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Freemasonry- Can a Christian be a mason?


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I used to belong to Masonry. People were inspired by the things I did. But there are some fundamental differences between the Christian faith in the Bible and Masonry. The most dramatic difference is that applicants are investigated and must meet their rules of a good and moral person. If you don't measure up, you are not allowed in. Also one person can anomymously vote you out. He doesn't have to reveal himself but everyone gossips and figures out who it is.

But what of Jesus. Didn't he say that all are invited to come to Him? And doesn't Jesus accept us as we are? He takes all fish and cleans them.

Don't be decieved here. One can believe an any God. In fact, during one ceremony the candidate is prompted to say that he believes in God.

Actually, the whole thing from top to bottom is nothing more than a series of ceremonies. By experience, I used to take part in them but when I returned home, I was the same dead peace of meat as when I went. But Jesus cleans my heart and gives me life.

So, I would simply witness to this man about what Jesus Christ did, and is doing in your life. You know that he has no relationship with Christ, or he couldn't stay involved with Masonry. I know what I say by experience.
A carnal religious christian can certainly be a mason but a born again spirit filled christian led by the Holy spirit whose lamp is Gods word which seperates the light from darkness can clearly see that freemasonary is an instituition of satan. Let us not be decieved for satan comes as an angel of light and his ministers are ministers of righteousness.
A carnal religious christian can certainly be a mason but a born again spirit filled christian led by the Holy spirit whose lamp is Gods word which seperates the light from darkness can clearly see that freemasonary is an instituition of satan. Let us not be decieved for satan comes as an angel of light and his ministers are ministers of righteousness.

After reading this: Welcome To DOUKNOW.NET
I would agree. This is the most analytical look at Freemasonry that I have seen. It has helped me understand the TRUTH about the fact that a born again Christian can NOT have anything to do with Masonry.
I have a neighbor (we will call him Al) and good friend that has become a mason, and now his 18 year old son wants to join as well. Al says that he is a Christian, and his children attended Christian schools. I have talked to Al about his decision to become involved with Freemasonry, and that it is not good. He says that they teach that you must believe in God, and that the things they do are all about God. I find that hard to believe. What does everyone else think?

I can tell you that your friend Al ought to stay away from the Freemasons, but not for the reasons everyone else warns about them likes to hear. In a nutshell, think conspiracy ---- look up Illuminati, 13 bloodlines, etc etc. That is the world's version of what the bible calls the "Beast" and yes, even the beast will use religion. Remember, the devils believe in God and tremble according to the bible.
Carpenter is a mistranslation. What was meant was that he was that he worked with his hands. He was a skilled laborer. Most likely he worked with stone and we would know him as a Mason.

In this model jesus is said to be of the Masonic order who designed the pyramids ...
not a laborer. Messiah was educated in Egypt
like Moses
and Solomon [married pharaoh's daughter]

Initiated into a secret society of Egyptian Mysticism
this is why he dazzled the rabbis in Israel when he returned

How old was Jesus when Herod gave the order to kill the children ?
How old was Jesus when Mary and Joe brought him back from Egypt educated/initiated ?

You really hit the jackpot unknowingly here Yardstick.
Mason is the right answer
a secret cult which goes back to pre-Egyptian Sumeria
and who are master astronomers/architects/astrologers/navigators

the A [setsquare] and G in the Masonic symbol
God Amen


The real Masons design and administrate societies
the ‘’garden’’ of god's children in Eden
not a garden of dirt and bushes but of souls ...


I have to apologize. The Greek word we translate as carpenter is "tekton" which means (from Greek to Spanish, and from Spanish to English):
Professional that construct; that is: carpenter, architect, engineer, sculptor.

Long ago i had a conversation with a senior CIA agent.
He made a comment about the bible saying:

''Isn't it strange how the truth is the opposite of what is written in the bible''?

1n recent studies 1 found that the Masonic 0rder is a 'goddess worshipping' secret society ... which is what the new Messianic Judaism Christians call 'antichrist'.

A Christian colleague I am consulting with says this is all related to goddess worship, my initial investigations shows he is correct. Artemisia Vulgaris [in English this would mean "Vulgar Goddess" as Artemis [Diana] is the Chief Goddess from witch the Illuminati and Masons are derived.
The HARLOT in the bible represents exploitation and corruption, some bible scholars see
this as possibly America and/or Vatican and/or the “Banker-Cartel” which controls the world’s economy. This ***** “rides” [controls] the beast, a world empire of 6.66 billion people [2010] -[Rev 13:1, 17:1-7]. Also the goddess star Isis, Sirius, the ‘Dog Star’ and mother of mystery religion [Babylon] after which [from a source] Canaan was named [Canine meaning dog], from the dog-star Sirius/Isis the brightest star in the sky. My reading revealed that the Masonic Order from which many presidents come is actually a goddess worshipping order … other sources name this star as Satan.
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Why No Christian Should Be A Freemason!

Well for starters, Freemasonry membership requires an OATH that denies Jesus! Masons are required to address their lodge's god, a false god, as The Great Architect. Members are strictly forbidden from promoting the name of Jesus above other gods. This "Great Architect" is without a doubt, Satan. At the heart of Freemasonry is the unbiblical idea that all religions worship the same god, i.e., The Great Architect of the Universe. Christians are subtly lured into the lodge under the pretense of good intentions. Freemason leaders claim that god is so deep, omnipotent, and unsearchable that they dare not DEFINE who He is; hence, they prefer to simply address Him as "The Great Architect" instead. The major flaw with such erroneous thinking is that it is a total denial of the Word of God. The Bible clearly defines who God is--Jesus Christ!

Freemasonry Forbids Promoting Jesus Over Other gods!

The Bible clearly defines who God is - Jesus Christ! Colossians 2:9 tells us that the fulness of the GODHEAD dwelt in the body of our Lord Jesus Christ... "For in him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Again we read in 1st Timothy 3:16, "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh..." Lest you should still have any doubt, look at John 1:1-2,14... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." In Revelation 1:8 Jesus professed, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." Show that verse to any Jehovah's Witness who denies that Jesus is "Almighty" God. Likewise, Freemasonry dethrones Jesus Christ as the Almighty God of the entire universe. How wicked and sinful for any professed Christian to join an organization that forbids members from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified.

Higher Levels Kept Secret to Hide Satanic Organization

Few masons rise above the first few levels, 33rd being the highest level. At the higher levels, members are made aware of the true god of Freemasonry--Lucifer, the angel of light. Each progressive step of Freemasonry is supposed to bring with it a greater enlightenment. But why the secrecy? The word "occult" means hidden; hence, Freemasonry is definitely an occult group. What a sharp contrast from the words of Jesus in John 18:20, "Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing." What beautiful Words spoken by the Lord... IN SECRET HAVE I DONE NOTHING. Jesus had nothing to hide. Listen friend, the truth doesn't need to be hid. Any organization that wants to keep you in the dark about something is not an organization you should be involved in. Why the secrecy? If they have nothing to hide, then why are they hiding it? We are assured in 2nd Peter 1:20, "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." Beware of any false prophet, like Pat Robertson, who claims to receive unique messages from God. The same Biblical truths available to you are available to me, and vise versa. God has made His Word freely available to all mankind, and no one has a market on God.

Freemasonry is secretive for good reason, to hide their true devilish roots! Even still, a brief study of famous Freemasons reveals that some of the world's most renowned Satanists, like Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley, were Freemasons.

Soulwinning Not Allowed in Freemason Lodges

If a Christian takes seriously the Great Commission from Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, he couldn't be comfortable in any organization that forbids witnessing to unbelievers. Freemasonry is just another form of ecumenism, where each lodge member is left to fend for himself concerning what he believes. This cancels any opportunity for soulwinning. Soulwinning is directly opposed to ecumenism. Ecumenism is being united by error; but God commands us as His children to be divided over truth. Ecumenism is willing to sacrifice truth on the alter of compromise. Ecumenism is a vehicle which is headed for a one-world religion (i.e., the beast system). As Christians, we need to catch a different vehicle going the other way... riding the Word of God! Ecumenicalism teaches that there are many ways to God; BUT, in John 14:6 Jesus stated the exact opposite... "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." It's Jesus or Hell, turn or burn! Either turn to the Savior for the forgiveness of your sins, or be condemned to the Lake of Fire for all eternity without hope (John 3:16; Acts 4:10-12; Romans 10:9-13; 2nd Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 20:15).
Tragically, 37% of the Freemasonry membership in the U.S. are Southern Baptists. Is it any wonder why a Southern Baptist church recently called an ordained lesbian to be their pastor? Freemasonry is a Trojan Horse filled with Satanism.

See much more here:
Why No Christian Should Be A Freemason
On both sides of my family I have male Freemasons. It happens they are Christian. Both Catholic and Protestant. Anyone is welcome to become a Mason. Learn how to respect your faith and fellow man.
But why the secrecy? The word "occult" means hidden; hence, Freemasonry is definitely an occult group. What a sharp contrast from the words of Jesus in John 18:20, "Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing."

4ctually jesus also said

"I speak in parables [secret-code/cryptic/hidden symbols]
that only a few will understand''

though jesus spoke ''openly'' it was cryptic/hidden/oculted.

taking gods place in judgement?
thinking your interpretation makes you right?
it doesnt.


Templars went underground [into banking] they are very much active in america, and all over the world, their connection to the masonic order is important. They estblished what some refer to as the first ''world bank''
I think that would be a clue where to look for them

Ownership Chart: The Big Six
Rothschild family Wki
The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild
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Uh, the only Freemason rite I'd even entertain the notion of joining is the Swedish Rite as they only cater to Christians. If you are not an adherent Christian you cannot become a member of the Swedish Rite.

I don't think membership as a Freemason means you cannot be a Christian, but I'd suggest that it would make it a very hard.
[FONT=arial,helvatica]"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." (1 Corinthians 10:21)
You can only be one or the other, don't reject the Lord by being a Freemason.
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" (1 Timothy 4:1)
Freemasonry is a seduction and a doctrine of devils.

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvatica][SIZE=-1]"Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein." (Hebrews 13:9)
Stand firm in God's Word and not the strange teaching of certain men!

the biblical messiah says

''the divided house must fall''

indicating that such division is self-destructive and satanic

then he says he is the author of division

''think not i have come to bring peace but rather division and a sword''

here is a video by a bible scholar
very reputable
who makes clear the bible is not a reliable source

i think the above quote alone would make that clear
if not, i have nearly 400 more which should clarify
The answer to this thread is in the KJV Bible of course!

James 1:
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 4:
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

[FONT=arial,helvatica][SIZE=-1][FONT=arial,helvatica] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
The answer to this thread is in the KJV Bible of course!

James 1:
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 4:
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Sure - the average lower-degree mason is just there for the fellowship, food, and the professional networking that the group affords. What they believe or don't believe doesn't mean spit - until you start climbing the ranks - THEN you would have to get more serious and run into some conflicts.
Sure - the average lower-degree mason is just there for the fellowship, food, and the professional networking that the group affords. What they believe or don't believe doesn't mean spit - until you start climbing the ranks - THEN you would have to get more serious and run into some conflicts.

Yeah you would have to comprise your beliefs in Jesus Christ pretty soon if you want to be a freemason too. There are other false religions that operate in the same way, where the ones at the top of the religion know alot more about the organisation than those blissfully ignorant members that are cracking jokes and having buddy handshakes at the entry levels.
Yeah you would have to comprise your beliefs in Jesus Christ pretty soon if you want to be a freemason too. There are other false religions that operate in the same way, where the ones at the top of the religion know alot more about the organisation than those blissfully ignorant members that are cracking jokes and having buddy handshakes at the entry levels.
there are only three levels to freemasonry. york rite and scottish rite or the red lodge are separate from the masons. the require one to be a mason but to be a mason one need not ever be in the scottish or york rite.
there are only three levels to freemasonry. york rite and scottish rite or the red lodge are separate from the masons. the require one to be a mason but to be a mason one need not ever be in the scottish or york rite.

The three degrees of Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry are those of:

  1. Entered Apprentice – the degree of an Initiate, which makes one a Freemason;
  2. Fellow Craft – an intermediate degree, involved with learning;
  3. Master Mason – the "third degree", a necessity for participation in most aspects of Masonry.
The degrees represent stages of personal development. No Freemason is told that there is only one meaning to the allegories; as a Freemason works through the degrees and studies their lessons, he interprets them for himself, his personal interpretation being bounded only by the Constitution within which he works A common symbolic structure and universal archetypes provide a means for each Freemason to come to his own answers to life's important philosophical questions.
There is no degree of Craft Freemasonry higher than that of Master Mason Although some Masonic bodies and orders have further degrees named with higher numbers, these degrees may be considered to be supplements to the Master Mason degree rather than promotions from it. An example is the Scottish Rite, conferring degrees numbered from 4° up to 33°. It is essential to be a Master Mason in order to qualify for these further degrees. They are administered on a parallel system to Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry; within each organisation there is a system of offices, which confer rank within that degree or order alone.

Can a Christian be a Freemason?

A very good question, and depending on who is answering, their response could be anything from an adamant yes to a resounding no. Briefly I looked at some of the other responses to this thread, and I was unable to locate anyone who began their answer with the question of the definition of the term ‘Christian’ in the first place. If we define that term from the point of view of the rest of the non-Christian world, we conclude as they do that the entire nation of the United States of America is ‘Christian’; although, those of us who are born-again believers in Christ that live here in the good ole U.S. of A. would adamantly disagree. We can also define the term ‘Christian’ as anyone who is a member or who attends the Christian church of their choice, with no respect to their spiritual condition at all; that is, whether or not they are born-again believers in Christ or not. And if we choose to define the term in either of these ways, making Christianity nothing more than another mere ‘religion’ with no regard to the individual’s spiritual condition, then it becomes easy to concede that a Christian defined in this manner could be a Freemason. But if we insist as fundamentalist/conservative evangelical Christians do that being ‘Christian’ means that one is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as laid out in the Bible, then we must conclude, if we understand certain facets of Freemasonry, that it is impossible for one to be a born-again believer in Christ and a good Freemason at the same time. The very fact that one of the pieces of ‘furniture’ in every Masonic is a sacred book; in Christian lodges that book is the Holy Bible; in Jewish lodges it is the Tanakh; in Islamic lodges it is the Qur’an; in Hindu lodges it is the Vedas; this fact raises serious questions for the Bible-believing, born-again Christian who believes that the Bible is the ONLY truly sacred book, inspired, that is God-breathed, through the Holy Spirit of God, a claim that no other sacred writing in the world makes. This is one of many issues that confront the would-be ‘Christian’ Freemason.
To be perfectly honest, I fail to see why this thread is in the Christianity & Other Religions subforum. One might as well start a thread asking whether a Christian can be a member of a golf club, or be a part an arts appreciation society. I think most of the people who have posted here fail to see how vague and general the title of "freemason" is.

-the square and compasses are not usually interpreted to have anything to do with sex. Free masons are taught to "square their actions by the square of virtue", and masonic symbolism tends to be derived from the profession of stone-masonry. I think whoever suggested this was totally misunderstanding the subjectivity that is necessarily present in any metaphorical or symbolic images/descriptions.

-the presence of other "sacred" texts in specific lodges also seems rather irrelevant to me. So what if a lodge that isn't mine displays a Qu'ran? The owner of the golf club down the road to me happens to be a Muslim and displays a Qu'ran in his clubhouse, but that doesn't stop me from joining other golf clubs. Why should a different principle apply to Masonic Lodges?

-joining does not require the denial of the One True God (YHWH; Jesus Christ); one can simply join a Masonic Lodge that promotes the Bible as Holy scripture. As for not being permitted to promote Christ as "better" than the other Gods, this only applies during meetings or inside Lodges, as far as I am aware. It stems from a restriction on the discussion of individual religions... how is agreeing not to speak of our God for a specific amount of time sinful? When we go to the cinema, we give implied consent not to talk (and therefore not to talk about God); when we keep silent for one minute for memorial purposes, we give consent not to talk about God for a certain amount of time. Many professions do not allow the promotion of religion in the workplace, and yet most of us do not accuse those professions of being inherently sinful.

In short, there are no necessary aspects of Freemasonry that directly contradict what we are taught by the Bible. Freemasonry is not a religion.

Oh, and for the record, I am not a mason myself!
ok, so what does pagan rites that all masons go through and the name of a mixed god called jeshbalon have to do with christ.

if this was in the torah days men and women would die for doing just that. what does God have to do with belial.


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