For those who believe they have a message to share with others

Hi again Alfred Persson

So, this video is making the point that someone will come on the scene to lead the world astray, and his name, the actual name he will be known as, will be Adonikam?
Truth has universal properties, characteristics. A demonstrably correct conclusion is always derived from the facts directly. That is known as Okham's Razor.

Scientists who can't possibly know the truth of the theories they propose, chose among them by their "elegance" meaning they followed Okham's Razor 100%.

To illustrate this, suppose we both saw someone falling from the tenth floor, outside our window and I exclaimed to you: "Wow, that guy is flying to a new location!"

Realizing how I added the "fact" humans can fly to arrive at my inelegant conclusion, you reply: "No, he is falling to his death. Gravity is irresistably causing him to fall now that nothing is beneath his feet to hold him up."

You followed Okham's razor. I did not. Even though we can't see the pavement where his descent was abrubtly stopped, everyone knows YOUR conclusion was the truth, and mine "improbable" to say the least.

John's use of the Hebrew device called a "Janus Parallelism", is "elegant." Therefore, the Antichrist's name will be "Adonikam".
Hey, I just drove in from a week in Kissimmee on vacation. Took a spill on the pickleball court (first time I ever played) and busted up my chin and shins. Ahhhh, but I digress. Do you really understand the implications of what you've written if all of that is true?

While I applaud you and do not want to dampen that issue of using the internet to reach people for Jesus. But what about those who don't use it for that purpose? And they have a tool in their hands with which they can tell anybody anywhere any video made by someone with an agenda using a system that is designed to make up something to answer a question?

I remember when AI first made a big splash in its infancy. Some attorney as I recall presented a case defense that was as sound as sound could be. But it made it before the judge and was later found to be complete fraud. While it made a provable and compelling case siting case law and other filings and pleadings. When someone went to actually look up the case... there was no such case. Then entire pleading or brief, or whatever it was, was all soundly based on cases that had never existed.

So, when we see things on YouTube, should we always trust that it is true?
An analogy for anarchy.

Catholics cleave to their magisterium and papacy precisely because Protestant exegesis hasn't produced "the one truth" everyone believes. Their apologetic hyperbole has some truth in it, "sola scriptura has spawned 25,000 denominations".

Although that vastly overstates the number of denominations, it illustrates sola scriptura has not brought consistency.

But I argue Protestant diversity is better than following a Magisterium which has nearly always been wrong. The uniformity of belief among Catholics is artificial, superficial and spiritual darkness made official.

At least we can choose according to our conscience which Protestant denomination we believe has its doctrine right, and not be forced to go against it. After all, OUR conscience will excuse or accuse us for what we believe, in the day of Judgment. And the Catholic Magisterium won't have anything to say on that day except "I'm sorry LORD!"
Hey Alfred Persson

Can you play with the voicing? I'm not crazy about the sound of that particular voice, but the info is great!
Invideo AI has many voices, accents, male and female to choose from. You gotta check it out:
I'm making a video now, Sherlock has a middle aged British voice, Watson a crusty old man British voice.

I could give both NY accents and make them female if I wanted, easy.

Some who love pronoun insanity, might approve of that.

Morning Alfred Persson

I agree with most of that and I was just making the point that we all need to understand that social media such as it is, can be used by believers to tell the truth of Jesus and I fully support any effort at that. But the ease with which you describe that anyone can pretty much post anything that teaches anything can also be used for great evil, as I think has been well proven over the last 10-15 years.
To some degree I am an anarchist. Human government is an impediment to God's governance:
I do however, disagree that human government is an impediment to God's governance. As I understand the Scriptures, and as I understand seeing how the various societies live and operate together, our being governed by other humans while on this side of the eternal destiny is approved and, in fact, instituted by the God of the Scriptures.

But it can be. And it is up to a believer, individually, to understand and accept their position of being respectful to those authorities that God Himself has established to be over us. So, I'm not such an anarchist. I trust that God has told me that they will be there and that I am to be respectful and obedient to their power over me. I generally look at Daniel and his interaction with King Nebuchadnezzar. Even though the king did not know God and did not rule according to God's authority and even once tried to put Daniel to death under the pressure of others who put him in a position to have to do it, Daniel always spoke respectfully. And except for the couple of issues where the king issued decrees that went against God's will for His people, always obeyed and was respectful to the king.
Truth has universal properties, characteristics. A demonstrably correct conclusion is always derived from the facts directly. That is known as Okham's Razor.

Scientists who can't possibly know the truth of the theories they propose, chose among them by their "elegance" meaning they followed Okham's Razor 100%.

To illustrate this, suppose we both saw someone falling from the tenth floor, outside our window and I exclaimed to you: "Wow, that guy is flying to a new location!"

Realizing how I added the "fact" humans can fly to arrive at my inelegant conclusion, you reply: "No, he is falling to his death. Gravity is irresistably causing him to fall now that nothing is beneath his feet to hold him up."

You followed Okham's razor. I did not. Even though we can't see the pavement where his descent was abrubtly stopped, everyone knows YOUR conclusion was the truth, and mine "improbable" to say the least.

John's use of the Hebrew device called a "Janus Parallelism", is "elegant." Therefore, the Antichrist's name will be "Adonikam".
Hi Alfred Persson

Ok, but what is the message of the video. What are we to glean from it that gives us wisdom and instruction about the coming one that your video seems to think will be patterned after this man Adonikam that had 666 generations? While your position may be true that there is some link between the Adonikam of Ezra's account and the link, which honestly, I haven't really been convinced there is, what does it tell us about the future events that the Scriptures don't already tell us? I mean, yes, the Scriptures tell us of the nature of this final player in the Revelation of Jesus. Your position seems to be that the Adonikam of Ezra is of a similar nature, but what does that tell us about the coming one that we don't already know? In fact, it sounds like you're taking what the Scriptures tell us about the future one and applying that to the Ezra one because I really don't see anything other than the mention of his name and his descendants to describe anything about the Adonikam of Ezra's account. All I find mentioned of the man is two accounts where he is listed as just one of the Jews who returned from the exile in two list accounts of names.

I don't find anywhere that tells us anything of the nature of the man or his family or his life.

Hi Alfred Persson

Ok, but what is the message of the video. What are we to glean from it that gives us wisdom and instruction about the coming one that your video seems to think will be patterned after this man Adonikam that had 666 generations? While your position may be true that there is some link between the Adonikam of Ezra's account and the link, which honestly, I haven't really been convinced there is, what does it tell us about the future events that the Scriptures don't already tell us? I mean, yes, the Scriptures tell us of the nature of this final player in the Revelation of Jesus. Your position seems to be that the Adonikam of Ezra is of a similar nature, but what does that tell us about the coming one that we don't already know? In fact, it sounds like you're taking what the Scriptures tell us about the future one and applying that to the Ezra one because I really don't see anything other than the mention of his name and his descendants to describe anything about the Adonikam of Ezra's account. All I find mentioned of the man is two accounts where he is listed as just one of the Jews who returned from the exile in two list accounts of names.

I don't find anywhere that tells us anything of the nature of the man or his family or his life.

You can write a book, or a paragraph. A video is usually a paragraph of information. The only information I supplied was his name Adonikam. Nothing else. If you want my position on what he will do, go to my site.
Hi Alfred Persson

Ok, but what is the message of the video. What are we to glean from it that gives us wisdom and instruction about the coming one that your video seems to think will be patterned after this man Adonikam that had 666 generations? While your position may be true that there is some link between the Adonikam of Ezra's account and the link, which honestly, I haven't really been convinced there is, what does it tell us about the future events that the Scriptures don't already tell us? I mean, yes, the Scriptures tell us of the nature of this final player in the Revelation of Jesus. Your position seems to be that the Adonikam of Ezra is of a similar nature, but what does that tell us about the coming one that we don't already know? In fact, it sounds like you're taking what the Scriptures tell us about the future one and applying that to the Ezra one because I really don't see anything other than the mention of his name and his descendants to describe anything about the Adonikam of Ezra's account. All I find mentioned of the man is two accounts where he is listed as just one of the Jews who returned from the exile in two list accounts of names.

I don't find anywhere that tells us anything of the nature of the man or his family or his life.

I apologize for not answering. I only identified the name, nothing more. I don't believe there is a connection between the two, or that one is a forerunner of the other. They just have the same name, not requiring any other connection.

Other scriptures reveal what the Antichrist will do, mostly NT scripture.

Just as people today can have the name David, without any connection with King David, so also the Antichrist name will be Adonikam. The name's meaning seems to be relevant, but as for the Bible Adonikam the Bible doesn't reveal much about him, except he certainly loved reproducing.
The name's meaning seems to be relevant, but as for the Bible Adonikam the Bible doesn't reveal much about him, except he certainly loved reproducing.
Well, according to Ezra's list, he was only 4th among 13 men whose names are mentioned. And of course, I'm pretty sure that they weren't all his direct children who are listed as his descendants. I mean, look at Parosh, he had 2,172 and that's an awfully lot of children for one man to produce and take care of in his immediate family.
I apologize for not answering. I only identified the name, nothing more. I don't believe there is a connection between the two, or that one is a forerunner of the other. They just have the same name, not requiring any other connection.

Other scriptures reveal what the Antichrist will do, mostly NT scripture.

Just as people today can have the name David, without any connection with King David, so also the Antichrist name will be Adonikam.
Well, that begs the question of 'what's the point? of your video and now you're saying that Adonikam will be his name? All based on the coincidence that some man's name listed among a geneological record says that a man had 666 descendents among a list that also shows men who had 642 and another who had 623, etc. I find that to be, at best, a fairly tenuous connection. But we'll see.
Well, according to Ezra's list, he was only 4th among 13 men whose names are mentioned. And of course, I'm pretty sure that they weren't all his direct children who are listed as his descendants. I mean, look at Parosh, he had 2,172 and that's an awfully lot of children for one man to produce and take care of in his immediate family.
Polygamy, could easily do that with enough wives. Recall, this was before entertainment existed, not much else to do. Suppose Parosh's wives had 3 kids each (a very convservative figure), he had about as many wives as King Solomon (1 Ki. 11:3). They nagged Solomon into idolatry. During a news clip about Baron Trump going to NYU one male student said, "well if he wants a woman he'll have to become a liberal". We can assume that happened to him.
Well, that begs the question of 'what's the point? of your video and now you're saying that Adonikam will be his name? All based on the coincidence that some man's name listed among a geneological record says that a man had 666 descendents among a list that also shows men who had 642 and another who had 623, etc. I find that to be, at best, a fairly tenuous connection. But we'll see.
You must reread my "elegant" defense (Post #21). I didn't base it on a conincidence at all.
You must reread my "elegant" defense (Post #21). I didn't base it on a conincidence at all.
Well, honestly, if there isn't anything to learn there about the future days in which the number 666 is said to reference someone living in the last days, then it's not really of much use to study too, deeply. Is it? And as for the claim that he will be known by the name Adonikam, then I will just look out for that name to come up with someone on the world scene. However, I'm going to keep my spiritual eyes and ears peeled for other signs also.
Hey Alfred Persson
Invideo AI has many voices, accents, male and female to choose from. You gotta check it out:
I'm making a video now, Sherlock has a middle aged British voice, Watson a crusty old man British voice.
Yeah, it's just that voice in that one doesn't sit well with my ears for some reason. And no, I'm not your target market. I'm trying my best not to become digisavvy.
Polygamy, could easily do that with enough wives. Recall, this was before entertainment existed, not much else to do. Suppose Parosh's wives had 3 kids each (a very convservative figure), he had about as many wives as King Solomon (1 Ki. 11:3). They nagged Solomon into idolatry. During a news clip about Baron Trump going to NYU one male student said, "well if he wants a woman he'll have to become a liberal". We can assume that happened to him.
Sorry friend, me thinks you mind is warped on that matter. A man would have to have relations every day to sire over 2,000 children. I've never found God's people to be such sexual rabbits. Or for God to encourage such a lifestyle.
Well, honestly, if there isn't anything to learn there about the future days in which the number 666 is said to reference someone living in the last days, then it's not really of much use to study too, deeply. Is it? And as for the claim that he will be known by the name Adonikam, then I will just look out for that name to come up with someone on the world scene. However, I'm going to keep my spiritual eyes and ears peeled for other signs also.
That would be wise. Its possible the Antichrist's birth name be something else, but when he reveals himself to be the prophesied "Son of Destruction" that he adopt the name Adonikam precisely because a Janus Parallelism proves its the name of the Antichrist.

Then looking for the name won't work. He will already be here.
Sorry friend, me thinks you mind is warped on that matter. A man would have to have relations every day to sire over 2,000 children. I've never found God's people to be such sexual rabbits. Or for God to encourage such a lifestyle.
You haven't talked to any Mormons. And Solomon is a scriptural example.
Hey Alfred Persson

Yeah, it's just that voice in that one doesn't sit well with my ears for some reason. And no, I'm not your target market. I'm trying my best not to become digisavvy.
A youtube comment also didn't like the AI voice I chose. Perhaps I'll use another in the next video.
You haven't talked to any Mormons. And Solomon is a scriptural example.
Yeah right! Could you give me the name of the mormon that has 2,000 children? I suppose you've counted up the children of Solomon and that came to near 2,000 children, did it? Okl Look, we all believe what we believe to be the truth. I imagine you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with even 50 children, but go with what you know.
Yeah right! Could you give me the name of the mormon that has 2,000 children? I suppose you've counted up the children of Solomon and that came to near 2,000 children, did it? Okl Look, we all believe what we believe to be the truth. I imagine you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with even 50 children, but go with what you know.
I think you ignore ancient history. But that's ok. I didn't say it wasn't excessive, but spawning your own army was something the patriachs wouldn't mind doing.
I think you ignore ancient history. But that's ok. I didn't say it wasn't excessive, but spawning your own army was something the patriachs wouldn't mind doing.
So you believe that a man had over 2,000 children at some time in ancient history. I can't imagine why you would say that I choose to ignore ancient history as there isn't any ancient history, beyond these numbers found in the Scriptures, to confirm what you believe. There are no records anywhere that some guy had over 2,000 children in his immediate family. Even my translation of the Scriptures titles that number as 'descendants'. I am a descendant of my great-great grandfather. I am not a child in his immediate family.