In the Scriptures it states that the heavens cannot be measured and the host of heaven cannot be counted (Jer. 31:37; 33:22-25). If this is true then the material universe is vast beyond conception, and as God has existed from all eternity, "In the Beginning was the Word etc.," (John 1:1), and "In the beginning God created, etc., (Gen. 1:1), it is hard to concieve that He only decided a few millenniums ago to do something.
No, it is easy.
In answer to this question the Bible tells us that, "In the beginning [literally, by periods or ages] God created the heaven [Hebrew, heavens] and the earth," it does not say "Six thousand years ago God created the heavens and the earth," as is generally taught by man.
It does say how long Adam lived, and his descendants, however, and the info can be, and has been pieced together. Some people can count. The numbers, within a small margin of interpretation, are young earth.
Does anyone know just when the beginning was?
I do.
If anyone does know, then they know more than God as revealed.
No, creation week is revealed quite well. No need to imagine gaps for no apparent reason.
If no one knows just when the beginning was then it stands to reason that we just do not know and therefore, we should not teach that the beginning was 6,000 years ago. As far as any man knows it could have been six billion years ago.
The beginning of our universe is the beginning we are concerned with. That is known.
When we speak of the six days and the creation of the present life in Earth, we can speak with definate authority that it was 6,000 years ago. This can be seen by the lengths of the various dispensations since Adam.
Thank you, now, I hope the poster that tried to cast doubt on that is reading this.
Some teachers use Exodus 20:8-11; 31:17 to prove that the heavens and the Earth were created in the six days of Gen. 1:3-2:25, and therefore, that they were created about 6,000 years ago.
However, nothing is said of the original creation of the heavens and the Earth in these passages. In these Scriptures the Hebrew, asah, meaning to make out of already existing material, is used instead of the word bara, to creat. These verses picture the re-creation work of the six days, and not the original creation "In the beginning." Asah never means to create.
The beginning was on the first day.
1 In the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were
the first day.
Undoubtedly, God created and made the different parts of the material universe and each thing therein,
Nope. I doubt there was a material universe! I think it was spiritual and physical. Otherwise it could not last forever, nor could Adam.
using the same care as in the six days when He restored the planet Earth to a habitable state and made a new order of Earth creatures, after its destruction and ruin caused by the first war ever fought.
This war was a cataclismic battle between God and Satan, when Lucifer invaded Heaven to cast God out.
Fantasy, that this happened on day 1 of creation.
Satan was defeated and cast back down to the Earth, as is written in Isa. 14:12-14; Luke 10:18.
I see, so when he gets the boot in revelations, in the end time, is that because he forced his way back into heaven? Get serious.
This war was fought long before the days of Adam, for Lucifer was already a fallen creature when he came into Adams Eden.
Prove it. Even if that is true, long before does not mean day 1.
For an unknown period, there was an original social system on this Earth ruled by Lucifer as proved in (Isa. 14:12-14; 45:18; Jer. 4:23-26; Ezek. 28:11-17; 2 Pet. 3:5-7).
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished..
Why was not this the flood?
Along with this origional social system there were land animals, birds, fish, and other creatures created, and they were destroyed in the flood of Gen. 1:2; Ps. 104:5-9; 2 Pet. 3:5-7.
There was a flood, yes. So?
It is to this period that all fossils and remains of animals belong, as well as geological formations of the Earth.
Fossils, as I read the evidence are largely from before the flood. So?
Between these original creation's of God, "In the beginning' and the creations of the six days, is revealed the rule of Lucifer on the earth for an unknown period, his rebellion against God, the Earth's first sinful career, the defeat of Lucifer by God, and the overthrow of his kingdom by the first recorded flood on the earth in Gen. 1:2. Lucifer was the first ruler on the earth and he already had his period of Earth rule and his fall by the time of Adam.
In the work of the six days, it is stated that God with His hands FORMED each of the living creatures and man out of the dust of the ground (Gen. 1:20-27; 2:7-25; Job 26:13; Rom. 9:20; 1 Tim. 2:13). It is not only clear that God created the heavens and the Earth and all things "In the beginning," or each in its own period, but it is also clear the God FORMED all things with His hands. God formed both light anddarkness (Isa. 24:7). He did not do this on the first day of Gen 1:3-5, for at that time He merely DIVIDED them.
Nope, first He made the light.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Then it was divided.
Therefore THEY MUST HAVE BEEN CREATED AND FORMED before the first day.
No, it is in the list of things done on the first day.
It is also stated that God with His hands FORMED the Earth (Ps. 8:3, 6; 90:2; 95:5); the heavens (Ps. 8:3; 9:1; 102:25; Isa. 40:12; the planets (Ps.8:3; Isa. 40:26; 45:12; 48:13; Heb. 1:10) and all things (Prov. 26:10). From a study of all these Scriptures and those on the creation af all things, it is clear that by the Word of God the materials were brought into existence, and then by His hands God formed the materials into the various parts of the universe. That is, as God spoke, the materials came into existence and as fast as they materialized He used them to form all things with His hands. (Ps. 8:3; 2 Pet. 3:3-9; Prov. 26:10).
So? No one says that as fast as they were made, He played play dough with it. Man wasn't formed till day 6. That means it was not as fast as materials were formed.
Judging from what was done by God in six days, it took God a long time to originnaly create or bring into existence the material and use it to form with His hands each sun, moon, star, planet, and each creature that inhabits the vast endless universe.
Nonsense. Besides, there are three persons in the Godhead, no? Maybe Jesus was the Hands on Man.
God took one day to merly divide the light from the darkness on this little planet Earth. How much time He originally took to bring into existence all the light and darkness of the entire universe is not known, but evidently He took a longer time than one day.
That is fantasy.
He naturally took a much longer period to originally creat and form each inhabitant of the vast heavens
What there are aliens in your theory now?
and the many animals and inhabitants who originally lived on the Earth during Lucifer's kingdom, long before the chaos of Gen 1:2 and the six days of Gen.1:3-2-25.
In other words, if God took six days to restore one little planet to a habitable state and form new inhabitants for the earth, He would naturally take a much longer time to originally create and form with His hands the vast universe with all of its innumerable suns and planets along with their inhabitants.
I think we get the gist of your story, that doesn't help it any.
"Therefore rejoice ye heavens, AND YE THAT DWELL IN THEM. (Rev. 12:12). "Therefore rejoice ye heavens, AND YE THAT DWELL IN THEM, But woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
So???? The punk will be mad as a wet hornet in the end time, tough. He will have to get over it, we are going to clean his clock.
Read this Scripture for yourself in any Bible:
"For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the Earth and made it, He created it not in vain, He created it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is no one else" (Isiah 45:18).
Yes, He wanted it inhabited, and it will be. Multiplication is the name of the game.
If there are no inhabitants throughout the universe, then this Scripture also is meaningless?
Nope. There will be one day, we have a lot of mutlipying to do. Besides, in the spiritual universe, separate at the moment,there are untold millions, or billions, or sextillions, already alive and well. In the physical only universe, that is a temporary state, why, I would be surprised if there were many.