In verses 6 & 7 of Chapter 25 of Matt. It says, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.“
I believe that in the past 50 years or so the “hour of midnight†has struck. The cry has been sounding forth to GO OUT TO MEET THE COMING OF THE LORD. The cry has gone forth that the Lord IS coming. Present, progressive tense. He IS coming. He is NOW COMING in a progressive revelation of his purposes, His ways, His glory and His Grace. Yes, He is certainly going to make an actual, personal, full appearance, but not until the progressive revelation of His Glory has changed us “from glory to glory into His image.â€Â
The Lord is not going to blast us with a sudden appearance and shining forth of the fullness of His Glory. No. He wants us to GO OUT TO MEET HIM. Only those who have “slept†and continued to walk in darkness (outside of the Holy Spirit), and only those who have continued in the futilities of man-made denominationalism and worldliness will be blasted and “caught unawares†(1 Thes. 5:1-8).
But, now is the time when He IS COMING IN INCREASING MEASURES OF REVELATION AND GRACE (1 Pet. 1:13) to shine in us “to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory†(II Cor. 3:18 & 4:6).
This transformation of our lives into His image and likeness is to MEET the shining forth of His “progressive appearing†and, eventually, His full appearing, at which time the Body of Christ will shine forth in the Fullness of the Holy Spirit. (The Lord’s descent is actually causing our ascent.)
Then the Body will meet the Head, and there you have the revealing of the many-membered Son of Man... “with the angels of God ascending and descending upon Him†(Gen. 28:12 & Jn. 1:51).
In the “revealing of the Son of Man†(Luke 17:30) the “full measure of the stature of Christ†will be the many-membered body of Christ, joined with the Head, with His feet on the earth and His head reaching to the heavens. And this is how “every eye shall behold Himâ€Â. Oh Glory! Let the Spirit reveal it - for He is surely bringing it to pass.
"Yes, and would you be part of this revealing or will you be of those that stand back and marvel in unbelief? Go ye out to meet Him, saith the Lord, and you shall be in the very midst of His brightness and glory. Yes, saith the Lord, ye are, in fact, a very integral part of My Power and Coming."
But now there must be a GOING OUT, a COMING OUT of all manmade systems and the things of the world so that out hearts and lives are positioned to “meet†the shining forth of His progressive revelation and grace.
Surely, it is “lamp trimming timeâ€Â. Time to begin seriously examining our belief structure and the conduct of our lives. We are to be “trimmed†of all the unnecessary, futile ways of this world - with all of its deception and sin. But, while it is one thing to have our “wicks†trimmed, it is quite another to then have the “oil†to Light the wick. So we need continual sanctification along with the fresh illumination of the Holy Spirit.
The 5 wise virgins are those that had the fresh (present Truth) flow, supply and anointing of the Holy Spirit. The “oil†represents the Anointing, which gives fresh illumination to the Word of God. Obviously the “oil†in these “lamps†of Matt. 25, concerning the ten virgins, is what gave illumination for the burning light.
The 5 wise virgins had the Anointing and fresh illumination of the Holy Spirit to grow with the progressive revelation of Jesus Christ, and to behold His Glory. These were the ones who were open and yielded to the Prophetic unveiling of the Scriptures, as God was actually speaking and dealing with individuals and His body - in the present, progressive unfolding of His purposes.
The 5 wise virgins were the ones who remained humble and dependent upon the pure and true Lordship of the Holy Spirit. They were positioned for the Grace that would allow their lives to be transformed into His Likeness. They went out to meet Him (with oil), “outside the camp,†where they could remain in the liberty and light of the Holy Spirit and grow with the progressive revelation of His Glory.
And then verse 10 of Matt. 25 says, “And they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage.†They that had allowed themselves to be transformed by the increasing knowledge of Him (Col. 3:10) and the dealings of His Spirit were ready TO BE FULLY JOINED AND MADE ONE WITH HIM IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM - when His actual full appearance came (1 Cor. 13:12 & 1 Jn. 3:2).
So it is a “progressive meeting†of body-glory to Head-glory. His Word will not return Unto Him void. The Word in us is to bring to the Head a completed, mature Body - full of His Glory of virtue.
Matt. 25:10 “... and then the door was shut.†The door to further revelation and grace was shut. Oh, to be “watching & waiting,†sensitive and alert to His returning.
It says further in Luke 12:36, “And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when He will return from the wedding; that when He comes and knocks, THEY MAY OPEN TO HIM IMMEDIATELY.â€Â
Yes, as we come out of all hindering, opposing forces of this world, the flesh and false religion - we will be “walking in the light as He is in the Light,†having a readiness and willingness to receive, understand and be fruitful in the knowledge of His glory.
Now is the time when He is “making us sit down to MEAT†(Luke 12:37), so that we will be ready to meet Him in the fullness of His glory. We are being fed the “hidden manna†and meat of Gods’ Word (partaking of Him) to be finally made one with Him in Glory, Power and Authority...caught up to the Throne! (Rev. 12:5 & 1Thes. 4:17).
We are going out to meet Him as we continue growing and being established by the fresh rivers of the Holy Spirit, as we are faithful stewards in “giving others Meat in due season†(Matt. 24:45, 46), and as we progressively come out of the world (1Jn. 2:15-17) to busy ourselves with the purposes of Gods’ Kingdom, through the effectual measure of the Holy Spirit that has been entrusted to us.
II Cor. 1:21 & 22 “Now he which stabisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.â€Â
II Cor. 5:5 “Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.â€Â
Trees of Righteousness, the planting of Lord...
Planted by the rivers of Living water.
Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way
of Understanding.
Understanding is a well-spring of Life unto him
that hath it, but the instruction of fools is folly.
He that goeth out of the way of Understanding, shall
remain in the congregation of the dead.
The wise shall inherit glory; but shame shall be
the promotion of fools.