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Freedom to choose

humble soul

On Sabbatical from Rome
I have come to believe that freedom to choose a religion or faith is more important than faith. (not sure I worded that perfectly)
I can have my Christian faith but I should never act like my faith is superior to other religions or even atheism. That leads to religious arrogance.
Faith then should really be a private matter. Except for forums like this and Church.
More to come .....
Always respect freedom. look at countries like NKorea and Iran. No freedom. I think the Lord loves democracy. He loves servant style leaders. He wants us to be free.
Now during this covid you might say less democratic countries have fared better. You need strong leadership to bring the virus under control. I accept this is a fair point. Too much freedom leads to anarchy. Human beings cant be trusted to act for the better good.
Nevertheless, freedom to worship, is a different matter.
Always respect freedom. look at countries like NKorea and Iran. No freedom. I think the Lord loves democracy. He loves servant style leaders. He wants us to be free.

Salvation means to be sett free. Or in other words deliverance!
Christian faith is the path to freedom!
This is really what we are striving for as Christians!
Salvation means to be sett free. Or in other words deliverance!
Christian faith is the path to freedom!
This is really what we are striving for as Christians!
Of course.
But I am talking about it, in a broader context.
I respect your freedom to choose a Sola Scriptura Christian denominations. You respect my freedom to be Catholic. Isn't that important? To respect each other's freedom.
Of course.
But I am talking about it, in a broader context.
I respect your freedom to choose a Sola Scriptura Christian denominations. You respect my freedom to be Catholic. Isn't that important? To respect each other's freedom.

I do sir! I didn't know that you are an Catholic tho.
It's good to know you better!

Aren't you from Australia or something?
Or did I get it wrong..?

I mean no disrespect and you are actually my favoritt person in this forum, next to Tessa and a couple of the moderators so far.
Don't really care about religion. It's more the humble, sincere, honest and believing that matters to me..

Anyway... Catholicism is a strange religion to me.
Some say it's Christianity and yet it's not .
But do you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins for you an are you devoted to him as the greatest human ever. That he is the only way?
Just asking because honestly don't know.. ??
I do sir! I didn't know that you are an Catholic tho.
It's good to know you better!

Aren't you from Australia or something?
Or did I get it wrong..?

I mean no disrespect and you are actually my favoritt person in this forum, next to Tessa and a couple of the moderators so far.
Don't really care about religion. It's more the humble, sincere, honest and believing that matters to me..

Anyway... Catholicism is a strange religion to me.
Some say it's Christianity and yet it's not .
But do you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins for you an are you devoted to him as the greatest human ever. That he is the only way?
Just asking because honestly don't know.. ??
Ok you sound tolerant to me. Tolerant of my Catholicism.
I believe Jesus is the truth. The best way for me. But I won't force that on non Christians.
The decency of a person is more important than their religious label. To me.
You are nice guy Link. Welcome to the've been here a while already...?
Ok you sound tolerant to me. Tolerant of my Catholicism.
I believe Jesus is the truth. The best way for me. But I won't force that on non Christians.
The decency of a person is more important than their religious label. To me.
You are nice guy Link. Welcome to the've been here a while already...?

Thanx brother! Not so long but quite active I think.
I really appreciate the fellowship and discussions here!

Humans are much more important than their ethnicity, colour, gender, religious upbringing and so on.
These are only the surface and not chosen by anyone.
How we choose to think and act is more of individual choices!
God looks to our hearts, not our outward appearance.

I like God allot because of this fact; He is just! Makes no difference between men. Everybody is treated all the same.
I have come to believe that freedom to choose a religion or faith is more important than faith. (not sure I worded that perfectly)
I can have my Christian faith but I should never act like my faith is superior to other religions or even atheism. That leads to religious arrogance.
Faith then should really be a private matter. Except for forums like this and Church.
More to come .....

No faith should be as public as every other aspect of life.
Christianity superior to other believes, of course it is. Just about every aspect of modern life where it relates to freedom, equality and science is due to Christianity.

Am I being Arihant for stating the truth?

Take the current black lives matter,where do they get that idea from. From what philosophical idea or political idea does it come from?
Dig into it and it comes from Christianity.
I have come to believe that freedom to choose a religion or faith is more important than faith. (not sure I worded that perfectly)
I can have my Christian faith but I should never act like my faith is superior to other religions or even atheism. That leads to religious arrogance.
Faith then should really be a private matter. Except for forums like this and Church.
More to come .....

No faith should be as public as one love for sport or one's wife.
Is Christianity superior to other religions, in my biased opinion yes it is.
Why one basic fact all other beliefs require the worshipper to placate or reach the opject being worshipped.
Only Christianity says one cannot be good enough, so accept what God has done for you to save you.

That is an enormous difference, God reaching down to us to lift us up as opposed to our trying to lift ourselves up by pulling on our hair.
Superior in other ways.
Every freedom and right claimed by today's atheists is drawn from Christianity.
Freedom of believe, equality under the law and in life, respect for others the dignity of labour, importance of education etc etc etc
None of these come from ancient beliefs or legal systems or from atheism but Christianity teaches them.

You will only find freedom where Christianity flourishes and as it is wilting in the west freedom is wilting too.
No faith should be as public as every other aspect of life.
Christianity superior to other believes, of course it is. Just about every aspect of modern life where it relates to freedom, equality and science is due to Christianity.

Am I being Arihant for stating the truth?

Take the current black lives matter,where do they get that idea from. From what philosophical idea or political idea does it come from?
Dig into it and it comes from Christianity.
Actually I agree with a lot of what you say. Christianity has influenced democratic countries a lot.
We shouldn't diminish other people because of their beliefs, but we ought not be afraid to say and/or show our faith, nowadays there is a pc dictatorship saying that christianity is offensive, and other bad things, and they are not afraid of saying these things. As humble soul put it, we shouldn't act like we are superiors, but we should always act with modesty and receive those who were touched by Christ.
Salvation means to be sett free. Or in other words deliverance!
Christian faith is the path to freedom!
This is really what we are striving for as Christians!

And the truth will set you free when you place your faith in Christ Jesus. Free from tyranny, socialism, dictatorship, etc. etc. as we are no longer of this world and the principalities that try to control us.
No faith should be as public as one love for sport or one's wife.
Is Christianity superior to other religions, in my biased opinion yes it is.
Why one basic fact all other beliefs require the worshipper to placate or reach the opject being worshipped.
Only Christianity says one cannot be good enough, so accept what God has done for you to save you.

That is an enormous difference, God reaching down to us to lift us up as opposed to our trying to lift ourselves up by pulling on our hair.
Superior in other ways.
Every freedom and right claimed by today's atheists is drawn from Christianity.
Freedom of believe, equality under the law and in life, respect for others the dignity of labour, importance of education etc etc etc
None of these come from ancient beliefs or legal systems or from atheism but Christianity teaches them.

You will only find freedom where Christianity flourishes and as it is wilting in the west freedom is wilting too.

We do not flaunt our faith as deeming ourselves greater than another, but that our faith, which is Christ Jesus, we let that light of Christ within us to shine out to others in the greatest commandment that is love as we love our neighbor no matter who they are as none of us are worthy of God's grace.
I don't mean we should be ashamed to say we are Christian. In fact as we get further marginalised in this modern era, every year, we probably need to put ourselves in places that don't like us.
One example...we need to be very careful not to preach on social media. A football player here who was fundamentalist Christian announced that all gays were going to Hell. It caused huge negative reactions from many people. Personally I think it was the wrong move. Not a good look for Christians appearing judgemental...even if he was just quoting scripture. He was being arrogant imo. Not respecting other's freedom to believe differently to him. Forcing his belief ad if it was proven fact. When it is just part of what many Christians believe.
And the truth will set you free when you place your faith in Christ Jesus. Free from tyranny, socialism, dictatorship, etc. etc. as we are no longer of this world and the principalities that try to control us.

Amen! Freedom is knowing and acting on God's Word!
Well spoken! ?
One example...we need to be very careful not to preach on social media. A football player here who was fundamentalist Christian announced that all gays were going to Hell. It caused huge negative reactions from many people. Personally I think it was the wrong move. Not a good look for Christians appearing judgemental...even if he was just quoting scripture. He was being arrogant imo. Not respecting other's freedom to believe differently to him. Forcing his belief ad if it was proven fact. When it is just part of what many Christians believe.

There is nothing in the Bible that says that all gay or lesbian's will go to hell..
One example...we need to be very careful not to preach on social media. A football player here who was fundamentalist Christian announced that all gays were going to Hell. It caused huge negative reactions from many people. Personally I think it was the wrong move. Not a good look for Christians appearing judgemental...even if he was just quoting scripture. He was being arrogant imo. Not respecting other's freedom to believe differently to him. Forcing his belief ad if it was proven fact. When it is just part of what many Christians believe.

Christians are not go around judging people at all.
God is the judge..
But knowing good from bad we are to present the truth for all the people who are living in sinn, or being captivity by believing lies.
In other words save the unsaved. Nothing else..
One example...we need to be very careful not to preach on social media. A football player here who was fundamentalist Christian announced that all gays were going to Hell. It caused huge negative reactions from many people. Personally I think it was the wrong move. Not a good look for Christians appearing judgemental...even if he was just quoting scripture. He was being arrogant imo. Not respecting other's freedom to believe differently to him. Forcing his belief ad if it was proven fact. When it is just part of what many Christians believe.

Many Christians still make bad choices and claim it is their freedom of choice and it's nobodies business what they do, but yet those type of choices will only damn them in the end when they stand before God and final judgement will be made by Him. It's not up to us to judge anyone, but it is up to us in a loving caring for them manner to show them in scripture what the end results will be for that which is an abomination to God, but yet tell them it's their choice. The Holy Spirit will always give us the right words to speak.

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

God's Wrath on Unrighteousness

Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.