Gary said:
Yes, I understand what you are saying. Does it make sense? Not at all. You have repeated it several times in different ways. However, you have still not answered the question. Why do you spend hours and hours online writing responses and debating and interacting with people you consider, in general, to have no qualities you desire and people you believe " not display any qualities that would make me stop and take notice"? Those are your words. You have not explained why, by CHOICE, you spend time with us and the many Christians here on this forum.
I have often asked my self that question. The only explanation I have is that I enjoy the debate. I also spend time at an ex christian forum. I hope that satisfies your seemingly intense curiosity about why I visit this forum. I don't go to church. My experience there tells me that most in attendance are not interested in a dialogue. Even when I was a believer I enjoyed debating with those from different denominations. I consider it a hobby.
Gary said:
through the ages there have been thousands of examples of Christians with more compassionate toward their family, friends, and fellow human beings than atheists. That is a fact."
bob said:
Unfortunately, you do not know that as a fact, for you are apparently unaware of any atheist contemporaries of your "hero's of the faith". Your fact is merely an opinion.
Gary said:
Wrong again. Fortunately, I have shown you "facts". I have listed several books which document the lives of HUNDREDS of Christians that I admire. So far you have not produced a SINGLE rebuttal neither have you listed your "hero's" of atheism. Why not try do that?
I may have misunderstood your initial post. Are you saying that christians are
more compassionate, or are you saying that there is
more documentation about christian compassion. If it is the latter, you would be correct in your statement about it being a fact. If it is the former, you would have no facts, therefore would not be able to make a factual statement comparing the compassion level between christians and atheists.
Gary said:
Why not list a few of the books that you have read about them? Let's compare notes. Let's see if any exhibit "qualities" that you may find attractive. OK?
I am not saying that these people did not have good qualities. But most of the books I have read about these christians is so tied to their evangelism, or their faith. Richard Warmbrand had incredible faith that sustained him for something like 14 years in a Romanian prison (it has been years since I read "In Gods Underground" so I may be incorrect on these facts). He may still be alive, but I think he was in prison back in the 50's. I think he was one of the few ever to come out alive. I wept as I read of his faith. It was an incredibly moving story. But he was one man, and I never met him.
I have a list of 12 names in the front of my old Scofield bible. I have had the bible since about 1980. These names are of christians who made an impact on my life when I was a christian. I looked up to them. They were my spiritual leaders when I was young in the faith. There are 10 men and 2 women. As I look at the list now, remembering things they said or attitudes they displayed, I can easily scratch off 9 of the 12 people. I can now see that they were not what I or they made them out to be. Some were selfish, thought more of themselves than they should. Some were far to closed minded for my taste, not willing to even consider another possible meaning to a verse or passage of scripture.
All that is left on my list is 1 man and both women. But when I strip away the faith, all that is left is just nice people who cared for me.
So I guess my question to you would be, if these people you mentioned had no ministry, but were just nice christians, would you be reading about them? My guess is no. What makes them hero's of the faith is the impact their ministry had. Nothing wrong with that. It just doesn't impress me.
Gary said:
There are hundreds and hundreds of still-living Christians that I would try and emulate before those you mention. Are you also trying to suggest that history will re-write the story about people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson? Why would the same not be true for your atheist "hero's"?
Not at all. What I am saying is that I have listened to these men. I have watched them in action. I am sure their followers love them. I just see something very different than their followers see. I see men who want to limit the freedoms of those they disagree with or consider "sinners". I see men who have built vast empires and made millions off of their followers. I see men who posses such incredible influence over millions of people, and that scares me. I am sure there will be numerous books about these men. How accurate or revealing they are will depend on the author.
Gary said:
Bob, I have already shown you how illogical your conclusion is. Why do you spend time with and be part of a group of people you believe treat you badly? As an atheist, your actions and use of time is questionable and illogical.
You have not shown me anything at all concerning my conclusions. All you have shown me is that you don't understand why I am the way I am. And gee dad, I'll try to make better use of my time.
Gary said:
(P.S. How do you know that the person in front of you in the grocery store is a Christian?)
How would you know the person in front of you at the grocery store was a christian? Think....perhaps you actually
know them...?
Gary said:
Bob: Gary Bee, I had been here only a week when a christian called me an idiot.
Gary: That is not long ago. Please point me to that post. It is obviously something which is discouraged here and not the norm. As all posts are logged, it sould be easy to find. Why not prove your statement?
I have looked. Unfortunately when I look at the list of my previous posts, it does not show the entire post, just a portion of it. I have to click on each post to see where it is. I'm not willing to do that to prove to you that a christian called me an idiot. If you don't believe me, then just ignore it. I have seen a couple other christians get warnings from the mods about their language (cursing). But again, no proof is necessary. Either you believe me or you don't.