Friends wanted


Jul 23, 2024
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Hello everyone, I have been married for 35 years. My wife had an affair, I felt that God wanted me to make the effort to reconcile. That Seemed to be working a little although it was very different, I was truly trying everything, but for a couple of weeks something did not feel right, so I confronted her and found out she had already began talking to a couple of guys. I was devastated and now it seems over. I have reached out to other Christian people , sought counseling, but I have no friends and find myself being very lonely. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated, I truly believe that God will see me thru this difficult time, and my prayer is that God will get me back on my feet that I might live and be godly example to others.
DannyA - Oh I am so sorry this has happened to you brother. It must have been devastating! ? 35 years is a long time. I know that God is able to take all those broken pieces and put them back together again and heal you as you press into him and give him your heart. He understands your need and will supply as you continue to move forward. He knows the beginning from the end and he knows where you're gonna be. Till then be strong and courageous and trust in him...xox
DannyA - Oh I am so sorry this has happened to you brother. It must have been devastating! ? 35 years is a long time. I know that God is able to take all those broken pieces and put them back together again and heal you as you press into him and give him your heart. He understands your need and will supply as you continue to move forward. He knows the beginning from the end and he knows where you're gonna be. Till then be strong and courageous and trust in him...xox
Thank you
I can’t imagine. But..,,
Here on earth ? friends may move own family members might disown you or lose interest and spouses might divorce you…

Jesus Christ will never leave you nor forsake you.
Sorry to hear this and that you both can not reconcile this marriage. I added man or a woman to these scriptures below as now a days it's one or the other that goes out having affairs. It's not the same as adding to scripture as it goes for both spouses IMO. Praying God will guide and direct your path :pray

1 Corinthians 7:10, Jesus commands the woman or the man not to leave her husband and if she or he does they should remain unmarried, but in Malachi 2:10-16 the treachery that man or a woman commits against a each other which leads one or the other to have an affair outside of the marriage or abuses one or the other whether it be physical or emotional gives place to what was said by Moses in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 that if a woman or a man is no longer pleasing to the other then the husband or wife should give his wife or husband a written bill of divorcement and send them out of the house and this gives the woman or the man the right to marry again, but they can never go back to the former spouse if that marriage does not work out or her husband or wife dies for now he or she is defiled to be with their first husband or wife and this is an abomination to God.

For a good marriage to work one should study 2 Corinthians 6:14 be ye not unequally yoked together with non-believers for what fellowship hath righteous with unrighteous, and what communion has light with darkness. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you need to choose a mate that also believes in the faith of Christ. In some marriages people do not enter into a relationship with Christ being the center of it, but maybe one of them come to know the Lord and the other one refuses to have that personal relationship with Christ then we go back to what 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 says. If the unbelieving partner leaves the believing partner then this frees the believing partner from the bondage of the vows of marriage and they are free to marry again.