On a separate but related note, let's take the case of clean and unclean foods. Why did God have to pass laws on these? We find the answer in Lev 11:44-47 - that we may be taught the difference between clean and unclean in order to appreciate holiness. For the uninitiated, being "holy" is not exactly the same as being "righteous" - to be "holy" is to be "set apart". When God commands us to be holy, we are to set ourselves apart unto God - from the world and its ways. It stands for the very concept of differentiation - differentiating between clean and unclean. So we see here, that God uses the physical to lay grounds for the spiritual teachings. He builds physical-world, shadow-of-things-to-come models to teach us the real, spiritual truths.
The same can be said about the exodus. God sends a prophet Moses to lead His people from slavery in Egypt to the promised land. Then He prophesies that a Prophet like Moses will come. So we see this common pattern - that this Israelite exodus is a physical-world occurrence that is a shadow-of-things-to-come. The real-thing itself is Jesus Christ, the Prophet like Moses, leading God's people from slavery in sin and death into the promised Kingdom of God - all part of the spiritual reality.
Likewise with the OT temple. It is built cubit by cubit under God's instructions and is meant to be the place where God dwells. And yet God thunders if anything man-made could contain Him(Acts 7:48-49). Is it not too a shadow-of-things-to-come where the real temple is Christ's church, being built cubit by cubit under God's instructions and by God - and is where God dwells eternally(Eph 2:20-22).
Going back to the clean/unclean food laws, God in Acts 10 seemingly reverses them, saying we must not call as unclean what God has cleansed. Is this a change of God's character - absolutely not. Is He going back on something He first instructed, as if He made a mistake the first time around and is correcting it now - absolutely not. This is God's transition at the coming of Christ from the physical, shadow-of-things-to-come to the real, spiritual truths. It is progression, not reversal. He does not want to take away what the physical model stands for - He just wants to replace the model with the real thing.
So while we see Him telling us that the physical food in itself need no longer be distinguished as clean or unclean, we still ought to hold on to the spiritual truths taught there in how we ought to be holy or set apart unto the clean things and away from the unclean things - where clean and unclean take a spiritual context now, as was always meant to be.
The same could be said of the jew-gentile physical-world model. According to the flesh, these represented the clean-unclean divide and those of God are to be holy unto Him. But this is only a shadow-of-things-to-come model. When Christ came, it was time for the real-thing. God taught this very important lesson to Peter using the food laws - that we no longer ought to distinguish between men as clean or unclean according to the flesh, though we do have to hold on to the spiritual truths. The physical model is replaced - but with the spiritual reality. So, while we no longer differentiate according to the flesh as clean or unclean, as jew or gentile, we are supposed to do so in the spirit. We are to be spiritual jews and not spiritual gentiles. This spiritual truth cannot be thrown away along with the physical shadow model.
Following this pattern, if I'm looking unto a spiritual truth, I will look back in the OT to a physical shadow so that I may better understand this spiritual reality. Given this pattern, if you take away the physical shadow under the guise of it being merely allegorical or symbolical, then this pattern that God has built up breaks. Likewise, if you dismiss the OT message itself just because the model has been replaced, then you have no message now - for the NT does not come to do away with the OT message, it rather has come to fulfill that model. All these models derive their fulfillment only when the real-thing comes - and Christ has come - to give the real spiritual truth by transitioning and progressing into the things of the Spirit, through retaining all the truths built up back there in those physical models.
Would you disagree with anything I've said so far in this post? If so, we can discuss them and if not, we could then proceed to the root issues of this thread...