I first believed in our Lord when I was 14...back in '73. I was brought in through a move of the Spirit called, "The Jesus People." Due to mental (major depression) and physical (spinal chord injury, Lupus) disabilities, I've been on a medical disability pension for most of my life.
Two years ago, the Lord revealed to me that I was a descendent of Levi, son of Israel/Jacob. So I guess that means I'm a Jew. This may not seem like a big deal to most, but it is transforming my view of myself.
For 3 glorious years, back in the '90s, I was blessed to be a Vineyard worship leader in the southern Ontario move of the Holy Spirit, sometimes known as, "The Toronto Blessing."
Since I got ill 20 years ago, I haven't been active in the church.
I look forward to being a contributing member of this community. Shalom.