there to be no God" and then finds in Darwin's story telling at least some kind of rationale for continuing to "believe that way" is not exercising that faith in a vaccume.
in Christ,