TJ-Jesus Saves
Hello everyone! I guess since I'm a new member, it is only right for me to introduce myself, and hopefully make new friends through Jesus Christ our Savior. I am 18, formally atheist. I decided to give Jesus a shot. I read the Holy Bible, and was amazed at the power that it had over me. I felt like a presence of peace was flowing throughout my body, and i have never been happier since. I gave my life to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Now life makes perfect sense. I battle with depression, and many other things. But all of that has changed now that I am saved my Christ. I never understood the meaning of "born again", until i was actually born again! Because that is exactly what it feels like. So I started at the New Testament at Matthew, and now i am at 1 Thessalonians. It has been just a few weeks since i went from Matthew to where i am at now, and in only these few weeks my life has transformed, and i can't seem to stop reading God's Word. I use NKJV, since i could not understand the KJV. But I'm hoping to make new friends through Christ, new friends that can help me along my journey of following in His footsteps, and anyone who can help give any advice to me when needed, and i will do the same for you! (: Thank you for anyone who is reading this, thanks to anyone who will reply, and God bless you all for your kindness. I pray that whatever struggles i go through, i will find help from you fellow Christians! In Jesus name. Amen. :D